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Every Sale Starts With a Lead

You want more sales, right? Then you need more leads. Unlock a complete lead generation platform to collect unlimited leads, manage your contacts, and turn interested prospects into paying customers.

man smiling with a list of leads and email addresses and the follow-up lead magnet that will be sent to them

Build trust with your audience

People buy from those they trust. Use Leadpages to gather a list of potential customers who are interested in your brand (known as leads). Once someone is on your email list, build a relationship with them and guide them toward the sale.

interface showing Leadpages' leads library

Easily manage all your leads in one place

Forget about those clunky spreadsheets—search, filter, and manage your leads right inside the Leads Library. Need even more lead management tools? Seamlessly integrate your Leadpages account with your favorite CRM platform.

customizable form fields in Leadpages interface

Lead gen forms for every goal

No need to mess around with coding or complicated tech. Just drag and drop your form onto your landing page, customize the fields, connect it to your email marketing platform, and you’re good to go.

leadpages form set to auto-deliver lead magnet to new leads

Grow your email list with downloadable content

Content that requires an email to access it (known as a lead magnet) is the number one way to grow your email list. Upload checklists, PDFs, ebooks, and other lead magnets to your Leadpages account, then deliver them to your audience where they want it, when they want it.


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woman receiving lead-notifications to her email inbox

Instant notifications

Time is money, which is why we send you a notification the moment you get a new lead. That way you can reach out while your brand is still top of mind and start working on the sale.

Get Started Today

Start generating leads today

Try Leadpages free for 14 days and discover all the potential customers you didn’t know you had.