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An Easier Way to Grow Your Leads

Forget complicated software and signing up for multiple solutions. Everything you need to generate leads and sales is right here—and it’s so easy ANYONE can use it.

More leads = more sales

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Launch your page
Build landing pages and websites in minutes, without any pesky coding or complicated tech.
collect quality leads icon
Get your first lead
Direct traffic to your pages, kick your feet up, and enjoy conversion rates that are 3x better than the industry average.
sell products & services icon
Close the sale
Educate your leads and show them why they need your brand, then send them to your sales page and collect payment.
optimize & grow icon
Optimize & grow
Check up on your performance with real-time tracking and run unlimited split tests to maximize your results.

250+ conversion-optimized templates

Tired of tinkering with web pages for days or even weeks, only to have them never look right? Gain access to an extensive library of agency-quality website and landing page templates. Every template is plug-and-play, mobile-friendly, and optimized for conversions.

View Templates

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professional leadpages website template to generate leads
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Comment, Collaborate, Convert
Get your marketing team on the same page. Leave feedback inside Leadpages and stay connected with your teammates and contractors.
Leadpages Landing page and website builder interface with widgets and AI headline generator writing assistant

Lead-generating landing pages and websites

Customize your look with the Drag & Drop Builder, instantly generate text and images with AI technology, and watch your business grow.

leadpages forms, leads list and lead magnet delivery interface

An easier way to find leads

Connect to a platform that’s built to generate leads (it’s in our name). Easily add opt-in forms to any page, deliver lead generating content to your audience, and manage all your leads right from your Leadpages account.

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We play nice with your favorite marketing tools

Leadpages is all you need to generate leads and grow your business—but we understand you need more tools as your business grows. Seamlessly integrate your account with Mailchimp, Hubspot, Hotjar, Shopify, and more.

Become a marketing wiz

Make the most of your Leadpages account by teaming up with our lead generation experts. Receive endless resources, get personalized training, and gain exclusive access to our industry-leading support.


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Take your business to the next level

Your customers are waiting for you—start your 14-day free trial to find them.