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[Download] 10 Free Stock Images To Boost Engagement On Your Landing Pages

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 21, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
[Download] 10 Free Stock Images To Boost Engagement On Your Landing Pages

[cta-box] Transcript: Jeff Wenberg: Its' no secret that the new trend emerging in landing page design, is the use of big, prominent, high resolution images. Big companies like Stripe feature this large header image on their homepage. Same with companies like Lift, Salesforce, and Evernote. We found adding images like this to our landing pages increases their effectiveness as well. For example, our modern webinar page features a very prominent image front and center on the page. I love how sleek and professional it looks, and it's not just me talking either. When sorting by average conversion rate inside of LeadPages, you can see this template is one of the ten highest converting pages across many thousands of users. Here to tell you more about why these types of images can have such a dramatic impact on the performance of your pages is the guy that's usually behind the camera. Video expert Jack Anderson. Jack Anderson: While studying animation in college, the very first thing we learned was the importance of visual storytelling. That concept isn't limited to just film making. Visual storytelling is essential any time you need to engage with an audience, like on a landing page. They say an image is worth a thousand words, and it's true. Once single compelling image can set the stage and wrap an entire story around your offer. It can establish mood, reinforce your brand, and give your offer context. Look how much is communicated simply by changing the background image and colors on this landing page. We have found time and time again, that well-chosen, high quality images will improve conversion rates. In turn, growing your business by capturing more high quality leads and driving more sales. Jeff Wenberg: The problem is finding these images can be really difficult. It's time-consuming to browse through image sites to find images that don't have licensing restrictions. It's expensive to buy stock photos, and it takes a designer's eye to find images that are intriguing, but not a distraction. Not to mention the work required to properly scale, crop, and optimize an image for use in a particular landing page. Because great image and template designs can have such an impact on your landing pages, we curated ten dramatic, high quality images that you can use with our modern webinar template. Or if you would like to use them elsewhere, you can use them licence free anywhere you want. We also have an awesome PDF that suggests colors to use on your landing pages, that compliment the images. If you are a LeadPages customer, these images are already pre-installed inside the modern webinars image library. Just click on the background image banner button and select one of the new images. Notice how much of the mood and theme on the page can change depending on the image. Click the styles tab to change the colors on the page. You can download the PDF cheat sheet below, which will give you awesome color suggestions to compliment the images. Just copy and paste these color codes into the corresponding sections, and you can see it's instantly updated on the template. These images also look awesome on your phone too, because all of our templates are mobile responsive. If you are not a LeadPages customer, or if you would just like to download the image files and hex codes, you can just click the button below this video and download all ten high quality images, the modern webinar template files, and the PDF of colors scheme suggestions right now. They are copyright free, and you can use them however you like. These images and templates are yours free, and there is no catch or obligation to buy. I can tell you that you will save a tonne of time, and hundreds, or even thousands of dollars in implementation and deployment costs by using LeadPages. As a LeadPages customer, you will be able to choose from a huge library of beautifully designed and proven effective templates, that you can then customize and publish within minutes, without ever having to touch a line of code. Just head to www.leadpages.com and click on the button below the video to get LeadPages. If you are unsure which plan to go with, we recommend the Pro Annual Plan as it comes with the majority of the features we have, allows for split testing your LeadPages, and LeadBoxes, and is 40% less than paying monthly. All of our plans come with a 30 day guarantee. Join us at the Pro Level today. I'm Jeff Wenberg, enjoy these images.

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By The Leadpages Team
[Download] 10 Free Stock Images To Boost Engagement On Your Landing Pages
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