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Change Your Background... Change Your Response by 39.5%?

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Nov 28, 2013  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

By Kat Von Rohr, Writer for LeadPages [caption id="attachment_2133" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

The Control resized version

The control in this A/B split test featured the traditional LeadPages background on this Basic Centered Squeeze Page.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2135" align="aligncenter" width="620"]

Same Basic Centered Squeeze Page, but this custom background boosted response by 39.5%.

Same Basic Centered Squeeze Page, but this custom background boosted response by 39.5%.[/caption] 30 seconds flat. That’s how it long it takes to switch your background on a LeadPages template. But this 30-second change has proven very profitable for our LeadPages users recently. Take Evelyn van der Harst for example. Earlier this month, this LeadPages customer ran an A/B split test for My Top Tier Business to see if simply swapping out the background on this page would improve her conversions. This minor tweak boosted her response by 39.5%. (From 24.97% up to 34.85%). You can see the winning background above.

The Story Behind This Test

If you’re already a LeadPages customer, you probably recognize this template as the Basic Centered Squeeze Page from inside LeadPages. Actually, the control page for this split test featured the traditional LeadPages background for this template. Generally our LeadPages graphics tend to win in A/B split tests. Not bragging here - it’s simply a fact because we test and re-test our images and layouts before new templates go live. But as you can see, that’s not always the case. This test proved that. When setting up this test, the team at My Top Tier Business hypothesized that showing high-energy people in the background would dominate over the calm landscape background for their specific audience. With a 39% boost in response -- so far, they’re right. As of right now, they’re continuing to test to ensure this stays true going forward. As I mentioned last week, you can set up a similar test yourself if you're a pro LeadPages customer. You can check out our video for step-by-step instructions on how to start split-testing right now. A big thanks to the team at My Top Tier Business for giving us permission to publish this split-test. To learn more, visit www.mytoptierbusiness.com.

“Take A/B Split Tests - With a Grain of Salt?”

Before I get out of here, I want to address a comment that a reader posted about split-testing here last week. It was something that I’ve seen on many posts in the conversion and analytics space before. I’m paraphrasing here. But the basic gist was: “You should always take A/B split test results with a grain of salt.” Here’s my take on this… I 100% agree that not every split test result that I show here on the blog -- or anyone posts on other blogs -- will work the exact same way in your business. In fact, the odds are about 50/50 that your audience will -- surprise! -- do the exact opposite. So why even look at case studies of A/B split tests? Why bother split-testing at all? It’s simple. The fact is: You have no idea what will work for your individual audience until you start testing. The more tests you run, the more you build up competitive intelligence about your own business, and your customers. If pointing out a specific test here inspires you to try split-testing, and you find something that works with your audience -- then I think it was worth it. (For more on this, check out my blog post from yesterday.) I’d love to hear your take on this. What do you think about A/B split testing? Is it worth it? Yes or no? And why? Let me know in the comments below.

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By The Leadpages Team
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