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Make a Headline Disappear… Boost Your Response by 28%?

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Nov 19, 2013  |  Updated Feb 03, 2025
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By The Leadpages Team
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By Kat Von Rohr, Writer for LeadPages™ Trash your headline -- and actually increase your conversions? Sounds strange. But that’s exactly what a LeadPages™ customer just did. Last month, LeadPages™ customer, The Foundation, ran an A/B split test to see if simply deleting the call to action headline on this squeeze page would make a difference.

This quick split test boosted their conversions by 28%. Take a look...

[caption id="attachment_2112" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

Common sense says this variation with the headline would win. But this A/B split test proved the common sense wrong.

Common sense says this Video Squeeze Page with a headline would win. But this split test proved the common sense wisdom wrong.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2113" align="aligncenter" width="300"]

No one expected this, but deleting the headline boosted response by 28%.

No one expected this, but deleting the headline on this Video Squeeze Page boosted response by 28%.[/caption] To run this test, the Foundation used a landing page template called the Video Squeeze Page (co-created with Charles Kirkland), which is available inside of LeadPages™. Then they simply copied the page and deleted one of the headlines to create the variation. According to the Foundation's ad manager, Charlie Vallely, the Foundation ran this test because they wanted to let the video speak for itself -- and see if deleting the headline impacted conversions. But even they were surprised at the results. What I found interesting: The Foundation team also ran this same test on their homepage. In both cases, the “no headline” variation won out by a significant margin. Personally, I also like this test because it’s so simple. You don’t have to stretch your brain cells to come up with a second headline. Or tweak the page design. Or even try testing a different content bribe (or “lead magnet”). That makes this one of the easiest split tests you can run. I recommend you try it.

How to Run This Test Yourself

If you’re already a LeadPages™ pro customer, you can run a similar split test for yourself in just five simple steps. We integrated our landing page builder with a split-test tool (something no one else does), so you can set up any A/B split-test in minutes. To run your own split-test inside LeadPages™... [leadplayer_vid id="528A87648D57B"]

  1. Find the page that you want to run a split-test on.
  2. Enable split-testing by clicking the “create test” button at the top of your page.
  3. Add a variation of your page by clicking “add variation” in the drop-down menu under “create test.”
  4. Select which page you want to make a variation of.
  5. Save the page -- and you’re done! Ready to split-test.

If you’ve never done a inside LeadPages™ before, I recommend you also check out our split-testing video, for a tutorial on how to execute these five steps. If you’re not a customer, there are plenty of other split-testing tools out there. Simply do a quick search and you’ll find plenty.

What Else Can I Tell You About Split-Testing?

A big thanks to Dane Maxwell and his team at the Foundation for giving us permission to publish this split test. If you don’t know Dane, you can check out the work he does with software entrepreneurs here. Also, I will be featuring more split tests like the Foundation's here on the blog in the weeks to come. So before you go, tell me...

  1. What other kinds of split tests would you like to see here?
  2. Have you had any success with split-testing in the past?
  3. What’s the toughest thing about split-testing that you’d like me to cover?

As always, please respond in the comments below. Speak to you soon.

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