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[Announcement] We’re Hosting Our Very First Conference & You Get To Create It

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Mar 10, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Since starting LeadPages™, I’ve wanted to create an annual conference that would serve as the catalyst for savvy marketers, businesses, and entrepreneurs around the world to easily build the strategies, relationships, and expertise they need to rapidly accelerate business growth. I’m glad to say, that dream has come to life. In January of this year, we started planning our first conference. It's called CONVERTED 2015.

Converted 2015 Logo

This October 20th, hundreds of innovative business owners, thought leaders, and key influencers will come together for two days of compelling content, learning, networking, entertainment, and inspiration. We believe CONVERTED 2015 will become the #1 conversion event for business growth.

The Details

First, let’s get the concrete details out of the way. We’ve had a lot of people already ask about our conference, and these are some of the more common questions:

1) When is the conference?

October 20-21, 2015.

2) Where will the conference be?

The conference will be hosted at The Depot Renaissance Hotel, which is located in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota (an airport hub city). The Depot is one of the city's most distinctive landmarks, as it was a historic train depot that has been reimagined as a premiere upscale hotel and event center chock full of modern and locally-sourced amenities. Check it out: [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"]


The Depot Renaissance Hotel in downtown Minneapolis, MN.[/caption] And while you’re in Minneapolis, you can enjoy the beautiful fall scenery in one of America’s best cities for fall travel. Walk the trails, enjoy craft breweries and taste some amazing food in one of the greatest food destinations in the nation -- all no more than five blocks from your hotel. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640"]


Downtown Minneapolis on Hennepin Street.[/caption]

3) Who will be there?

Undisputed leaders in the marketing and conversion rate optimization industry. Not only will we have the best minds from LeadPages™ on-hand to share the best practices we’ve developed to help your business grow, but we’ll also have industry leading marketers, thought leaders, and brands on hand to demo valuable tools that will completely transform the way you market. From the attendee side...it gets more interesting. It’s our first year doing this, so we decided to cap registration at 500 attendees (trust me, we *will* sell out quickly).

Partner With Us To Co-Create This Event

We want this conference to be your conference. We’re on a mission to create the best marketing conference on the planet, and that doesn’t happen without addressing your needs. So, we’ve got two steps you can take to make an impact on this conference right now.

Step 1: Tell Us What You Want To Learn About

We want to know what you’re dying to get valuable insight into. To make this conference more tailored to your needs, we’ve created a list of the hottest topics in marketing right now. All you have to do is vote on the topic you’d most like to learn about in the Typeform below: Powered by Typeform

Step 2: Secure One of Our Limited "Very Early Bird" Tickets To The Event

We’re releasing a limited run of Early Bird tickets (at a savings of $400)! Quantities are limited and this special rate expires May 31, so register today!


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By The Leadpages Team
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