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Announcing LeadBoxes™: The Biggest Update To LeadPages... Since The Launch Of LeadPages Itself

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Dec 05, 2013  |  Updated Nov 26, 2024
By The Leadpages Team

Oh… When you sort the top converting landing pages in LeadPages, you’ll notice that out of the top nine, all but two have two-step opt-in processes. Two-step opt-in processes occur on pages when someone clicks on the opt-in and this pop-up appears. We’ve published extensively about why having two-step opt-ins results in such a great difference in conversion rate. In fact, we found that moving from a one-step opt-in to a two-step opt-in results in a relative increase in conversion rate of about 30% and we’ll put links to some important videos about two-step opt-ins below this video if you’d like a refresher. So back to this opt-in box, we thought why not take this box and allow users to post it anywhere? We’re super excited to announce the biggest release for LeadPages since the release of LeadPages itself and that’s the release of LeadBoxes. LeadBoxes is the response to user feedback and it’s something one of our advisors Pat Flynn encouraged us to create. LeadBoxes can be used to capture email addresses from the sidebar button like this from a link and a blog post like this or from a guest post on someone else’s blog. Here you can see someone left a guest post on our blog and directly from this post on our blog, they can collect opt-ins for their list. A great place to add this is in the bio section as they did here. These LeadBoxes can be installed and used anywhere that you can post a link. LeadBoxes doesn’t just work in WordPress, it can be used inside of WordPress, outside of WordPress, on HMTL pages or anywhere that you can have an HMTL link, you can use LeadBoxes. To create a LeadBox, just go to the my LeadBoxes section in the top menu. Click on create new LeadBox. To edit things, just click on them. So I’m going to add some copy to the headline. I can change the font, the letter spacing and the size if I want. I can customize the look and feel two make the box look however I want it. If for example I wanted to add a different color of background, I can change that in the forms style section along with adding a border if I wanted to. I can change the button text as well as the color of the button and really make it look how I want. If I wanted to add a tracking code from an analytics service such as Google Analytics, I could put that in here. I can hook it up to any integration we support and multiple form feeds can easily be used here as well. I can drag and drop these fields however I want them and turn some off if I don’t want all of them to display. LeadBoxes also works with GoToWebinar so when someone opts in on this box, they’ll be registered for an upcoming webinar. So when someone opts in, they’re not only opting into your list but they’re registering for the webinar. Now once you’re done customizing, just name the LeadBox and save it then just click publish. Now copy this code and from there you can paste it on any blog, website or anywhere that accepts HTML links. Now when someone clicks on this link, they’ll now see the LeadBox that we just created. LeadBoxes can be made to connect to quite a few things. For example if you wanted to have a LeadBox in a side bar and opt in that way, you can easily do that by pasting the code into a sidebar widget. Now on the page when I click on this the LeadBox appears. In blog posts like this where we’re giving away landing page templates, this can be made to hook up to LeadBoxes by pasting the LeadBoxes code in here. Now on the page when I click here, the LeadBox comes up. Now let’s say I was going to write a guest post for the LeadPages blog, which by the way we’re accepting guest posts if you’re interested but let’s say I’m going to do that. In my bio I can paste the LeadBoxes code and it will say click here to subscribe to my newsletter. So when someone reads my post and they like what I say, they’ll see in my bio at the bottom that they can opt in to my list directly from the blog where I’ve done a guest post. According to our co-founder Clay, in six months there will be as many LeadBoxes deployed on the internet as LeadPages and everyone here at LeadPages is super excited about this release. If you’d like to implement LeadBoxes in your business, this is available to all LeadPages customers immediately. If you’re not a LeadPages customer and you’d like to use LeadBoxes, go to www.LeadPages.net. I’m Jeff Wenberg. Have a great day. [0:04:05]

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By The Leadpages Team
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