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Announcing: The LeadPages Template Marketplace Is Now Live

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Oct 09, 2014  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
LeadPages Landing Page Template Marketplace is now live. You can buy templates, sell templates, and sort templates by average conversion rate.

Today we’re incredibly excited to announce the preliminary beta launch of the LeadPages landing page template marketplace. We’ve been building up the release of this marketplace for quite a while and LeadPages users have been clamoring to get access for good reason. This is the first marketplace of its kind where you can buy landing page templates, sell landing page templates for 100% commissions and sort templates by average conversion rate. You can check the marketplace out of yourself at Market.LeadPages. net but before you do, allow me to show you around. When you go to the new marketplace, you can see a list of all the templates that are available to purchase. Now please note as always we’ll continue to make and release awesome new templates right inside of LeadPages at no additional cost for all LeadPages customers. With the new marketplace, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase templates creative by outside authors that you can then use within your LeadPages account. There are all kinds of templates available and more are going to be added on a weekly basis. There are opt-in pages, sales pages, video pages, webinar pages, sales pages for eBooks, B2B pages and mini sites, thank you pages and much more. You’ll want to check that often to see what new templates are being added as some of the brightest minds in digital marketing and conversion optimized design are busy designing new templates for the marketplace at this very moment. You can see the thought leaders such as Eban Pagan, Pat Flynn, Ryan Deiss and Ezra Firestone have already contributed templates to the marketplace. As you get to looking at templates, if you hover a template you can see an expanded view of it and if you’d like to get a full preview of a template, simply click on it and live preview of the template will be generated. Now you can take a look at every element of the page to see if it’s a template you’d like to purchase. You can learn a little bit about that author of the page. If you think a template is amazing you can easily share it on social media by clicking these buttons and you can also read comments left by other users of the marketplace or you can leave your own comments and join the discussion going on about the templates. If you see a template you’d like to purchase, simply click on the template and you’ll be brought into the preview window. From there, just click on the purchase button in the top right corner. If you have a LeadPages account enter in your account details in the box and click log in and continue. You’ll see that the card used to purchase our LeadPages account will be charged the price of the template. Check that you’ve read and understand the terms of service and then confirm the purchase. If you don’t have a LeadPages account click no I do not have a LeadPages account You’ll be asked for your information to purchase. When you purchase a template, it comes with a free 30-day trial of LeadPages so you can easily customize and deploy the page on your site. With the free 30-day trial of LeadPages that you get with the template purchase, you’ll also be able to use the 80+ other templates already inside of LeadPages as well as LeadBoxes our two-step opt-in boxes that you can post anywhere that you can use an HTML link. After the free 30-days, you’ll be charged $37 per month for your LeadPages standard monthly subscription. Now I need to point out here that an active LeadPages subscription is necessary for continued access and use of marketplace templates. That’s why we’re giving you 30 days to test out LeadPages for free. Once you purchase a template, you’ll be immediately routed to the template editor to start customizing your page. If you’re not ready to customize the page right now, you can access the page later inside of your LeadPages account by viewing templates and then selecting premium templates here on the left. This is where you’ll see every template that you’ve purchased from the marketplace. If you’d like to be a marketplace template author, we invite you to join the waiting list. We’re getting ready to start onboarding new template authors in the very near future. In case you didn’t know, marketplace authors get 100% commissions minus any transaction fees on all template sales. We have over 20,000 customers and less than ten marketplace authors at the moment. So you can see this is a huge opportunity to get in on the ground floor of something huge. This could be an incredible income opportunity if you’d like to sell a template in the marketplace. There’s a link below where you can sign up to be on our notification list to be notified when you’ll be able to sell your templates in the LeadPages marketplace. Again, we’re so excited to finally be able to launch the new LeadPages marketplace. It’s a fantastic resource for finding different templates, discussing various templates with other marketplace users, and if you’re a template designer, it’s a great place to sell your designs. Right now, there’s a handful of brand new templates available in the marketplace and we’re adding new templates every single week. Starting Tuesday November 4th, any would be able to upload a custom template to sell in the marketplace. So go to Market.LeadPages.net right now and start browsing and if you see a page you like, purchase it and add it to your arsenal of high converting landing pages. I’m Jeff Wenberg we’ll see you at Market.LeadPages.net.

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By The Leadpages Team
LeadPages Landing Page Template Marketplace is now live. You can buy templates, sell templates, and sort templates by average conversion rate.
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