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[Instant Template Download] Here's Last Month's Highest-Grossing Webpage

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Nov 30, 2012  |  Updated Sep 12, 2024
By The Leadpages Team

Clay: Hello everyone, my name is Clay Collins. And in this episode of the Marketing Show, I’m going to be telling you about last month’s most profitable page in our business and I’m going to be giving to you for free, no opt-in required, a template that allows you to recreate what we did in our business last month. So here’s last month’s most profitable page and what it is is a page for delivering a part of a video marketing course. So basically I’ve created a six part video marketing course and after someone has signed up to our list, say for example on this page, every three days they are sent an email that tells them that they can watch another part of a video marketing course that I created for them. So this is part one of that course, this is part two, part three, part four and as you can see the progress bar, this progress bar progresses. So let’s examine some of the elements of this page. The first element is the title. It tells where people are. The second element is this progress bar. Progress bars are really effective when dripping out email based marketing campaigns because want to finish them. If someone can see visually where they are, they feel an implicit need to complete the process. It’s human psychology, it’s been tested, we’ve tested it and it absolutely works. When you have a progress bar and you have a sequence of emails that you’re sending out over a period of time, people are much more likely to finish that sequence if you have a progress bar. You’ve got a title for the lesson that they’re about to receive, you’ve got some sharing elements to share the content and to provide social proof. And by the way when someone clicks like, it doesn’t actually share this page, they actually like the opt-in page for the entire course, right? That’s kind of cool. And then at the bottom here, there is a button where they can purchase LeadPlayer™. There’s also comments so people can see that there’s social proof around this and they can ask questions here that I can answer. The reason why this was the most valuable asset in our business last month was that more people bought because they were enrolled in this course than for any other reason last month in our business. And the reason why this converted so well was because, after someone opted in, we sent them through this course, people saw this progress bar progress, they learned and got value with every single stage. And we weren’t just sending people to blog pages where they could see content that anyone else could have access to, we created a controlled experience for delivering a valuable set of lessons. And in each video marketing lesson I showed people, (1), how do to something without LeadPlayer™ and then I showed them how to do the same thing with LeadPlayer™. In most cases, things were much easier to do with LeadPlayer™ and this drove a whole lot of LeadPlayer™ sales. This drove LeadPlayer™ sales every single night, every single day on autopilot because the automated email marketing campaign combined with this video lesson page, with this buy now button on it drove an enormous number of sales. So here’s the page as it is in our business and here’s the template that we’ve made available for download for free below. So go ahead and download this if you’re interested in creating an auto responder video lesson series for your business. This absolutely converts like crazy. Now, not everyone likes customizing these pages and not everyone is technically inclined. So that’s why we created a software product called LeadPages™. Let me show you how you can customize this template using LeadPages™. So I’m going to go to www.my.LeadPages™.net and I’m going to log in here, then I’m going to go to templates, I’m going to scroll down here to video marketing course and then I’m going to show you how you can recreate this template for your business. So I’m going to click on logo here and I can upload an image if I want to, just from my hard drive or I have a bunch of images that I’ve uploaded here. I’m going to click on LeadPlayer™ because I kind of like to use a LeadPlayer™ example. So now we have a LeadPlayer™ logo, free video marketing course. Now you could write, Real Estate Investment Course, if you wanted to, and let’s say this is actually a ten part course. You just click on the four here and you change this to ten and now as you can see, it’s only 10% complete. Now, if this were page 04 of the course, it would say it’s 40% complete. So let’s click on this and you could write learn the ins and outs of investing capital in down markets, something like that. I’m sure somewhere in there my spelling is wrong. So just swap out this video, I just click on this and it gives me a little place where I could insert my YouTube embed code or my LeadPlayer™ embed code or Ustream embed code or whatever you’re using, you can put the embed code here, I’m going to go and grab that. This is actually LeadPlayer™ embed code, and as you can see it fits in there perfectly. And we got a whole bunch of brands here, but if I click here, it says “click here to get LeadPlayer™ now” but you could write click here to buy my investment course now. Oh, and you’ve got to link this to some sort of page, so www.investmentcourse.com and let’s say you want to have a 200% money back guarantee, you can adjust the terms here, you can change the symbols, you can change all of this stuff. Super easy to do. And finally, if you want to have Facebook comments at the bottom of your page, just click here and it will ask you for your Facebook comments embed code and you can just go to Facebook developer tools and there’s those little widgets that spits out the code for you. So I’ll just put the code in here and as you can see, now it’s populated with Facebook comments. Now, these are Facebook comments from an example page, but they still work. And just like that, we’re done with the page. So I’m going to save this page, I’m going to call it Real Estate Investment Course, something’s probably misspelled here. And now the page is done I can publish it on word press through our wordpress connector plug in. I can download this landing page and put on my server. I can just take this URL if I want to and post it into a page. And here’s that course page that I created in a very short period of time, ready and able to use. Anyway, my name is Clay Collins, the raw HTML version of this page is available for download below. If you’re interested in LeadPages™, that’s also an option as well. I hope you’ve learned a lot. I hope you enjoy this material, I hope you enjoy this marketing lesson, I hope you enjoy the downloadable template and I’ll talk to you next week. Take care. [00:06:58] End of Audio

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By The Leadpages Team
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