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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from April 2017

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 04, 2017  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
10 Best Landing Pages from April 2017

They make it look so easy. This month’s best-designed and best-converting landing pages offer help with some pretty big things: overhauling your nonprofit, changing your eating habits, making your business more efficient. But even when the climb seems steep, they have one clear message for their target audience: you can do this. These marketers also make building an excellent landing page look easy. And when you combine their knowledge of their audience with Leadpages’ templates, it really can be. In this month’s roundup, we’ll try to make it easier for you, too. Read on, and we’ll break down exactly why these 10 landing pages work so well. We’re also giving away free copies of five of the page templates in these posts, so you can edit them and host them on your site. Click below for your free template pack, which includes:

  • Simple Webinar Registration Page
  • Video Background Page
  • Ebook Landing Page from Pat Flynn
  • Free Consultation Page
  • Home Value Opt-in Page

[cta-box] If you already use Leadpages, you can find and use these templates by searching the template library. If you don’t, you’ll need to do enough coding to modify the files for your business (or hand them over to your developer). Check out what this month’s top landing page creators have built below.

1. Plantz St. – Super Basic Squeeze Page Drag & Drop Template


What Stands Out: Back in the early days of Leadpages, we frequently found that the simplest templates we tested performed best. This top-converting Super Basic Squeeze Page from cooking school Plantz St. proves that the formula still works. Every element of this page is well-chosen, but I especially like the choice of background photo—notice how the dishes on the table create a frame for the main content area. More design smarts show up in the Leadbox, which shows off a lovely illustration of the ebook cover. If you’re building a very basic squeeze page, consider using your Leadbox to add more information to the offer as Plantz St. does. Click here for a look at this delectable page.

2. Freedom Family – Trendy Webinar Drag & Drop Page


What Stands Out: Anyone running joint-venture webinars could use the approach this Trendy Webinar Page takes: introduce the cohosts with one split-screen banner image. It’s an easy way to establish the hosting partner’s brand image while immediately showcasing the presenting partner. The hosts have found an especially engaging way to present the content of the webinar, introducing the bullet points with “I can’t wait for you to …” Try using a similar frame to make your bullets feel like more than a random list of benefits. Click here for a page worth examining closely.

3. Martha Beck – Simple Webinar Registration Page


What Stands Out: Author Martha Beck makes extraordinary use of color and photography on this Simple Webinar Registration Page to create a unique and memorable impression. Shots of woodland trails harmonize with the webinar’s idea of finding a “path to your purpose.” The copy’s excellent, too. Bullet points range from intriguing (“How to follow the spoons”) to surprising (“How to go completely wild!”), suggesting that webinar attendees will be both informed and entertained while they watch. Click here to explore this purposeful page.

4. Haleh Banani – Video Background Page


What Stands Out: What better way to promote a free video than with this Video Background Page? Psychologist Haleh Banani reaches out to her target audience with a background video showing happy Muslim couples in beautiful natural settings. That could feel a bit busy, but she’s also applied an attractive color overlay to pull everything together. The overall effect is peaceful, but the page still grabs attention by presenting “Free Video” and “Free Instant Access” in brighter colors. Compelling and brand-appropriate: there’s no better balance than that. Click to see how this page marries design and content.

5. Kelly Roach – Ebook Landing Page from Pat Flynn


What Stands Out: The Ebook Landing Page Template from Pat Flynn was designed especially to help authors sell their ebooks in a variety of formats. Business coach Kelly Roach uses it to make ebook sales and rack up audiobook downloads. A cream and purple color palette matches Kelly’s book cover and creates a luxurious look that fits with her book’s promises of wealth. She uses this page to give a much fuller view of the book than an Amazon listing could offer with handpicked reviews, testimonials about her coaching style, and an in-depth bio. Keep going and click through to this compelling page.

6. Flourish & Thrive Academy – Custom Drag & Drop Page


What Stands Out: Here’s a clever strategy to capitalize on your appearance at a conference or online summit: create a simple landing page with a special bonus just for attendees, and give out the link during your presentation. That’s what Flourish & Thrive Academy has done with this landing page, which is simple enough that they could easily repeat the process for any other events they might attend. The creators take a warm, personal tone in their copy, making this feel like a natural extension of the conversation they started at the summit. All the imagery speaks to their client base of jewelry-business owners, which makes for an attractive and on-target page. Click here and make a side trip over to this page.

7. Counseling Recovery – Free Consultation Page


What Stands Out: If you’re trying to change your audience’s habits, you have to walk a fine line between meeting them where they’re at and making the case for transformation. This Free Consultation Page pulls it off beautifully, leading with the reassuring message that “anger doesn’t have to be negative!” Page creator Michelle Farris also meets visitors where they are in the conversion journey. The page offers two routes toward the training she’s promoting. At the top of the page, the primary call to action invites visitors to purchase the training directly. But she also invites visitors to reach out with questions and talk about whether the program’s right for them. This approach allows her to capture both eager and hesitant buyers. Click here to see this calming page up close.

8. Joan Garry – Home Value Opt-in Page


What Stands Out: Nonprofit consultant Joan Garry repurposes the Home Value Opt-in Page template to create a pared-down, highly professional webinar page. It’s nothing elaborate—just clear, trust-inspiring, and high-converting. If you ever wonder what kind of colors to use on your landing page, this page suggests a strategy. Just look for the key colors in your primary photo—navy, white, and orange, in this case—and use them to set your palette. Click here for a good look at this polished page.

9. Joyous Health – Custom Drag & Drop Page


What Stands Out: This “coming soon” page is far more than a placeholder. With a bit of copy adjusted, it would serve just as well once author Joy McCarthy launches her book. Though this page tackles a complex medical topic, it never feels clinical or intimidating. Fresh colors, stylish font choices, and a first-person introduction create more of a lifestyle-blog feel, giving visitors confidence that the book will be accessible to them.

10. Knowledge Quest – Drag & Drop Simple Report Squeeze Page


What Stands Out: Knowledge Quest creates educational resources that help students learn history, and this Simple Report Squeeze Page gives evidence that they’ll make it fun. The headline suggests you’ll learn about hidden corners of a long-ago era, while the bullet points mix familiar stories with lesser-known figures. If you’re offering a content-packed lead magnet like this one, try using the bullet-point technique Knowledge Quest displays here. They choose four of the most interesting aspects to flesh out, and then quickly sum up the rest of the content in a final “and more” bullet. Seek out more of this page’s secrets here.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you’d like to try some of the techniques from this roundup, you can grab five of the landing page templates listed in this roundup for free. Click below to download the entire pack: [cta-box] If you’re already a Leadpages member, these templates (plus the drag-and-drop only templates shown in the post) are ready and waiting for you in your account—just use the search bar to look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a Leadpages member, you will need to do a little coding or hand the files over to your web developer in order to customize these pages and publish them to your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
10 Best Landing Pages from April 2017
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