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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from April & May 2016

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 13, 2016  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

When you click through to someone’s landing page, you usually have some idea of what you’re going to see. A headline. A photo. Some offer details. A call-to-action button or two. And if all those elements are well-chosen, and the offer’s a good fit for you and your life, that can be plenty. But sometimes you encounter a little extra detail that you weren’t expecting—and that can really make you sit up and pay closer attention. All of a sudden, your picture of what this company is offering takes on new depth. If you were on the fence before, this bit of extra information or perspective might even nudge you over. The 10 best landing pages we saw in the past month each bring something new to the table. Read on to spot what makes them distinctive—or take a moment first to get your hands on the landing page templates that support all this creativity. We’ve put together a pack of 8 of the templates used in this post, including:

  • The Webinar Registration Thank You Page
  • The Free Course 2.0 Page
  • The Special Offer with Countdown (Bonus Sandwich) Page
  • The E-Book Landing Page from Pat Flynn
  • The Facebook Advertising Landing Page
  • The Kirk Behrendt Dental Marketing Page
  • The Mobile App Download Page
  • The Testimonials Sales Page
  • The Ultimate Guide Landing Page

Download them free here: [cta-box] If you already use Leadpages, you can find these templates in the template library and Marketplace. (Hint: Use Control-F and enter the template name to go straight to the one you want.) If you don’t, you’ll need to do enough coding to modify the files for your business (or just hand them to whoever handles your website). Check out what this month’s top landing page creators have built below.

1. Bill Kerbox of Kerbox Media for James Respondek – Webinar Registration Thank You Page 2.0


What Stands Out: To make this captivating landing page, the marketing team of real estate agent James Respondek took the Webinar Registration Thank You Page 2.0 template, stripped it down, and added a gorgeous gif of a woman diving into aqua waters as a background image. It’s hard not to start dreaming about taking a leisurely lap around a pool of your own, and happily, you can take advantage of a “one-click instant search” to go to a list of current pool-equipped Malibu homes for sale. If you found this page but aren’t in the market, you can click the secondary call to action and assess your home’s value “in about 7 seconds”—a nice bit of specificity that vanquishes visions of novella-length opt-in forms. Click here to dip into this page.

2. Master Coach – Free Course 2.0 Page

master coach

What Stands Out: Master Coach tweaks the Free Course 2.0 Page to serve as a sales page for an intensive two-day training. Its clean design puts the in-depth content front and center, enhanced by some extras that make the course more compelling. To start, there’s a quick dose of social proof right in the header: a Facebook like button indicating that more than 5,000 people already follow the organization. A sample certificate of completion further down the page helps visitors envision the outcome of the course. And then there are the multimedia visuals. A big, Instagram-worthy quote block draws attention to a testimonial from a former student, while later, two videos let prospective students preview what it’ll be like to learn from the trainers. Amidst all this, the copyholds its own, too. I especially like the way this page handles the syllabus. Rather than simply listing session topics, it breaks down what students will have learned and achieved by the end of each day. Click here to see this certifiably engaging page.

3. Avery Boyce Team – Real Estate Landing Page


What Stands Out: Buying a $1 million house is no small decision, so the Avery Boyce Team takes full advantage of the Real Estate Landing Page to convince prospective buyers that this is home sweet home. They cleverly drive urgency by using the countdown timer to line up showings before the next open house brings in crowds that might drive up the price. The rest of the page packs in the selling points with a mix of photos, property details, a map embed, and a video slideshow. Once the house has been shown in its best light, it’s time to establish the reputation of the listing agents. Photos, bios, contact info, and credentials add support at the bottom of this page.

4. Eric Thomas – Special Offer with Countdown (Bonus Sandwich) Page

Rise Up with ET in London

What Stands Out: Writer and speaker Eric Thomas takes a cinematic approach to this Special Offer with Countdown (Bonus Sandwich) Page. A welcome video, moody photography, and motivational copy presented on dramatic backgrounds all rachet up the intensity. So does the high-contrast color scheme. It’s easy to be swept along by this page and consume its message in exactly the order its creators intended. Finally, after a call to purchase event tickets, the tension lifts a little. To bring things back down to earth, there’s a smiling photo of “ET” himself and a couple of paragraphs on his fascinating life story. From darkness to positivity: that’s the promise of this event and the arc of this page as well.

5. World Trade & Exchanges, Inc. – Business Landing Page Mini Site

Photograph Cuba

What Stands Out: Visuals are huge if you’re selling a travel experience for photographers, so this tour company fills every image slot the Business Landing Page Mini Site has with gorgeous photography. It hardly needs words to convey that participants will get to see arresting sights that go beyond the usual tourist snapshots. Of course, there are words anyway—well-chosen ones that inspire visitors to escape their everyday lives and explore. A detailed breakdown of what “all-inclusive” really means nurtures trust, followed by even more visual inspiration in the form of a video montage. Shoot over to this page here.

6. Julian Midwinter & Associates – E-Book Landing Page from Pat Flynn


What Stands Out: Law has a reputation as a conservative field, but this page from consultancy Julian Midwinter & Associates proves that professional doesn’t have to mean overly formal. The firm starts with the E-Book Landing Page from Pat Flynn and uses it to promote its free report comparing the digital strategies of 152 law firms. Snapshots of graphs from inside the report prepare visitors to expect an asset that’s both well-designed and statistically weighty. And the second half of the page takes the opportunity to cement the firm’s authority with a couple of uncommon touches: an array of photos of the firm’s smiling staff, and a link to a previous year’s report. Together, they present the firm as a group of people with an established track record whom you’d like to get to know. Click here to tour this winning page.

7. Growth Everywhere – Facebook Advertising Landing Page

29 Growth Hacking Quick Wins

What Stands Out: Growth hacking and “quick wins” have become well-established concepts in the business and marketing worlds. This Facebook Advertising Landing Page takes a few extra steps to make sure that nothing about this offer seems generic. The page presents a study in the power of a good subtitle. The prospect of learning “29 things you should be doing but probably aren’t” seems fairly accessible—you feel like you might be kicking yourself if you passed this up. Bullets build further intrigue with mentions of tidbits such as the “10-foot rule” and “a simple landing page tweak that increased conversions by 91%.” Finally, a photo of the author and embed of his podcast’s Facebook feed anchor this content to a real person with a real community. Click here to let this page grow on you.

8. Relay for Life – Kirk Behrendt Dental Marketing Page

Relay For Life Youth

What Stands Out: A great—but potentially sobering—cause is served by a sunny landing page that radiates hope from the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life initiative. The Kirk Behrendt Dental Marketing Page template provides just the right space to show happy schoolchildren participating in the organization’s signature fundraising event. More photos and strong, clear copy run through the page. Impressive overall, the page sports some nice small touches that enhance the nonprofit’s image and user experience. A simple message in the upper right corner points current participants in the right direction, and links in the footer lead to the organization’s primary web properties. Also notable: the choice of font for the headlines. The round-edged serif typeface is kid-appropriate but still professional-looking, and it adds a subtle dash of extra personality throughout the page. Run over to this page here.


What Stands Out: A different nonprofit with a different mission takes its own powerful tack, starting with the framework of the Testimonials Sales Page. The background photo shows a lovely stretch of farmland with slightly ominous clouds rolling in, a perfect metaphor for the page’s claim that overzealous government agencies are endangering access to food from small farms. In the testimonials section, we hear from a panel of food and farming pros touting the value of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Below, the page makes interesting use of a second testimonials section to show off the coupons and freebies that come with membership. Those who take the time to click through the FAQ get a little-unexpected humor, urging: “Please do not send cash or chickens! We love pastured poultry but can't use them to pay court costs!”

10. Bisnes Koulu – Ultimate Guide Landing Page


What Stands Out: What kind of imagery can you use on your landing page when you’re writing about … writing? This Ultimate Guide Landing Page from Finnish business-education company Bisnes Koulu takes a symbolic approach. To promote a course that will help you “write sweet copy” (very loosely translated), they lead with a luminous photo of a honey dipper overlaid with fun, artsy text. The course itself is short and sweet—5 days of emails designed to improve your copywriting skills—so the page keeps things concise, too. Google Translate doesn’t fairly represent page creator and copywriter Anja Kadziolka’s skills, but even with that barrier, it’s clear that she’s taken a warm, personable approach to the content. Click here to take a taste of this page.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you’d like to try some of the landing page techniques in this roundup, we’re making it easy by giving away nearly every template listed in this roundup. Click below for a free pack of 8 flexible, high-converting landing page templates: [cta-box] If you’re already a Leadpages member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a Leadpages member, you will need to do a little coding or hand the files over to your web developer in order to customize these pages and publish them to your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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