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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from August 2016

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Sep 02, 2016  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
Landing Page Roundup: The 10 Best Landing Pages We Found in August 2016

“Just keep it simple!” You’ve probably heard this advice at some point in your marketing career. It’s easy advice to give, but it’s not always easy to follow. Or welcome to hear, for that matter. Because sometimes, you’re in charge of getting across a concept that’s pretty complex. No matter how you try to streamline your design or chop up your copy, you’re not going to fit everything into one tiny box. Or one single-frame landing page. At that point, you have to get creative. That’s what many of the landing page creators on this month’s best-of list have done. They’ve been tasked with using landing pages in unconventional ways or presenting offers that need a bit of context to really shine. And they pull it off in a way that’s well worth emulating the next time you have a tricky page to put together. Some of this month’s top landing pages were built almost from scratch in Leadpages’ drag-and-drop landing page builder, but others are easier to emulate directly even if you’re building pages on your own—because we’re giving you the templates they were built with. We’ve put together a pack of 6 of the templates used in this post, including:

  • The Free Consultation Page
  • The Ecommerce Catalog Page
  • The Single Host Webinar Registration Page 2.0
  • The Mobile App Download Page
  • The Book Sales Page
  • The All-in-One G+ Hangout/Sales/Opt-in Page

Download all 6 free here: [cta-box] If you already use Leadpages, you can find these templates by searching the template library and Marketplace. If you don’t, you’ll need to do enough coding to modify the files for your business (or just hand them to whoever handles your website). Check out what the past month’s top landing page creators have built below.

1. Jason Swenk – Custom Drag & Drop Landing Page

Agency Elite

What Stands Out: This page from Jason Swenk promotes a complex membership package that can’t be purchased outright and isn’t even available to everyone who might be interested. But Jason isn’t thwarted by those features—instead, he uses them to enhance the value of this package on this in-depth landing page. Exclusivity is a key part of this offer, and the page supports it with call-to-action buttons reading “Do I Qualify?” and copy sections that balance warnings (this group’s a serious commitment) and enticements to join. Subtle photo backgrounds and translucent text boxes serve as the page’s main design elements, creating a suitably upmarket but ultra-readable design. Click here to check out this top-tier page.

2. Glidr – Custom Drag & Drop Landing Page


What Stands Out: Just because your product doesn’t exist yet doesn’t mean you can’t build a gorgeous landing page for it. Like any good launch page, this landing page from Glidr blends intrigue with information to get people excited months before the software is live. It starts with a bold claim—this is the “world’s first” software solution of its kind—and an appealing shot from inside the product. Short paragraphs headed by lightweight, on-brand icons pull out key features between two different calls to action. While it’s frequently best to put all a page’s energy into one CTA, on a launch page like this it makes sense to include both: a demo-request option for the highly interested, and a data-sheet download for visitors who want to learn more but aren’t quite ready to schedule a demo.

3. GabrielaH – Free Consultation Page

120 Preguntas

What Stands Out: There’s no shortage of educators and consultants offering to help aspiring entrepreneurs get up and running with a new business. Argentinian sales expert GabrielaH sets herself apart with an interesting ebook offer—120 questions to define your business’s purpose—and a gorgeous landing page to support it, made with the Free Consultation Page. The mint and gold color scheme extends from the header photo to the page design to the screenshots from inside the ebook (one of the most compelling sections of the page). Although the ebook is an impressively weighty resource, this page has a lightness about it—it propels you just as far as you need to go to purchase.

4. Imperial Kitchen & Bath – Ecommerce Catalog Page


What Stands Out: This isn’t a standard use for a landing page, but when you have a tool as simple to use as Leadpages, why not go ahead and use it to build any other page you might need? Imperial Kitchen & Bath takes the Ecommerce Catalog Page template and uses it as a gallery of the remodeling company’s completed projects. “Makes me want to remodel the apartment I don’t own,” noted the Leadster who discovered this beauty. But there’s more than just eye candy here. Every image comes with a “view detail” button leading to a page with extra photos and a “Ready to renovate? Contact us” call to action. The landing page also offers several ways to connect: a phone number in the header, a chatbox in the corner, and more contact info in the footer if visitors still haven’t found what they’re looking for. There’s a lot going on, but the clean design and grid layout keeps everything looking pristine as a new granite countertop.

5. Matthew Kimberley – Custom Drag & Drop Page

Single Malt

What Stands Out: Ever wonder how to write a long sales letter people will want to read to the end? Matthew Kimberley shows you how (though he also includes a “too long, didn’t read” section for anyone who’s pressed for time). While I’m including a GIF of this page to save some space and show off how nicely this page scrolls, I’d recommend you click through below to check it out yourself. This format wouldn’t work for everyone, but it’s a natural fit for this offer: the program takes place entirely over email, so you’d better like the way Matthew writes. The copy’s full of little jokes—check out the “subject line” and the footnotes—that let you know you’ll be entertained as well as motivated if you sign up. Testimonials, photos, and even a video break up the text and let visitors consider the offer from different angles. Click here to take a taste of this focused landing page.

6. Publish, Profit, Perform – Single Host Webinar Registration 2.0


What Stands Out: There’s a professional polish to this page that seems effortless—appropriate for an offer for an on-camera training session. Every element is well chosen and well placed, but a couple of nice little details in particular jump out at me. First, there’s the use of the colors in the logo to set the color palette for the entire page (right down to the hosts’ outfits in their headshots, intentionally or not). There’s the placement of the social share widget, which pops up at right about the point where visitors have enough information that they might want to invite their friends. There’s also a snazzy circular countdown timer, and, right below, a really neat mini-checklist outlining who should attend. All these elements demonstrate how to add visual interest to a page without needing lots of splashy graphics. Take an impromptu trip through this page here.

7. Ash Koestler for Leadpages – Custom Drag & Drop Page

blood drive

What Stands Out: Ash Koestler is the Office Coordinator at Leadpages, though this page for a recent blood drive might make you assume she’s a web designer. This stunning drag-and-drop page is an excellent example for anyone building landing pages for a charity event. I especially admire how this landing page interweaves practical details with emotional appeal. The logistics are clear as can be, calling out the signup code, the date and time, and links to important medical information from Memorial Blood Centers. Meanwhile, elements including a striking header photo of a wide-eyed child, a section driving home how many lives opting in can save, and a participation progress bar reach for the heart (and prompt it to share some of that all-important blood). Have some juice and cookies, then click here for a closer look at this page.

8. Bimpies – Mobile App Download Page


What Stands Out: You could probably cobble together a lot of different phrases to describe what Bimpies does, but on this Mobile App Download Page, they break it down into simple, relatable terms: it’s “the first app to let you explore your passions and earn income,” where “you can offer any type of service-based business in real time.” A shot of the app’s map interface helps visitors visualize the process, while four icon sections farther down break down how the platform fits into users’ lives. The page also tells you a little bit about the people behind Bimpies—namely, that they aren’t cold corporate suits. They’ve repurposed a Facebook Live video of the marketing director and COO explaining where the company’s at as it prepares to launch. Production values aren’t flashy and the pair may still be getting comfortable in front of the camera, but it’s likely to connect with their audience of small-scale entrepreneurs who are interested in trying a new platform as it grows. Find this page at your service here.

9. Jorge P. Newbery – Book Sales Page

Burn Zones

What Stands Out: Author Jorge P. Newbury has a complex life story: as this Book Sales Page says, he’s a “successful entrepreneur, distressed debt and real estate investor, endurance athlete, and author.” It’s a lot to pack into an inspirational biography, and could overwhelm a landing page, but Jorge handles it deftly. Instead of trying to lay out the whole story, this page leads with a half-dozen positive reviews. These clips quickly give you a sense of the flavor and subject matter of the book without giving too much away. The other main piece of content on the page is an author bio—which is not your typical “the author lives in Connecticut with his wife and cat” blurb. Instead, he hits some of the highs and lows of his story straight on, and ends with a reminder that his story isn’t all about him: it’s designed to help readers face challenges of their own.

10. Connexis Search Group – All-in-One G+ Hangout/Sales/Opt-in Page


What Stands Out: This All-in-One G+ Hangout/Sales/Opt-in Page is bookended by two of the most powerful elements a landing page can have: an engaging headline and a compelling call to action. The headline’s simple question might make readers worry about their own hiring practices, but it also suggests that there’s a solution—which the call to action confirms. I’m impressed by the focus displayed here: the page is 100% devoted to conveying the value of the lead magnet, in this case, a 30-minute strategy session with the company’s founder. The page is so straightforward and welcoming that it’s easy to believe the assertion that you’re not in for a sales pitch if you sign up.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you’d like to try some of the landing page techniques in this roundup, we’re making it easy by giving away 6 of the landing page templates listed in this roundup. Click below to download the entire pack: [cta-box] If you’re already a Leadpages member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a Leadpages member, you will need to do a little coding or hand the files over to your web developer in order to customize these pages and publish them to your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
Landing Page Roundup: The 10 Best Landing Pages We Found in August 2016
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