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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from January and February

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Feb 18, 2016  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

I spent the past month house hunting, and somewhere around my 10th showing, I noticed an interesting psychological factor in play. The houses that impressed me most all had a certain sensibility that flowed through every room, from the front porch to the backyard. Everything just hung together. It didn’t really matter whether the owner had made the same choices I would have made—it was enough that everything felt intentional. Trustworthy. Like someone truly cared, and I wouldn’t find any unpleasant surprises when I took a closer look. The same principle comes into play with landing pages. Maybe it shouldn’t really matter if the look and tone of a landing page change from section to section. There’s no logical reason that a logo that’s out of joint with the page’s imagery should say anything about the value of the product being advertised. And yet. Rational or not, a handful of little inconsistencies can be enough to make you feel instinctive that something’s not quite right. Pipes may be dripping in the basement; mice may be running through the walls. The best landing pages we’ve discovered in the past month are all as welcoming and trust-inspiring as a beautifully staged home. Read on for a brief tour of each one, and my analysis of the elements that make them hang together so well. Want to borrow some of their techniques? We’ve put together a free pack of all 10 landing page templates used in this post so you can edit them and host them on your own site—or have your web developer do so if you’re not a coder yourself. Download them here: [cta-box] If you’re already a Leadpages member, you can find every template below in either the standard library or the Marketplace—just look for them under the template names in the headings. (Hint: Use Control-F and enter the template name to go straight to the one you want.)

1. Tech Pros Now – Event Series Landing Page

TechPros Now

What Stands Out: Tech Pros Now uses one of our newest templates—the Event Series Landing Page—to spectacular effect. It’s a beautiful example of choosing a strong template, then making a few easy customizations to make it one’s own. The page retains the template’s default color scheme but adds in the company’s sky-blue logo, creating a vivid and unconventional color scheme. Little pops of color also guide the eye through the sections that follow, each of which adds something new to the picture of Tech Pros Now’s services. As its name suggests, this template was originally built to promote live event series. Tech Pros now cleverly repurposes several event-friendly elements for a service-based business. The two background image field may have been designed to show off event locations, but this page uses them to subtly support key benefits of the company’s services (one-on-one support and onsite training). Instead of event speakers, we get testimonials from happy clients, and instead of dates and times, we see Tech Pros Now’s service packages. Most visitors would never guess that this page wasn’t custom-built from the ground up.

2. Milewalk – 404 Opt-in Page


What Stands Out: Milewalk’s 404 Opt-in Page is another example of excellent template repurposing. Instead of using this page as a redirect for broken links, the company has set it up to receive traffic from an expired offer for a free book. The offer may officially be expired, but visitors still have a way to get the goods: subscribe to the blog, and you’ll receive the e-book version as a bonus. It’s both a smart list-building technique and a great user experience. What’s more, the design of this page makes it a seamless transition from the rest of Milewalk’s site. The sophisticated color palette reflects the company’s brand colors, which carry through into a small image of the e-book that makes you want to learn more. Click to see this page before it’s gone.

3. Spruce Rd. and Paper + Oats – Co-Hosted Webinar Registration 2.0 Page

Lead Magnet Workshop

What Stands Out: Webinar pages aren’t often highly visually distinctive, and that’s generally fine for a limited-time page that needs to put all its energy into filling one online event. But Spruce Rd. and Paper + Oats put some extra care into this Co-Hosted Webinar Registration 2.0 Page, and it really pays off. First, there’s the soft, inviting color scheme—ideal for a creative but educational webinar topic like this one. The presenter photos stand out in black and white, and the matching style suggests that this webinar will truly be a team effort. It’s the text of the page that really conveys this webinar’s extraordinary value, however. The presenters break down the contents into a list of concrete takeaways, ending with the almost irresistible offer to tune in to get two online courses “for a super crazy price … like super crazy, as in I'm second guessing it, but we'll just go with it!”

4. Heritage Business International – Simple Report Squeeze Page


What Stands Out: B2B audiences typically want a lot of useful information, and they want it fast. Heritage Business International delivers with this short and punchy Simple Report Squeeze Page. The headline gets straight to the point: “Don't guess! Base your firm's 2016 budget on historic data and realistic forecasts for the cultural resource industries in the United States and Canada.” Below, visitors get a quick taste of the kind of statistics the page’s report has to offer, ending with a clear value proposition: “Basing your firm's business performance goals on real data allows you to make better decisions and increases your probability of success!” Peppily professional blues and greens support the copy in keeping the energy high. See this simply effective page here.

5. The Mindfulness Clinic – Live Event Page


What Stands Out: While visitors to an industry-report page might want a quick hit of information, visitors to a page for a Bali retreat will want to be wowed. The Mindfulness Clinic’s Live Event Page pulls out all the stops to promote this relaxing weeklong experience. It starts with one of the loveliest background images I’ve seen, a pile of bright flower petals. Other images throughout the page convey the feel of this event, from the smiling host photos to glowing pictures of the property, staff, and accommodations. Between them are lots of details that give visitors a good look at both the luxuries and the performance outcomes to be expected from the retreat. Click to meditate on this peaceful page.

6. Zach & Nat's Top Secret Amazon Group – Call to Action Page

Amazon Group

What Stands Out: The Call to Action Page template is ideal for companies that want to make a bold claim. Here, that claim is loud and clear: “Start selling on Amazon and keep 100% of the revenue. Get started here.” It’s hard to view that first screen without wanting to scroll down to learn the details. When you do, you find those details presented through a variety of value-enhancing methods. There’s the “math equation” presenting relevant stats about this opportunity, a convincing testimonial, a three-step “How It Works” section, and, at the bottom, a gallery of happy members. This page makes it easy to believe that this company has plenty of sales wisdom to impart. Click here to uncover this page’s secrets.

7. Edward Hartley – Coupon Page

Night Owl Giveaway

What Stands Out: Speaker Edward Hartley takes the Coupon Page template and makes it feel like a personal invitation. He starts by stripping away all imagery besides his logo and a portrait of himself standing beside an open door, which makes the first-person copy feel like a natural choice. It’s somewhat unusual for an entrepreneur to give away a free physical product online, but Hartley makes clear why he’s able to do this: he’s giving away only 52 copies of his DVD. That sense of scarcity, along with the sheer curiosity of what it might mean to follow a “night owl” model of relationship building, makes it very likely that visitors will opt in.

8. Just Rabbits Limited – Smart Product Sales Page


What Stands Out: I’ve never seen a Smart Product Sales Page quite like this one, and if you just described it to me I might be skeptical: cartoonish font, acid-green and purple color scheme, center-aligned text? But it all works and makes for a very distinctive experience. The overwhelmingly cute aesthetic works in no small part because of the subject: adorable pet rabbits. This is a page even a bunny-obsessed kid could find accessible, though adult owners still find plenty of serious takeaways in the thorough but concise look at the book’s contents. A personal message from the author and a perfectly fluffy video add extra incentive to buy at the bottom of the page.

9. Yoga Essentials – Video Background Page


What Stands Out: If you’re thinking about trying your first yoga class, you might have a few questions. What kind of moves will you be doing? What’s the atmosphere of the studio like? What should you wear? Yoga Essentials answers these questions and sets new students’ minds at ease without saying a word on this Video Background Page. An incredibly appealing video loop of a class in session plays in the background, allowing the text to stay focused on the offer: two weeks of yoga for $25. Framing it as an exclusive Facebook offer available to a limited number of students makes that offer even more powerfully tempting.

10. Women’s Intelligence Project – Simple Webinar Registration Page


What Stands Out: There’s a delicate balance to find whenever your services involve changing someone’s habits or thought patterns. You don’t want your landing page to effectively shout, “You’re doing it wrong!” On the other hand, you do need to convey the potentially transformative effects of what you’re offering. The Women’s Intelligence Project finds that balance with this Simple Webinar Registration Page, promising that attendees will learn to “strategically challenge” their preconceptions and improve their “personal and professional change making” skills. The host’s bio conveys her authority and her warmth, and so do the photos above: real-life shots of a seminar in progress, fireplace included. The event it advertises may be virtual, but this page creates a strong sense of place and community. Click here to explore this sharp page.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you want to use some of the techniques we’ve collected here, we’re making it easy by giving away every template listed in this roundup. Click below for a free 10-pack of flexible, high-converting landing page templates: [cta-box] If you’re already a Leadpages member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a Leadpages member, you will need to do a little coding or hand the files over to your web developer in order to customize these pages and publish them to your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they work in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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