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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from July–August 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Aug 19, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

What does going above and beyond mean to you? Does it mean making a big, splashy gesture? Or could it also mean something subtler—say, a commitment to making even the littlest details in your work sing? The 10 best landing pages we saw this month exceed expectations in the latter way. Each of them gives visitors a little something extra: an extra gift, a clever bit of copy, an unexpectedly lovely color scheme. It’s not that these pages would necessarily fail without this attention to detail. But with it, they don’t just look and read beautifully. They also work to convince visitors that they’re interacting with a business or individual who’s thoughtful, professional, and authoritative. And that can tilt the balance in favor of handing over an email address or a credit-card number. Without taking away from what the marketers we’re spotlighting today have created, I should note that they did start with a secret weapon: landing-page templates that come out of the box ready to convert. When you’re working from a solid structure like this, it’s much quicker to fine-tune the details that matter. To help you do the same thing, we’re giving you free files for each of the templates used in this post. Click below to download all 10 right away: [cta-box] Now, let’s look at some exceptional pages. 1. Rosetta Thurman – Single Host Webinar Registration 2.0 Page


What Stands Out: Author and entrepreneur Rosetta Thurman runs the site HappyBlackWoman.com, and this Single Host Webinar Registration 2.0 Page is pure bliss. The tropical header image is a stunning preview of her webinar’s promise of world travel, but it doesn’t outshine her super-friendly headshot. The copy’s just as polished and inviting. Rosetta makes effective use of numbers to suggest the webinar’s concrete benefits: 10 ways to fund your travel, 3 steps to build your brand. Then, there’s the extra bonus she offers with her call-to-action button. When you opt-in on this page, you don’t just get a seat at the webinar; you get the “Work from Anywhere Business Blueprint.” Click to sail away to Rosetta’s page. 2. The Starters Club – Social Share Thank You Page


What Stands Out: This page from Erin Smith of The Starters Club offers something whose value is immediately obvious from the title: a list of 50 businesses you could start from home today. She doesn’t need to do a lot of work to convince visitors that this is worth opting in for, so instead of selecting a long-form page, she’s repurposed the Social Share Thank You Page. (With 50 ideas, there’s little worry that your social-media friends will steal the one you like best!) Though short, this page is very thoughtfully designed. With its handwritten weekly agenda and doodles of currency, the background image conveys a spirit of optimism and ease. The subtitle—“And none of them require throwing parties”— is a cheeky acknowledgment of the fact that her audience may have been burned by unrealistic get-rich-quick schemes in the past, and that her ideas are something different. A lovely headshot and a simple quote establishing Erin’s experience and authority lead visitors onward to the call to action.

3. Realty Group Inc. – New Basic Squeeze Page


What Stands Out: In a way, this extremely short New Basic Squeeze Page goes above and beyond simply by existing. Amid a sea of uniform listings on massive real-estate sites, this Minnesota real-estate company makes its homes stand out with custom listing pages that show the properties in their best light. To get more details, prospective buyers opt-in (getting another peek at the home in the LeadBox before they do) and have info sent straight to their inboxes. If you’re in real estate, check out our recent post on taking your real estate business online for more tips on how pages like this can boost your sales. Step across the threshold of this landing page.

4. Black Card Books – Modern Webinar Page


What Stands Out: “Publish a book and grow rich” is a bold promise, and if you’re going to hold out promises like this, you’ll need to back it up with a thoroughly professional web presence. Used to promote a two-day live event, Gerry Robert’s Modern Webinar Page inspires confidence with its clean design, well-produced video, and testimonials. Of special note here is the color scheme. A page built around the contrast of vivid red and a black logo could be harsh, but Gerry wisely tones it down by adding in gray, white, and caramel tones that echo the logo’s gold accents. It’s a smart approach for anyone who wants to use attention-grabbing colors without looking garish.

5. Brandy Marie Johnson – Kirk Behrendt Dental Marketing Page


What Stands Out: Digital-marketing consultant Brandy Marie Johnson pairs a tranquil landing page with a soothing message: never fear the nonstop onslaught of information that is Twitter! You too can master this platform, and even become an influencer as Brandy has. For this page, Brandy makes the Kirk Behrendt Dental Marketing Page thoroughly her own. The colors match her homepage, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a header image and headshot combined so luminously. Below, a couple of well-written paragraphs explain not only the results you can get with the checklist Brandy’s offering, but how she came across them and why you should care.

6. Driven To Draw – E-Book Landing Page from Pat Flynn


What Stands Out: If you’re interested in drawing cars, you may not need much more than a screen or two of this E-Book Landing Page from Pat Flynn before you’re compelled to opt in. Course designer Arvind Ramkrishna combines many kinds of appeal right up front but still goes the distance with a long-form page that might well convince visitors to not just opt in for his free guide, but to purchase his full multimedia course. The page adds weight to the offer with testimonials from professionals in related industries and with a breakdown of six topics the course will cover. On a page that’s all about drawing, it’s especially nice to see so many examples of works of automotive art in progress. Click to speed over to this page.

7. XO Sarah – Simple Email Capture Page


What Stands Out: Web designer Sarah Morgan gives us this much shorter example of a very visually oriented landing page. She uses the Simple Email Capture Page to build a list of people interested in her next course on Photoshop, and the page itself serves as an advertisement of Sarah’s design expertise. Check out how the fingernails in the background photo match the call-to-action button. With just a handful of short lines, Sarah’s copy easily convinces visitors that she’ll be able to demystify Photoshop’s zillions of functions. Plus, the bulleted list of design assets she’ll explore demonstrates that the course will be immediately useful to her audience of bloggers. Click to gaze at this page.

8. Likes Media (Germany) – Launching Soon Page


What Stands Out: It must be launch season. This striking Launching Soon Page comes to us from Germany, and it’s a remarkably neat synthesis of theme, content, and design. First, there’s the logo: a rocket that is itself being launched, built into a word that could be translated as “High Flyer.” Below, the copy reads (approximately), “Fed up with flying low? Then it’s time for better marketing!” and goes on to invite visitors to sign up for a new marketing course. Behind it all is a pitch-perfect image of an aerial city view—presumably taken from a plane or helicopter that is indeed flying low, but might ascend at any moment. 9. Rick Stone – Social Proof Giveaway Page


What Stands Out: Here, guitarist Rick Stone strips the Social Proof Giveaway Page down to just a few sections so he can keep the focus tightly on his high-value lead magnet: an e-book of 44 jazz-guitar exercises. The large image of a pro-quality book cover suggests he’ll be delivering lots of information, and so does the text. Rick’s bullet points speak to musicians in their language, dropping in terms from musical theory and the names of guitarists most jazz players would love to emulate. The image caption further enhances the page’s authority by revealing that Rick has been “teaching guitarists since 1977.” 10. Vivafit Outeiro de Polima (Portugal) – Video Background Page


What Stands Out: The Video Background template tends to make any simple opt-in page more exciting, but this page for a Portuguese women’s fitness center is practically a cinematic experience. (Head over to the page below to see the full video play out.) In the foreground, a text box complete with imagery offers a free training section. If you’re in this page’s target audience, you’re likely to consider the offer for some time, if only to watch the action behind it unfold. Under subtly green lighting that evokes the logo’s colors, we see an ultra-fit woman arrive at a well-equipped gym to start working out; later, she’s joined by others as inspiring words pop up onscreen. The entire effect is appropriately muscular and energetic. Click to train your gaze on this page.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you want to use some of the techniques we’ve collected here, we’re making it easy by giving away every template featured in this roundup. Click below to get all 10: [cta-box] If you’re already a LeadPages® member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a LeadPages® member, you will need to code or hire someone to code, in order to customize these pages and publish them on your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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