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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Landing Pages from June–July

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jul 17, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

The best landing pages we found this month get kind of personal. In some cases, that means building the page around one major personality—an approach that makes tons of sense if you’re promoting a live event or a webinar. In others, you won’t find a big picture of a smiling expert. Instead, the person at the center of the page is you. These pages use warm, empathetic copy (among other elements) to communicate that they’re there to solve your particular problems and enrich your individual life. I’m guessing that even if you’ve created lots of pages by now, you’ll still find a few new tricks here that you can borrow to start connecting with more leads. To make that easier, we’re giving you a bundle of seven templates used to create these pages—download them free below right now, then read on to this month’s batch of winners . . . [cta-box] 1. Keller Media – Facebook Advertising Landing Page


What Stands Out: Keller Media uses the Facebook Advertising Landing Page as a study in the power of imagery—just look at that background photo. What writer wouldn’t like to have their book join the volumes on those shelves? (Additional question: can I curl up inside this landing page right now, please?) But there are also plenty of brains behind this page’s beauty. In the next section, we meet the host of the publishing workshop (whose outfit perfectly matches the page’s color scheme) with a first-person introduction and some personable bullet points. And at every turn, the copy doesn’t stop at saying what will happen at the workshop. It puts the focus on your aspirations, your writing, and your success. Read through Keller Media’s page here.

2. Jeremy Cyrier – Coaching Theme Template

Coaching Theme

What Stands Out: If you’re offering coaching services, it’s key to give potential clients a sense of your personal style—and that’s just what the Coaching Theme is designed to do. Jeremy Cyrier has filled it with strong copy and a photo that’s fully professional but also warm and human (see the smile, the outdoor setting, and the tie). There are some other important people on this page besides Jeremy and the prospects he’s addressing. The page wraps up with four testimonials that balance praise with convincing detail specific to the business—plus photos of the testimonial givers. Their happy, trustable faces form a persuasive picture of the value of Jeremy’s business. Consult Jeremy’s page here.

3. Daniel Hall – Co-Hosted Webinar Registration 2.0 Template


What Stands Out: This Co-Hosted Webinar Registration 2.0 page doesn’t go over the top in focusing on this photography webinar’s hosts, but it does use a couple of elements effectively. The template is specifically made for webinars with more than one host, and this page takes advantage of that by including friendly-looking photos of both presenters. Most of the copy discusses what you’ll learn in the webinar, but the “warning” box at the bottom helps build a sense of authority and even familiarity with the hosts: “If you've ever been on a webinar with Tony Laidig or myself you know that we hold nothing back,” it promises. On a page that’s so streamlined, it’s useful to introduce a few elements of personality like this. Click to get the full picture.

4. Foundr Magazine – "Double Opt-In" Confirmation Page


What Stands Out: Thank you pages are routinely underappreciated. They’re friendly—and even quite powerful—but they’re always standing behind someone else in the landing-page family photos. But you shouldn’t neglect them just because you don’t see them until you’ve opted in. This nicely designed "Double Opt-In" Confirmation Page from Foundr Magazine appears after someone opts in for an exclusive interview with Richard Branson. The ultra-friendly tone—“Hang on! Just one thing left to do!”—is built into the default copy, and I suspect it makes people more likely to follow through on the two-step process they need to complete to access the lead magnet. Meanwhile, a large, attractive logo at the top communicates authority and lets leads know they’re in the right place while harmonizing with the page’s chipper vibe.

5. Big Tree Income – Vibrant Sales Page


What Stands Out: On her Vibrant Sales Page, Kelly McCausey of Big Tree Income communicates that she’s right there with her clients at every step of their journey toward entrepreneurship. She confesses that she started off with only a few basic skills herself and struggled with the temptations of get-rich-quick schemes before finding the successful philosophies she now shares with others. It’s all very humanizing, and so is the charmingly narrated slideshow-style video to the left. Kelly further inspires visitors to apply her insights to their own life with headlines such as “Create Your Big Future!” and a call-to-action button reading “I’m ready, Kelly, tell me everything!”

6. Classical Drawing Academy – Photo Background Template


What Stands Out: In the artistic hands of the Classical Drawing Academy, the Photo Background page becomes a sketchbook-background page. Behind the text, a soulful and masterful drawing of a woman's face meets the viewer's gaze, suggesting the kind of work you might produce if you take this course. But the most important person here is staring at the screen. The headline promises a system that’s going to meet you wherever you’re at and help you “Reach Your Highest Potential as an Artist.” And the whole page evinces an eye for design that you’d hope to find when you’re looking for a visual-arts academy. Click to get drawn into this page.

7. Live a Fast Life – Social Share Thank You Page


What Stands Out: This Social Share Thank You Page takes a topic that could be a bit unpleasant—a guide to harmful chemicals in your home—and makes it seem like an occasion for happy times with friends. The imagery and copy emphasize the state of mind you’ll have after you follow the lead magnet’s recommendations (note the feet swinging cheerfully out the passenger window up top). And why wouldn’t you want to spread the mood around? Big social share buttons let you do just that, and a photo and message from the author tell you exactly why you should click them: “Now your friends can start detoxifying their homes too!” Take a closer look at the ingredients of this page.

8. Dan Prosser – E-Book Landing Page from Pat Flynn


What Stands Out: This page makes excellent use of the E-Book Landing Page from Pat Flynn, a template that’s ideal for marketing along content resource built on the author’s deep expertise. A diverse group of credentialed readers testifies to the book’s value before we hear from author Dan Prosser himself in a video. After a closer look at the book’s contents, it’s back to Dan with a first-person narrative message to the reader. The effect is of a conversation with the author that visitors will want to continue by ordering the book. 9. Lorna Jane – Basic Squeeze Page


What Stands Out: Wellness-focused athletic-wear company Lorna Jane uses this Basic Squeeze Page as a custom Facebook tab, finding fans right where they’re hanging out. It promises to “help you kick your sugar craving to the curb for good!” Impressively, the page makes this look appealing instead of restrictive. Fun colors and a headline exhorting visitors to “Move. Nourish. Believe.” add energy to the page, though the most compelling element may be the background photo: what appears to be a tray of brownies decorated by flower petals. Even if you’re not interested in giving up sugar, you might click just to find out how to bake something like that. Take a taste of this page here.10. Tactick – E-Commerce Catalog Page


What Stands Out: This page connects to visitors simply by anticipating a real need and fulfilling it. Task-management app Tactick cleverly repurposes the E-Commerce Catalog Page as a visual tutorial page that shows new or potential users how easy it is to install the app on an iPhone. And with the help of large screenshots and clear instructions, it looks very easy indeed. The rest of the copy on the page keeps that easy, friendly feel with casual language such as “You’re all set!” and “Drop us a line.” Click to take viewing this page off your to-do list.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you want to use some of the techniques we’ve collected here, we’re making it easy by giving away 7 of the templates in this roundup (some of them only recently released). Click below to get them: [cta-box] If you’re already a LeadPages® member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a LeadPages® member, you will need to code or hire someone to code, in order to customize these pages and publish them on your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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