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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from May–June 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 15, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
The Best Landing Pages We Saw in May & June 2015

When collecting the best landing pages our team saw in the LeadPages community this month, I noticed a trend: a lot of them were short. After doing a little more digging, though, I realized it wasn’t really the length that caught everyone’s eye. It was the sense of economy. Whether short or longer, each of the pages in this month’s trends is exactly the right length for what it’s offering. These marketers who created them chose templates that made perfect sense for their product, then filled that space with just enough content to paint a compelling picture. Depending on the page, the results inspire trust, excitement, or even awe. And they might inspire your next landing page. Read on to see them all, or click below to go ahead and grab the templates they were made with first: [cta-box] 1. Greg Reitman – One Page Website/Homepage/Minisite by Markeazy


What Stands Out: This page uses the One Page Website/Homepage/Minisite by Markeazy to communicate one thing loud and clear: it’s the work that matters. Greg Reitman specializes in making stunning Instagram videos that help musicians, artists, and other creative types to promote their work. It’s a novel marketing tool and a heavily visual one, so he chooses to engage visitors by simply showing his work in action with a compelling video. Only after we’ve been wowed by the video do we get the other necessary details. Greg makes canny use of a “product” section to showcase the free bonuses he’s offering, then contextualizes their value with three carefully chosen stats on the power of Instagram videos. A gorgeous “Clients” section mimics Instagram’s signature square format, and finally, a clear-as-day pricing section offers a very manageable selection of three packages. Scrolling through this page is a rich but focused experience. See Greg’s works of regrammable art here.

2. Sandler Training – Basic Squeeze Page


What Stands Out: This short Basic Squeeze Page communicates both warmth and professionalism in spades. In the foreground, a straightforward headline harmonizes with an exceptionally well-designed graphic representation of the lead magnet being offered. You wouldn’t be surprised to see a hard copy in the Business section of any bookstore. In the background, the human connection inherent in networking and good salesmanship comes into play. The image shows three people working something out together over coffee—a friendly and relaxing representation of getting things done. Connect with this page here.

3. BiblioCrunch – Made For Facebook Giveaway Page by James Schramko


What Stands Out: As the name suggests, the Made For Facebook Giveaway Page is designed to be published as a Facebook tab. In this relatively limited space, BiblioCrunch keeps a tight focus on a beefy lead magnet: not just one but three publishing manuals. With mention of a double-volume structure and 52 selling tips, the titles alone suggest you’ll be getting tons of rich content when you opt in, and the covers look completely professional. If you don’t want to download right now, this page gives you another option to stay in touch. A perfectly placed arrow reminds you to click “Like” above to get BiblioCrunch updates right in Facebook. Click here to read on.

4. GreenLancer – Simple Email Capture Template


What Stands Out: One of our newer templates, the Simple Email Capture Template has simplicity built into its bones. GreenLancer doesn’t dilute its power, but instead makes some smart design choices to suit its business. Text and background colors are chosen to harmonize with GreenLancer’s logo. And the background image could hardly be more appropriate for a Big Apple solar-energy company: a New York street dappled with sunlight filtered through green trees. Even the colors in the photo reflect the black and green used elsewhere in the design scheme. See this enlightening page here.

5. Chykalophia Group – Adwords/PPC 2.0 Landing Page


What Stands Out: It’s a LeadPage™ about LeadPages®! Sort of. Marketing and design company Chykalophia Group devotes the Adwords/PPC 2.0 Landing Page to promote a tutorial on using the Stripe payment interface with LeadPages®. The page markets this lead magnet in several ways to appeal to people who might be swayed by different elements of the training. We move from a checklist of material covered to a quick look at the presenter to a testimonial section, followed by a brief summary of what Stripe actually is and, finally, a heartfelt company bio. Each section adds new value to the package. Click to check out this page for yourself.

6. Pilar Newman – Elegant Basic Opt-in Page


What Stands Out: This page uses one of our simplest templates, the Elegant Basic Opt-in Page, to promote an intriguing offer: find out when you can get deep discounts on overstock book orders. The copy effectively suggests that this page is simply letting you in on a secret, not giving you a hard sell. A checklist gives some impressive facts straightforwardly, while the call to action creates an impression of scarcity and urgency: you’re invited to join a waitlist so you can be the first to know the next time an outlet sale launches. And the image of a cute kid reading a book in amazement is likely to connect with the target audience of people who work with students.

7. Scott Black – Smart Product Sales Page


What Stands Out: When you’re asking for customers’ money, you often need to give more details than when you’re giving them something for free. The Smart Product Sales Page template is designed to help you do that, and nutrition educator Scott Black uses it to great effect. It doesn't hurt that the product itself looks delicious: a nicely designed e-book full of tasty, nutritious recipes you can make in your blender. The second section tells you what you’ll get in addition to the 200 recipes, including superfood recommendations and wellness tips; it indeed seems like a lot is included in the $5.99 purchase price. Finally, the page lets you take action and purchase once you’ve reached the end without scrolling back to the top. All this, and it’s still short and strawberry-smoothie-sweet.

8. Nicole Dean – Enterprise Webinar Template


What Stands Out: When you’re a speaker and consultant, building a unique image for yourself can really make the case for why clients should listen to you instead of anyone else. Using the Enterprise Webinar Template, Nicole Dean goes all out with this strategy. The presenter photo looks as though the photographer caught Nicole mid-laugh, and it complements a copy-centered design centered on her inimitable voice. She doesn’t just invite you to a webinar—she “freaking double-dog dares you to be awesome!” Visitors are likely to come away with one impression: this is someone I want to hang out with. Even virtually. Click to see this awesome little page. 9. 5 Junes – New Basic Squeeze Page


What Stands Out: 5 Junes, a clothing company for tween girls, uses the New Basic Squeeze Page to generate pre-launch excitement with a super-cool lead magnet: a summer reading guide for fashion-focused kids. Hip colors and interesting textures are a natural choice for a company focused on youthful design. And rather than give a long-form explanation of what this guide contains, the page displays a preview right in the background image: a couple of pages laid casually on a young girl’s desk. 10. Chet Holmes International – Thank You Page

CHI Thank You

What Stands Out: Chet Holmes International’s Thank You Page is hard to appreciate in still form, so you’ll definitely want to go through it yourself below. It doesn’t just thank visitors for signing up for a webinar, it engages them further with a fantastic video that tells the company’s story through graphics and animation. (Check out our recent case study to see how pages like this fit into CHI’s larger sales strategy.) After the video’s done, you get three further options for engagement: connect with the company on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, or keep tabs on their blog. Every element of this page increases the chances that people who have signed up will stay excited enough to show up when the webinar date arrives. See Chet Holmes International’s smart strategy here.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you want to use some of the techniques we’ve collected here, we’re making it easy by giving away 8 of the templates in this roundup! Click below to get them: [cta-box] If you’re already a LeadPages® member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a LeadPages® member, you will need to code or hire someone to code, these pages to work on your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they work in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
The Best Landing Pages We Saw in May & June 2015
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