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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from October 2016

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Nov 02, 2016  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
The 10 Best Landing Pages We Found in October 2016

Here’s a lesson that can be tough for the more perfectionistic marketers among us … Easy doesn’t necessarily mean lazy. And it definitely doesn’t need to mean low-performing. To some extent, that lesson lies behind the creation of Leadpages itself, which lets you start ahead of the game by relying on proven landing page templates (instead of designing and coding everything from scratch). And while our drag-and-drop page builder makes it possible to create Leadpages that resemble nothing else out there, many of the best marketers aren’t afraid to launch pages with only minimal customization. Simple landing pages let you launch and test more offers in less time. They make successful campaigns easier to replicate. And, most importantly, they can convert incredibly well. So when you can make things easy on yourself in a way that works for your business … why wouldn’t you? When I say that many of the marketers in this roundup of last month’s best landing pages are taking the easy road, it’s a compliment. It means they’ve discovered angles and structures that simply work, and they aren’t afraid to lean on them. By maintaining their focus and refusing to get over-complicated, they’ve built landing pages that are as elegant as they are memorable. If you’re looking to cut through the confusion and build effective landing pages quickly, we’ve got 10 great examples in this post—plus a bonus resource to help you implement their best ideas. Start from an elegant (and well-tested) page structure by downloading a free pack of eight landing page templates used by this month’s featured marketers, including:

  • The Social Proof Giveaway Page
  • The Basic Squeeze Page (Aligned to the Right)
  • The Our Services Opt-in Page
  • The Enter to Win Page
  • The Smart Product Sales Page
  • The Webinar 3.0 Page (Two-Hosts & High CTA Button)
  • The SEO Blog Category Page
  • The Mobile App Download Page

Download all 8 templates free here: [cta-box] If you already use Leadpages, you can find and use these templates by searching the template library. If you don’t, you’ll need to do enough coding to modify the files for your business (or just hand them to whoever handles your website). Check out what this month’s top landing page creators have built below.

1. Problogger – Custom Drag & Drop Page


What Stands Out: Sometimes the simplest offers can be the most impressive. Every blogger needs post ideas, and on this opt-in page, Problogger’s Darren Rowse offers an astounding six months’ worth—180 specific ideas. I typically recommend that marketers keep simple opt-in pages short, and Darren’s page is just long enough to get visitors really excited about this bounty of inspiration. He tells a short story that explains why he started creating this resource (it wasn’t just to get leads), then shares a peek at the kind of ideas people will get when they opt-in. I especially like the image in the final section, which shows a stack of sheets filled with thought starters. Click here to get the idea.

2. Nick Daniel – Social Proof Giveaway Page


What Stands Out: This Social Proof Giveaway Page from copywriter Nick Daniel operates with swift precision. His book cover grabs attention and conveys most of what you need to know: he’s offering a way for copywriters in the health industry to “earn $13,000 for every sales letter you write,” based on his own experience doing exactly that. A few bullet points preview the strategies inside the book, and the page ends with a single well-chosen testimonial. In a few lines, it packs in specific results (beating a long-running control), believability, and even a little humor: “I highly recommend him … but secretly hope no one ever reads this!” The black-and-white photo is a nice touch to match the bold color scheme of the page.

3. The Yoga Nomads – Basic Squeeze Page (Aligned to the Right)


What Stands Out: Sometimes you don’t need to pack all of the necessary context for your landing page into your landing page itself. This Basic Squeeze Page from The Yoga Nomads is designed to work in tandem with a sidebar on their website. The sidebar answers some questions that might come up—who are these two happy people? What are their credentials?—so that the page doesn’t have to. Instead, the page can focus on describing the benefits of the download. It does most of the work with just one compelling sentence: “This is the EXACT formula we use to empower yoga teachers with the online marketing skills required to take control of their income and succeed in today's business environment!”

4. Green Peak Wellness – Our Services Opt-in Page


What Stands Out: There’s quite a lot going on over on Green Peak Wellness’s main site for their Vocal Eze product. This Our Services Opt-in Page focuses attention on the product’s benefits before sending visitors through to the website where they can buy. Green Peak has chosen a template they don’t need to change much. They use the default colors and make excellent use of sections for legitimacy-granting logos (touting outlets that sell their products) and an explanatory video. A final testimonial section shows how real musicians are using the product, with details on the types of singers and musical environments that can benefit. Click here to hear what this page has to say.

5. LuxeGetaways Magazine – Enter to Win Page


What Stands Out: The prize package on this Enter to Win Page from LuxeGetaways Magazine is extensive, and it’s easy to see how a marketer could begin to create a very long page spelling out all the features. But at this stage, visitors don’t need to thoroughly investigate the details of this vacation package—they just need to enter the contest. Accordingly, the creators keep all the important stuff above the fold: lovely photos, clear copy, social share options, a countdown timer, and an entry form. This page also finds an elegant way to handle fine print—often an awkward part of contests and giveaways. LuxeGetaways posts the full official rules on the landing page for convenience and transparency but confines them to a simple black-and-white footer so they don’t get in the way.

6. Artisan Infrastructure – Smart Product Sales Page


What Stands Out: B2B cloud services don't necessarily seem like a warm, fuzzy field, but Artisan Infrastructure adds some human warmth with this Smart Product Sales Page, repurposed to get white paper downloads. The background image of rows upon rows of blinking servers is compelling in its own way, but the report cover draws focus with a lightly humorous image of a businessperson cradling a cloud. Like a few other best-of-the-month pages, this one also uses an excellent testimonial to seal the deal. “We do not hear the word ‘no’ very often, as they are always improving and adding solutions so we can offer more services to our customers” is just the sort of testimonial line that makes other clients excited to come on board. Click here for an unclouded view of this page.

7. Note C.A.M.P. – Event/Conference/Summit Template from Markeazy


What Stands Out: As we know well on the team that puts on Converted, it’s never too early to start filling up a big annual event. With this premium Event/Conference/Summit Template from Markeazy, Note C.A.M.P. has already begun generating excitement and registrations for the 2017 installment. A gorgeous hero-section image clears the mind and conveys the essentials before visitors are invited to explore the conference details in full. A complete presenter listening conveys that even though this event is virtual, it’ll be jam-packed with information from industry pros. Though this page, like most conference pages, is relatively long, a floating navigation bar keeps everything easy to navigate.

8. Caitlin Bacher – Webinar 3.0 Page


What Stands Out: The Webinar 3.0 Page is among our top 10 highest-converting landing page templates, and speaking unscientifically, I’d also say it’s one of the best loved. Here, Caitlin Bacher demonstrates why it works so well: choose one strong, brand-appropriate color for emphasis, add a compelling headline and a few bullets, and you’ve got everything you need to fill up any webinar. It helps that Caitlin’s got a great copywriting sense. The highlighted parenthetical in the headline piques attention—really, you can monetize a Facebook group with no other product?—and the bullets are just as counterintuitively intriguing, promising to share why you should stop worrying about engagement and how exactly Caitlin gets six figures from her own group. Pay a social call to this page here.

9. Agency Growth Academy – SEO Blog Category Page


What Stands Out: The SEO Blog Category Page was designed to provide all the positive qualities of a blog post (the potential to engage readers with a story, the impression of timeliness, the depth of content) with none of the distractions (navigation links, sidebars, ads). Jeremiah Desmarais of the Agency Growth Academy uses it to share an extremely engaging and actionable narrative … which all builds to a strong call to action. Even as a visitor outside the target industry, it’s very hard to turn down the headline’s offer to share “the cold email that got 76 leads with Silicon Valley CEOs in 20 days.” What makes this different from a standard opt-in page is that Jeremiah actually delivers on that promise directly on the page, in the body of the “post.” Even cold traffic could easily be convinced of his expertise by this, making them ready to take the next step at the bottom of the page: sign up for a 15-minute strategy session and, as a bonus, get the complete text of that powerful email excerpted on the landing page. If you’re looking for a new way to grab attention and demonstrate your consulting skills on a landing page, try this simple but unusual approach to booking clients. Click here to study this page’s smarts.

10. Jamie Delaine – Mobile App Download Page


What Stands Out: We end with another super-simple, single-screen page—a dramatically shortened version of the Mobile App Download Page. Wedding photographer Jamie Delaine uses its bold graphics and clean lines to promote her free course, and ditches everything she doesn’t absolutely need. This page doesn’t center on Jamie’s photography skills, though she does include a lovely example of her work to illustrate a happy bride. Instead, she makes it all about the visitor, emphasizing the “you” in her copy and adding “I want the guide!” to the opt-in button. A subtle navigation menu in the footer helps visitors find Jamie on her homepage and social media channels. Click for a closer look at this engaging page.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you’d like to try some of the landing page techniques in this roundup, we’re making it easy by giving away 8 of the landing page templates listed in this roundup. Click below to download the entire pack: [cta-box] If you’re already a Leadpages member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just use the search bar to look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a Leadpages member, you will need to do a little coding or hand the files over to your web developer in order to customize these pages and publish them to your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
The 10 Best Landing Pages We Found in October 2016
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