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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from September 2016

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Sep 29, 2016  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
The 10 Best Landing Pages We Found in September 2016

I just checked Weather.com, and I can confirm: it’s been an objectively gloomy month here in Minneapolis. (24 mostly-cloudy days in September so far.) So maybe it’s no surprise that the 10 best landing pages our team collected this month are exceptionally vivid. That means bright (but always on-brand) colors. It means unexpected imagery. Sometimes, it just means a bit of extra personality that makes you lean a little closer toward your screen. And all of those things make for a landing page that really stands out from any similar offers visitors might have encountered. These 10 pages are likely to be better at engaging customers than the competition, and better at sticking in their memory even if those customers don’t buy right away. Of course, you can make any Leadpage as bright or subdued as you like, but if you are looking to punch up your pages, the default styling in most of the templates seen here gives you a great start. Take advantage of proven layouts and color combos by downloading a free pack of six landing page templates used in this post, including:

  • The New Basic Squeeze Page
  • The Video Squeeze Page
  • The Smart Product Sales Page
  • The Testimonial Sales Page
  • The Facebook Tab Opt-in Page
  • The Blog Resources Page

Download all 6 templates free here: [cta-box] If you already use Leadpages, you can find and use these templates by searching the template library. If you don’t, you’ll need to do enough coding to modify the files for your business (or just hand them to whoever handles your website). Check out what this month’s top landing page creators have built below.

1. Dom’s Kitchen – New Basic Squeeze Page

Dom's Kitchen

What Stands Out: The New Basic Squeeze Page has historically been one of our best-converting squeeze pages, and Dom’s Kitchen makes perfect use of it here to showcase a simple offer and a delectable image. A picture may or may not be worth 1,000 words, but I’d say this one is worth at least 200: it means that there’s no need to spend extra time and space describing the kinds of recipes in this planner, or paragraphs on the company’s approach to food. One look is enough to whet your appetite. Beyond the photo, this page also uses color wisely in the text box. The kiwi-green call-to-action button pops right out, while a gray background and white text stay out of its way. Click here to dig into this page.

2. Scott Richard – Parallax Sales Page by TemplateLauncher.com

Listing Specialist

What Stands Out: This Parallax Sales Page is designed to convince you that listing specialist Scott Richard can market your home like a top-tier product—so of course it needs to be a stellar example of Scott’s marketing skills in itself. And it is. The page looks terrific, needless to say, but there’s no meaningless eye candy on display. Every part of the page backs up Scott’s main claims. Photo and video examples showcase the kind of visuals Scott can create for clients, the page as a whole indicates his comfort with digital-marketing techniques, and the testimonials are full of social proof. He’s chosen those quotes carefully to highlight impressive feats such as attracting out-of-state buyers, quickly selling a property that had languished for years, and selling a property in the middle of a Wyoming winter. Finally, I love the photo Scott has chosen for himself. Rather than the standard corporate headshot, we see him on location, camera in hand. It cements the image he’s created of an approachable and highly skilled professional. Click here to see why this page makes the list.

3. Preston Smiles – Drag & Drop About Me Page 2

5 Tools To Overcome Fear

What Stands Out: There’s an infectious energy to this simple Drag & Drop About Me Page from author and inspirational speaker Preston Smiles. Here again, the image is almost everything—take away the background photo of Preston going airborne and you have an offer that may or may not be compelling. But with the photo, it’s instantly convincing that this beaming balloon-wrangler has figured out the secret to fearlessness. A couple of other little design choices add to this page’s buoyancy. The handwriting-style headline font fits the overall spirit, and the green button stands out in contrast to the warmer colors in the background. Click here to jump to this page.

4. Mona Lisa Ondevilla – Video Squeeze Page

Intuitive Women

What Stands Out: Just two colors—rose and aqua—are all this Video Squeeze Page from Mona Lisa Ondevilla needs to feel bright and appealing. They create a lovely frame for her other well-chosen page elements. It can be easy for things to get very fuzzy, very fast in the coaching space, but Mona Lisa grabs attention with a headline that lays out exactly who she’s looking for: introverted, intuitive women who want to build a successful, purpose-filled business. She leaves it to the video to explain exactly how she can help those women, then follows up with a series of even more focused, emotional targeting questions below the call to action. Mona Lisa has also chosen her testimonials nicely. The three women featured are all shown smiling in lovely outdoor settings, and adding their credentials is an extra engaging touch: we discover that Mona Lisa has helped everyone from a yoga teacher to a fiction-writing firefighter. Click here to get a good sense of this page.

5. Darren Hardy – Custom Drag & Drop Page

Darren Hardy

What Stands Out: This page from speaker and author Darren Hardy shows how simple it can be to work existing brand assets into a sharp new landing page. For imagery, he’s simply taken an existing banner graphic and dropped it into the headline slot, then added a standard headshot to his bio section. As for the rest of the design, he draws colors and font styles straight from the header image, adding instant polish. The landing page copy is brief but highly specific: he’s offering a 3-part email series that’ll give subscribers a 5-part game plan, which will help them accomplish four specific goals, broken down as items on a checklist. Friendly but sophisticated, this kind of landing page could get results in nearly any niche. Click here to brand this page on your memory.

6. STEAM Kids – Smart Product Sales Page


What Stands Out: Here’s another way to deploy a header image: use it to convey the experiential qualities of a hands-on offer. This one on STEAM Kids’ Smart Product Sales Page makes parents and kids excited to get their hands on the projects inside this ebook, while also spelling out the book’s contents. The page contains all the content parents need to make a decision to buy, but there’s also a secondary, low-commitment option for visitors who aren’t quite ready to pull out their credit card. Toward the bottom of the page (so as not to distract people who are eager to make a purchase), the creators take the opportunity to do a little list-building by offering a downloadable idea sheet. A screenshot suggests it’s a perfect lead magnet to accompany this offer: for more details on these ideas, new leads will have to buy the book. Click here to discover the science of a great landing page.

7. Provident Legacy – Testimonial Sales Page


What Stands Out: After seeing this page from real estate company Provident Legacy, I’m a little surprised I haven’t seen more landing pages devoted to recruiting. A great landing page is a great excitement-building tool, and that’s the perfect mood to set when you’re trying to get motivated people on your team. The Testimonial Sales Page page template is an especially good fit for this purpose. A genuine-feeling video testimonial is hard to fake, so it really says something that Provident was able to collect nine of them. They complement other page sections designed to screen for culture fit, including a quick questionnaire and details on the training program, core values, and work environment. Everything drives toward a simple call to action: apply today.

8. Academy for Professional Painting Contractors – Facebook Tab Opt-in Page


What Stands Out: Academy for Professional Painting Contractors packs a lot of compelling proof into this brief Facebook Tab Opt-in Page. It kicks off with a headline that mentions three highly specific goals, breaks down exactly what’s included in the extraordinarily high-value lead magnet, and makes sure to emphasize that the tactics inside were “learned from working with the nation's most successful painting contractors.” While the program creator’s video is calm and friendly in tone, the copy isn’t afraid to stir up a bit of controversy. It calls out “crappy online lead services” as “the payday loans of marketing,” and promises to reveal “why you’re losing bids to low-priced competitors.” But it’s certainly not all negative: visitors are also promised intriguingly specific benefits such as “how to easily break into the lucrative commercial repaint market.” Brush up on your landing page skills with a few tips from this page.

9. Museumkwartier – Blog Resources Page


What Stands Out: Three years in, we’re still seeing totally novel uses for Leadpages every month—the kind of use cases that make you say, “Whoa, why didn’t I think of that?” Take this Blog Resources Page from Museumkwartier, a Dutch site catering to museum and travel enthusiasts. The site relies on user-generated reviews, and this landing page is an ultra-clever way to get more of them. It’s set up as a poll asking visitors to vote in the Museum Discovery awards, with a photo and fun description of each entrant. The mechanism for voting: click the button and then leave a review on that museum’s page on the main website. It gives Museumkwartier’s audience a voice, and likely gets them to participate more effectively than a simple request for reviews ever could. Click here to muse on this clever page.

10. Color Monthly – "Master Multipurpose" All-Purpose Template from Markeazy

Color Monthly Free Membership

What Stands Out: Landing pages don’t (and probably shouldn’t) get more colorful than this page from Color Monthly, made with the "Master Multipurpose" All-Purpose Template from Markeazy. Sheer whimsy is on offer with these packages of complex coloring pages for adults, and a rainbow-splashed approach that might not work for other products is perfectly in line here. It may look more like a scrapbook page than a traditional sales page, but there’s a solid structure under all the bright hues. The company takes time to intersperse the benefits of coloring—it’s relaxing, it’s affordable, it makes great gift wrap—with the details of what’s included in the package and how to sign up. The page is a real pleasure to take in, and if visitors want to extend their stay in the creative, cozy space it creates, all they have to do is make a purchase. Click here to fill in the rest of the details on this page.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you’d like to try some of the landing page techniques in this roundup, we’re making it easy by giving away 6 of the landing page templates listed in this roundup. Click below to download the entire pack: [cta-box] If you’re already a Leadpages member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a Leadpages member, you will need to do a little coding or hand the files over to your web developer in order to customize these pages and publish them to your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
The 10 Best Landing Pages We Found in September 2016
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