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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from September–October 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Oct 12, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

As the days grow shorter in Minnesota, I find myself seeking out warmth and light. And so, it seems, are the creators of the most appealing landing pages I found this month (even if they hail from warmer climes). Why are these qualities often present in effective landing pages? I think it’s because they extend an irresistible invitation—like a cozy, twinkling home on a winter’s night. The form that invitation takes varies widely in this selection of the month's best landing pages. In some, warm colors and friendly language spark a relationship between designer and reader that feels instantly genuine. In others, open space and bright colors give visitors room to take in the offer at their own pace and paint themselves into the picture. Many of these landing-page creators began with templates designed to create exactly this kind of welcoming feel. To help you do the same thing, we’re giving you 6 of the templates they used to make this month’s top landing pages, including the following:

  • Basic Squeeze Page
  • Social Proof Giveaway Page
  • Modern Webinar Page
  • Tiered Pricing Page
  • Long Form "Free White Paper" Page
  • Book Sales Page

Download all 6 templates below: [cta-box] If you’re already a LeadPages® member, you can find every template below in either the standard library or the Marketplace—just look for them under the template names in the headings. 1. Business Finishing School – "Single Speaker" Event/Presenter/Coaching/Minisite Template from Markeazy


What Stands Out: With this "Single Speaker" Event Template from Markeazy, Business Finishing School uses an appeal to urgency—the timer at the top of the page—as just part of a persuasive overall picture. Citrus tones keep the page’s energy up from the well-chosen stock image in the first frame through the logo and registration buttons. Ample white space balances its detailed and complex information, from a compelling “Here is what you will learn” section to the multimedia testimonials. Although this page focuses on a September event, there’s something here for visitors who find it later, too. The creators have smartly included a “future events” section where latecomers can sign up for the next boot camp in the series. 2. Coaches’ Coach – Long Form "Free White Paper" Page


What Stands Out: There’s something slightly old-fashioned about a sales letter: the one-on-one connection, the signature at the end. Eric Dombach of Coaches’ Coach uses the Long Form "Free White Paper" Page to give his sales letter a clean, modern feel while preserving the form’s traditional charm. There are lots of resources aimed at business coaches out there, but on this page Eric makes his free report stand out. There’s the professional-looking cover image, and a subheadline that emphasizes the report’s page count to give an impression of substance. Then there’s the letter itself. Though it uses plenty of time-tested copywriting techniques, it centers something new: the stats, metrics, and psychological research that make Eric’s report unique. Analyze this landing page here.

3. Brenda Cadman – Pat Flynn's FoodTruckr Sales Page


What Stands Out: Wedding vendors are just some of the small businesses that web consultant Brenda Cadman helps, but with her take on Pat Flynn's FoodTruckr Sales Page, she makes them feel special. Anyone targeting several different niches would do well to examine Brenda’s creative thrift here. The logo, testimonials, copy, and one image all pertain directly to the wedding biz, but many other parts of the page could easily be repurposed should Brenda offer this course to other industries. And if it’s partly recyclable, that doesn’t mean it’s any less valuable: consider that Brenda has created a thoughtfully designed long-form page to support a totally free course. See how this page marries form and function here.

4. Predictable Success – Parallax Single-Page Mini-Site Template from Template Launcher


What Stands Out: The Parallax Single-Page Mini-Site Template from Template Launcher is full of fun animated effects (be sure to scroll through it below). Predictable Success keeps this complex page feeling dynamic, not crowded, with a polished approach to design and copy. That’s especially impressive given all the different kinds of imagery on display: inspiring stock background photos, illustrations, headshots, and abstract backgrounds. In some hands that would be too much, but by sticking to a color palette of aqua, crimson, and slate throughout, Predictable Success has created an effect that’s unpredictably gorgeous. Click to speed over to this page.

5. Amanah Fitness – Social Proof Giveaway Page

FREE Healthy Eating Crash Course

What Stands Out: Healthy eating has rarely seemed as fun as it does on this Social Proof Giveaway Page from Amanah Fitness. Amina Khan shows off the content of her video series in an innovative way with a series of stills that show her tearing open supermarket packages and explaining cartoon-style whiteboard illustrations. The beautiful design is supported by concise and compelling copy. Amina calls out the knowledge she’ll be sharing in three bullet points and demonstrates the authority behind that knowledge with a brief bio and a couple of testimonials below. Click here to devour this page.6. National Nutrition – Modern Webinar Page

National Nutrition Vitamix Contest

What Stands Out: National Nutrition repurposes the Modern Webinar Page to drive interest in a prize drawing. The template’s emphasis on deadlines and large countdown timer make it a natural fit. This page is refreshing from top to bottom, from the photo of the grand prize in action to the convincing testimonials to the consolation prize: a coupon available to anyone who enters. And whoever designed this page has an incredible eye for color. The green and orange of the National Nutrition logo show up all over the place—even in the photos of the supermarket shelves.

7. Book Design Templates– Lead Magnet/Opt-in Bribe/Listicle Page for Tools/Resources/Affiliates by Irving Rivera


What Stands Out: Most e-commerce catalog pages look basically the same: a grid of items, each with a little bit of description and a price tag. Book Design Templates uses a template by Marketplace author Irving Rivera to upend that format—and potentially draw visitors deeper into the site rather than making it easy for them to scroll quickly through. Each product on the page is enriched by a description that prioritizes the visitor’s goals and needs, while below rests an impressive graphics spread representing the resources inside each kit. To tie each product section together, the page matches the color of each product title to the book-cover illustration—an extremely subtle yet effective technique.

8. Abbey Cone – Basic Squeeze Page

Gift From Abbey Cone

What Stands Out: This simple Basic Squeeze Page couldn’t get any sweeter. To offer the treat of a free song download, musician Abbey Cone uses the thematically appropriate image of a plate of pecan pie. The copy and graphics ooze Southern charm, too. Abbey’s “signature” in a cursive font creates a homespun feel, and even though she’s the one making a gift to visitors, she’s still sure to tell them “Thanks for everything!” Click to see the full scoop on this page.9. Matthew Champagne – Book Sales Page


What Stands Out: Crisp primary colors tend to set the mood for learning, and this Book Sales Page promises an invigorating dose of knowledge on survey design. It’s easy to imagine how this subject matter could come off as dry or dull, but Matthew Champagne’s page is full of energy. That’s a function of not just the bright visuals but the copy. There’s no academic jargon here. Instead, Dr. Champagne speaks to his corporate audience in a language they can immediately relate to, asking “Tried all your colleagues' situation-specific advice?” and promising that the book will help you “ask all the right questions in the right way.” 10. Hotze Vitamins – Tiered Pricing Page

Hotze Health Club

What Stands Out: Vitamins and health supplements aren’t necessarily easy to navigate, but Hotze Vitamins removes both practical and conceptual difficulties. The Tiered Pricing Page was designed to help visitors reduce decision paralysis with a three-option menu and a price-anchored central field, and Hotze makes the most of it. The differences between the three vitamin packs are ultra clear, and even the “Fine Print” section below is reassuring and clear, not full of scary legalese. This landing page is also a study in the power of well-chosen stock imagery. Luminous images of a runner in a sunny field and, below, the kind of active, healthy people who might use Hotze’s products build atmosphere and brand consistency—no cheesiness to be found. Get a healthy dose of this page here.

Need Some More Inspiration?

If you want to use some of the techniques we’ve collected here, we’re making it easy by giving away 6 of the templates in this roundup. Click below for a free download: [cta-box] If you’re already a LeadPages® member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account—just look for the template names listed in the post. If you’re not a LeadPages® member, you will need to do a little coding or hand the files over to your web developer in order to customize these pages and publish them to your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

To all of the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup, thanks for your great work! Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they work in progress or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
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