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LeadBoxes Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes from May 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 28, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Were you the kind of kid who waited patiently to open your presents until it was the right time? Or did you analyze their shapes and shake the boxes to figure out if what was inside was worth getting excited about (or just another case of socks)? Today we’re talking about LeadBoxes®, not gift boxes, but the marketers in this month’s roundup have still used them to package some pretty cool things. And they’ve found some inspiring ways to make them irresistible to open up. To check out all their marketing tactics and innovative lead magnets, read on: 1. Tamela Rich: Subscription LeadBox

Daily Getaway

What Stands Out: Bet you’ve heard of this lead-generation strategy: you offer an opt-in bribe in exchange for a visitor’s email address. Then, you deliver the bribe and add that lead to your email list. Simple, right? Writer and speaker Tamela Rich makes things simpler still: her opt-in bribe is the email list, an inspirational newsletter called The Daily Getaway. The call-to-action button is bright, clear, and unmissable, and once you click, the LeadBox™ tells you exactly what to do. Tamela also addresses any concerns people might have about keeping their email safe head on, with messages reading “100% Secure. I never share email addresses” under the LeadBox™ trigger and “Your privacy is protected” inside the box. 2. Ground Game Strategies: Consultation Exit LeadBox

Ground Game

What Stands Out: Wait, don’t close that tab! If you didn’t immediately want to contact Ground Game Strategies after scrolling through their attractively designed landing page, they might change your mind with a LeadBox™ that appears as you move to exit the page. This LeadBox™ has a lot going for it, starting with the offer: a free 45-minute strategy session. It could seem too good to be true, but the consultant photo puts a real face to the promise the LeadBox™ is making. 3. Discover Scandinavia Tours: Free Itinerary LeadBox


What Stands Out: Discover Scandinavia Tours offers an intriguing lead magnet: a free itinerary for a trip around Scandinavia. The LeadBox keeps things simple but generates interest with a few nicely chosen elements. The copy encourages a spirit of adventure, and so does the cheerful suitcase graphic. Although visitors must fill in a few more form fields than in many LeadBoxes, the animated progress bar—proven to convert better than static progress bars—indicates that the process is easy and nearly complete. To get a pack of these progress bars for your own site, click below:


4. Georgina Ware for It Works!: VIP List LeadBox

It Works

What Stands Out: On this landing page, Georgina Ware captures leads at all levels of possible commitment. If they’re not ready to enroll as a body-wrap distributor, they can join a customer loyalty program or—and here’s where the LeadBox™ comes in—learn more by subscribing to her newsletter. The call to action makes this choice feel exclusive by inviting leads to join a “VIP List,” and the LeadBox™ follows up by spelling out benefits such as free products and special offers. An image of happy It Works! The customer ties the LeadBox™ to the brand. 5. Become a Writer Today: Book Extract LeadBox


What Stands Out: This LeadBox™ offers a lot within a simple framework. The opt-in bribe includes three components, but each directly ties into the headline, "Can You Finish What You Started?" The call to action is fun and attention-getting—"Click Here to Get the Goodies Now"—and the copy inside the LeadBox™ reinforces the established theme of creative productivity. One more thing to note here: check out how well the design and colors match the rest of the site. This LeadBox™ is a part of the cohesive experience of the site—far from an interruption. 6. National Association of Expert Advisors: Consultation LeadBox


What Stands Out: This LeadBox does interesting things with opacity and transparency. The call-to-action button floats transparently over the main image. The clean, low-profile design inspires trust, whereas something flashier might seem out of place on this all-business landing page. Once you click, it's a different story. The LeadBox blacks out the background page to focus attention on the assertive copy, and because of that, there's no visual conflict with the landing page. Exclamation points and the word "yes" power up two concise calls to action. 7. Elevate Mobile Fitness: Resource Guide LeadBox


What Stands Out: This landing page makes some confident predictions about visitors’ lives: they work hard, they care about their health, and they sometimes have trouble balancing those two priorities. It feels personal, and yet almost anyone could see themselves in this description. The call-to-action button gets just as personal as the rest of the page—“I Need Healthier Lunches”—and the LeadBox™ copy maintains the positive, aspirational tone of the rest of the page. A polished, professional logo completes the picture and adds a sense of authority. 8. David A. Fields: Sidebar LeadBox


David A. Fields uses the sidebar on his blog to highlight a video on getting prospects into your pipeline. To see it, of course, visitors have to enter their email address, and David makes it very tempting with the image he’s chosen for his LeadBox™. A monitor displays an image of David explaining a charming stick-figure diagram, and the image of a red play button all but forces you to try to click. It’s just an image, of course, but it fuels the desire to do whatever it takes to watch the video. 9. Blog Marketing Academy: Header LeadBox

Blog Marketing

What Stands Out: Maybe you came to Blog Marketing Academy’s site to take a leisurely stroll through their posts, or maybe you want to get your blog making more money now. For the latter visitors, a LeadBox™ target right at the top of the page entices them to opt in. In the LeadBox™, a slick animated progress bar matches the site’s streamlined design. The image space is effectively filled by a miniature version of the infographic the LeadBox™ is offering—too small to view clearly, but big enough to communicate its value and complexity. And the copy increases the sense of urgency by using the word “instant” twice, a reliable conversion-boosting technique. 10. Mr & Mrs Pose: Audio Class LeadBox


What Stands Out: For a highly physical discipline like yoga, a simple PDF might be too two-dimensional to work as a lead magnet. Instead, Mr & Mrs Pose offers a free audio relaxation and meditation class. The LeadBox™ itself is a study in simplicity and harmony. It carries through the theme of the landing page perfectly by using an identical color scheme—which even coordinates with the shirt the blissed-out woman in the image is wearing. Share Your LeadBoxes with Us! Before you go, we’d love to see any LeadBoxes you’ve recently implemented. Leave a comment below and let us know where we can find them! Or, if you don’t have a LeadBox to share, tell us which of the 10 examples above was your favorite. Thanks to all the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup! And don't forget to download the animated progress bars used in some of these LeadBoxes:

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