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[Template Download] One of The Best Performing Webinar Registration Pages In LeadPages® History

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 22, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
[Template Download] One of The Best Performing Webinar Registration Pages In LeadPages History

[cta-box] You’re looking at one of the most consistently high converting landing pages in LeadPages history. It is based on designs by James Schramko of SuperFastBusiness.com. At LeadPages we love iterating on our pages to continually make them better. So we are excited to show you this webinar registration page from James Schramko 2.0. When you see the new page next to the original template, you can see that the new look is modern, clean, and stays true to the proven effective design of the original which is important because the page works so well. We’ve updated the image section so that you no longer need to use an image that has been cut out. Having an image helps boost conversion rates by connecting the host with a visitor, which is more welcoming than a blind offer. You’ll also notice we’ve unified the typeface used throughout the page, along with simplifying the mindmap design, the mindmap images and graphics are intentially blurred out to build curiosity. Because you can almost see what the mindmap says, curiousity builds to the point that people will opt-in to see what it actually says. So those are the mechanics behind this template. Now let’s look at how easy this template is to customize and use. Here we’ve customized it for a not only a webinar registration, but also some other uses. Here’s an example of a registration page for a blogging tips webinar, this is one for a life coaching group session, and finally this one is used to get people to purchase tickets for live event. The best part is we created all of these pages in under 10 minutes. It’s that easy. To change any text, just click and type. To change an image just select a new one. If you want to change the colors to match your branding you can do that here. Now, there are two ways you can get this template: You could download the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files by clicking on the button below. It's free and there no strings attached. But you'll need to be a coder or hire a coder in order to customize the template to use on your site. The second way is to sign up for a LeadPages account. Then you'll have immediate access to this template and over 100 more inside of LeadPages. You'll be able to customize and publish any template without ever having to touch a line of code—so you’ll save a ton of time and money. We recommend the Pro Edition with an annual subscription, as it comes with the majority of the features our customers need and is 39% less than paying monthly. Join us at the Pro level today!

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By The Leadpages Team
[Template Download] One of The Best Performing Webinar Registration Pages In LeadPages History
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