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[Case Study] How a Yoga Entrepreneur Went from 0 to 1,300 Opt-Ins and Launched Her Virtual Studio Business

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 05, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Yoga is intensely physical. It’s often slow. But the virtual world moves fast around it, and it’s important for yoga instructors and other fitness pros to stake out mat space on the web if they want to keep up. Posting videos of lessons online seems like a natural step, but how to monetize that content isn’t quite so obvious. That’s where entrepreneur Jennifer Barcelos came in. A longtime yogi herself, Jennifer saw an opportunity to cut down some of the unwelcome unpredictability of yoga teachers’ and studio owners’ lives. If they had an easy way to let clients purchase video lessons online—maybe even stream them live—they could stabilize their revenue stream without a lot of extra work. She set out to build a virtual yoga-studio platform for them, called Namastream. There were just a couple of drawbacks to this vision: Jennifer wasn’t a web developer or designer. And she was faced with building a list of interested customers from scratch.

Enter Leadpages

Fortunately, Jennifer had a pretty good idea where to turn first: Leadpages. “I knew it was what everyone recommended, so I didn’t waste any time. I just signed up right away,” she said. She was soon glad she did. With Leadpages, she was able to get her first landing page up and running in a flash, and Namastream stretched into public view.

“In two to five minutes I can have a good page, now that I’m familiar with the tool. And that’s so great, because 15 months ago I didn’t even know how to build a WordPress site.” – Jennifer Barcelos

Leadpages + Facebook = Hundreds of Email Subscribers, Fast

Her first landing page built, Jennifer threw one other tool into the mix: a Facebook ad campaign. She put plenty of care and creativity into her messaging, but beyond that, it wasn’t a resource-intensive campaign. She kept it running only during her initial launch period and budgeted only about $5 per day. Facebook users clicked. And when they did, they were sent directly to landing pages made with Leadpages templates, where the promise of ultra-relevant content, such as virtual-studio equipment guides and webinars, enticed them to join Namastream’s email list. From there, Jennifer had an easy way to contact them with offers to join the site and become paying members. Mission accomplished!

“In the period of a few months, I built my list from 0 to about 1,300 with LeadPages.” – Jennifer Barcelos

Namastream still has plenty of room to grow, but now the company has more than 1,300 leads on its list and an expanding customer base to call its own. Jennifer’s excited to start testing some of LeadPages’ other marketing tools—and we’re excited to watch Namastream help transform yoga teachers’ livelihoods.


Want to learn more about how Jennifer went from 0 to 1,300? Click below to download some tools you can use to replicate her results—including the landing-page templates she used and our complete Facebook marketing course. Click Here to Download the Templates and Course

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