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The Leadpages Conversion Marketing Certified Directory Is Here—and New Consultants Are Already Reaping Results

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jul 20, 2016  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

If you run a restaurant, you'd better make sure you're listed (and well reviewed) on Yelp. If you're a contractor, you might focus your attention on directories like Angie's List. But what if you want to make sure the world knows you're a qualified marketing professional—one who's guaranteed to understand conversion-focused marketing principles and tactics inside and out? There hasn't been a go-to directory for that … until now. Now there’s the Leadpages Conversion Certified Directory. And it’s filling up with marketing consultants who’ve found a reliable framework to generate more conversions faster across the entire customer lifecycle. [cta-box] As a content creator for the certification program, I've had the pleasure of guiding the first wave of marketers through the Conversion Marketing Certification Program. I can attest that these are some smart, motivated marketers. But even I was impressed when I reached out and asked how their businesses had changed post-certification. They haven't just seen a return on their educational investment. In many cases, they've seen an immediate—even tenfold—return on their investment. Why have they been so successful? It starts with the things that make this certification program unique.

A Powerful Approach to Conversion Marketing Training

The Leadpages Conversion Marketing Certification program is different from anything else on several important levels. It’s comprehensive, cohesive, and built with a conversion-now mentality.

It’s Comprehensive (But Not Overwhelming)

Some digital-marketing training programs focus on building traffic, while others stress lead generation, sales, or building customer loyalty. And they do a good job of it. This is an entirely different training program. Instead of focusing on one stage or topic, the Leadpages Conversion Marketing Certification program is all about generating more conversions across the entire conversion marketing lifecycle. [caption id="attachment_8412" align="aligncenter" width="795"]

The four stages of the conversion marketing lifecycle

The four stages of the conversion marketing lifecycle[/caption] Our mantra for this is “just-in-time conversion marketing.” Deliver the right quantity and quality of conversion marketing education to help our students put effective strategies and methodologies into practice right when they need them … without trying to boil the online marketing ocean and drowning in the process! We know this approach works, because marketers are telling us so. Most times, we hear about students achieving real breakthroughs and success even before they’ve completed the course and passed the certification exam. David Resnick found that the first class alone totally upended what he thought he knew about his business model:

”I have been trying to succeed at online sales for years. No matter what I have done, it was impossible to get website visitors to become leads. After your first class I decided I was not making an appealing offer and for kicks I decided to start a new website for my wife using all of what I had learned and it is hugely successful!” – David Resnick

And Colin Scotland was surprised by just how challenging it was (no super-obvious “best practices” here):

“Conversion Marketing Certification is an outstanding program. It is rigorous, comprehensive, and it will stretch you much more than you think. The strategies and skills you will learn are absolutely essential for any business. Whether you are a marketer looking to help your clients or want to implement the techniques in your own business, don’t hesitate. This stuff works.” - Colin Scotland

Make no mistake. It’s a challenging and rigorous program. (As most of our students will attest!) But none of their effort is ever wasted. Our students have found that by combining the right amount of know-how with effective action, good things happen quickly! [cta-box]

It’s Cohesive, End to End

The problem with courses on specific topics like search marketing, social media, or blogging is that they’re usually not well-integrated with the whole of what you need to know and do to generate results. I can’t count the number of digital marketers and consultants I’ve talked to who jump on just about every new course that comes their way. (In fact, I know because I’ve been there myself.) And the sad thing about it? They don’t even finish the one they’re on before they start another! They jump from training to course to program to information product to webinar … but there’s nothing to connect everything they’re learning into a unified whole. Sure, they may have a piece or two to the puzzle, but the one common ingredient they lack is end-to-end cohesiveness: tying all the pieces together in a reliable framework (built on sound conversion principles) that can move more customers through not just one or two, but all four stages of the conversion marketing lifecycle. But again, don’t take my word for it. Hear what our Conversion marketing certification course students have to say:

“The certification program from Leadpages is superb! Two classes into it and I was already rethinking and retooling things that I had in place on my website. The best part of the program is that it gave me a reliable framework I can use to further promote my business and help my clients be successful.” – Carlos Aguilar
“We are LOVING this certification program. It is well thought out, well laid out, very professional, and—even better for us—puts the thousands of jigsaw puzzle pieces together for us - finally!” – Elizabeth Harrington

It Has a Conversion-Now Mentality

Too many conversion opportunities are wasted through a lack of knowledge, timely execution, or both. Whether because of poorly crafted calls-to-action, lackluster copy, or too few opt-ins marketers often fail to realize every moment can, and should, be a conversion opportunity. As our CEO, Clay Collins, often reminds us, “It’s not an optimization problem we need to solve, it’s a conversion enablement opportunity we must embrace.” After processing billions of data points and millions of monthly conversions for our 40,000+ customers, we know what works—and we’re passing that knowledge on to our students. It’s not about the tools or technologies you use, either. A conversion-now mentality will help you better operate whatever tools and technologies you use to drive higher conversion rates. It’s a mentality that starts with knowing who you are, who your ideal clients are, and how best to engage them. It continues with making customers not just the heroes of their journey, but loyal advocates and promoters of your brand. And again, conversion marketing students who’ve applied this conversion-now thinking are reaping rapid and significant results from it. Take Joselyn Quintero, who’s used her training to put the tools she already loves into a broader context:

“I have been a Leadpages user for the last 2 years and always considered it my 'Digital Ferrari:' fast to set up, easy to use, and with gorgeous designs. After completing the Conversion Certification training, I feel like a F1 pilot, finally understanding all the marketing lifecycle and understanding where to focus on each step and what to measure for better results.” - Joselyn Quintero

Meanwhile, Sean Mathesis combined two tactics and saw a remarkable growth in revenue, remarkably fast:

“I launched a new subscription model program on May 1 using Leadpages and retargeting strategies. In 60 days I am up to $26,000 in recurring monthly payments. Boom!” - Sean Mathesis

What does this all mean for you? If you’re a digital marketing consultant just starting out or struggling to put all the essential pieces together to grow your business, it means you should consider joining our easy-access, self-paced conversion marketing certification program—it’s open now. [cta-box] If you’re just wanting to grow your business or help your clients reap better results, this course is for you, too. (And if you just want to hire someone to do it for you, go ahead and browse the Conversion Certified Directory right now! We fully stand behind the marketers listed here—that's why we certified them.)

Meet (Some of) the Leadpages Conversion Certified Pros

There are hundreds of online marketers in various stages of the certification program. Some are at base camp level, some are trekking along and building stronger conversion marketing chops, and others have traversed all four stages and reached the Conversion Marketing Certification summit. At the same time, Erik Ullanderson, Director of Certifications and Customer Training at Leadpages, says:

“Conversion marketing is exploding. Every day we see more and more people saying they are experts in the field. How do you know? How do you verify this? Where do you find them? We have amazing customers who have shown their focus and dedication to conversion marketing. This Conversion Certified Directory is the go-to place to find people who not only can talk the talk, but can execute and grow businesses.”

We are excited to salute all the conversion marketing pros listed in the directory for their remarkable progress, achievements, and mounting success. What follows is a snapshot of those first to become certified, and a glimpse into their early success. (Click on their directory links to learn more about their businesses and inquire about their services.) Colin Scotland of Logical Fox Marketing Colin has a passion for helping start-up businesses thrive. Here’s what he had to say recently about how conversion marketing is helping both his and his clients’ businesses flourish:

“More traffic, higher conversion rates, bigger email list, and more sales. Who wouldn't want this kind of result? That's exactly what the certification program has helped me and my clients achieve. Turbocharging the entire conversion marketing lifecycle has been truly game-changing. Thank you Leadpages.”

View Colin’s Conversion Certified Directory profile.


Stephanie Blake of Social Sparrow Stephanie loves helping clients get past the hype and down to doing what matters. Here’s what she had to say about the impact becoming certified has had on her business:

“The lessons I learned in my ConvertedU certification training contributed to helping me bring in an extra $20,000 in a month for a new client of mine! This training is truly THE STANDARD in Conversion Marketing and I highly recommend it!”

View Stephanie’s Conversion Certified Directory profile.Bobby Huang of Strategic Marketer Bobby excels at figuring out each client’s biggest leverage points and then turns them into profitable action. Here’s how certification has already paid off for him:

“The certification gave me the structure to paint the picture to close two high paying clients.”

View Bobby’s Conversion Certified Directory profile.Suzanne Feinberg of PowerVision 360 Suzanne’s specialty and passion is helping entrepreneurs in the photography space implement a “go-to-market-fast” approach. Conversion marketing’s putting her on the fast track too:

“Certification paid for itself the first day I was certified. I made an announcement on Facebook and signed up two new clients! Knowledge and skills learned in the certification course gives us the tools to help our clients transform their businesses by developing targeted leads that translate to paying customers using a systematic measurable approach.”

View Suzanne’s Conversion Certified Directory profile.Johannes G. Wresch of Soulmade Business Johannes is operating in Switzerland and preaching the conversion marketing gospel in his native German. He’s earned his conversion marketing chops, for sure. Grossartig (magnificent) indeed!

“The Certification Program was a challenge but the outcome for me was really worth it! Learned a lot from the Leadpages Marketing Pros and now apply this knowledge to my own and my clients` business which results in much higher conversions. Higher conversions = more leads = more clients! Grossartig! :-)”

View Johannes’s Conversion Certified Directory profile.Laura Wallis of Web Navigator Gal Laura combines 15 years experience marketing for Disney, Mattel, Fox, and Sony with her conversion marketing expertise to help small businesses succeed. And she’s attracting attention!

“Getting a behind-the-scenes advantage from Leadpages' proven and up-to-date methods helped generate 3x the quality leads on one landing page alone.”

View Laura’s Conversion Certified Directory profile.Jason Dulay of Work From Home Roadmap Jason refers to himself as a “data and conversion rate addict.” He loves spreading this addiction helping businesses fill their own conversion marketing funnel—much like he has!

“Before I enrolled in the program, I was struggling to choose a niche for my new business. In the middle of the program, it all just started to click—everything fell into place. Using the techniques I learned, I launched my product. And one month after launch, I turned a $2,000 profit. Not bad for the first month. Thanks Leadpages!”

View Jason’s Conversion Certified Directory profile.

Ready to Get Your Business Conversion Marketing Certified?

You’re in luck. The best way to earn conversion marketing certification is with our just-released, easy-access and self-paced training program. Click here to explore the program details and learn how you can get Conversion Marketing Certified. It’s all online and available to you right now—and the sooner you join, the faster you can build your conversion marketing chops and reap the same kind of rewards Jason, Laura, Johannes, Suzanne, Bobby, Stephanie, Colin, and many more have already achieved. [cta-box] Have any questions about the Conversion Marketing Certification Program? Ask us in the comments!

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