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[Marketplace Template] Offer Custom Leadpages™ Services with This Agency Minisite Landing Page

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Dec 03, 2014  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
Are you a designer, developer, or consultant who wants to offer custom LeadPages services? Use this LeadPages Agency Minisite to start attracting customers.

Note: We are looking for a handful of Leadpages™ consultants to recommend to our large customer base. If you do offer Leadpages™ consulting services, please leave us a comment below so we can consider you for a directory of Leadpages™ consultants we are compiling. To be listed, we require that you specifically state that you offer some form of Leadpages™ services, and include a description of the services, on the page you would like us to link to. Again, you must specifically mention Leadpages™ on your page for us to consider adding you to our list of recommended Leadpages™ consultants and agencies.

get this agency minisite template to advertise your marketing consultation services

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Click Here to Explore the Other High-Converting Templates in the Leadpages™ Marketplace

With over 30,000 customers, the demand for more Leadpages™ experts, custom template creators, and marketing consultants is greater than ever. In fact, we’re seeing requests for these services on sites like Elance and oDesk every day. That’s why we’re happy to present a new Marketplace landing page template built from the ground up to meet the needs of Leadpages™ agencies and consultants.

If you’re a marketer, designer, or developer interested in offering custom Leadpages™ services, this template will get you up and running in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions About This Agency Minisite Landing Page

How Do I Purchase This Template? Click the “purchase” button above. This will take you to a screen where you can preview the template and purchase it.

  • If you are a Leadpages™ customer: You will be asked to log in to your Leadpages™ account (if you’re not logged in already). Follow the directions to purchase this template for $24. Once you confirm your purchase, we will deliver this Agency Minisite Template to your Leadpages™ account where you can customize it and start using it immediately.
  • If you’re NOT already a Leadpages™ customer: You will be asked to enter your details to purchase the template, and to create a new Leadpages™ account. An active Leadpages™ account is necessary to make this in-app purchase and use this new Agency Minisite template.

Follow the directions to confirm that you would like to purchase this template for $24. Once you confirm your purchase, we will deliver this template to your new Leadpages™ account where you can customize it and start using it immediately. Where Does My Template Go Once I Purchase It? Once you confirm your purchase, we instantly deliver your new template to your Leadpages™ account. You will see it appear as a “premium page” at the top of your membership area. Is a Leadpages™ Membership Required to Use This Template? Yes, an active Leadpages™ subscription is necessary for continued access and use of this premium template. Does This Mean Leadpages™ Is No Longer Creating New Templates for Its Existing Customers? Absolutely not! At Leadpages™, our in-house team will continue to develop cutting-edge landing page templates for you as long as you remain a subscriber. Look for these templates to be released regularly -- just as you have come to expect. I Think I’m a Leadpages™ Marketplace Early Adopter… How Can I Get Access to This Template as Part of My Membership? If you purchased a Pro Annual subscription to Leadpages™ prior to March 28th, 2014 at midnight (and you still maintain this pro annual account), then you are an early adopter of the Leadpages™ Marketplace. This means you will receive this premium template as part of your membership. To access your premium template: Click the “purchase” button above, as if you were going to buy this template. On the next screen, click the "purchase" button again. Once you login, our system will recognize you as a “Marketplace early adopter” and you’ll be redirected to an “early adopter” screen to access this template. On this “early adopter” screen, click the button to confirm you want this new template. Once you do, we will deliver this premium template to your Leadpages™ account where you can customize it and start using it immediately. What If I’m a Developer and Want to Submit Templates to the Marketplace? If you’re interested in selling your templates in our Marketplace, simply go to our Leadpages™ Author Page and sign up. Video Transcript: One of the things we’re finding more and more with our 30,000 customers is a hug demand for Leadpages consultants, Leadpages conversion rate optimizers and Leadpages template developers. We’re hearing people ask for recommendations all the time and we’re definitely starting to see Leadpages agencies and consultants pop up. For example, both LeadpageNinjas.com and PSDtoLP.com will help you create Leadpages templates that you can sell in the Leadpages marketplace for using your own business. If you do any kind of Leadpages consulting, please let us know in the comments so we can add you to a growing directory of people to recommend. We also really want to make it easy for Leadpages experts to benefit from the platform we created. So we want to highlight a Leadpages market template called the Leadpages agency mini site. This is a beautiful template that you can use to promote not only your Leadpages consulting services to prospective clients but also if you have any other type of agency for example a graphic design agency or a local marketing agency. This template works incredibly well for those types of services too. The top of the page gives a concise intro of your company then when you scroll below the fold, you’ll see a brief summary of your key services. Then to build trust there’s a small section to highlight the major facts and figures an important testimonial and brands that you work with. All of these will help create factual and social proof. As you scroll down, there’s a section dedicated to each of your key services. These sections use a mix of copy and images to illustrate the services you offer, not to mention several opportunities to request a quote. Finally, there’s another section with three more testimonials to provide further trust to those who need a bit more convincing. At the bottom of the page, there’s a final call to action for requesting a code followed by contact and social media links. Remember, everything on this page is completely customizable so you can easily hide any of these sections and elements depending on your needs. So if you want to benefit from the huge demand for LeadPage consultants here’s how to customize this template to use in this large market. For this example, I’m going to pretend that I’m a Leadpages conversion rate optimization consultant. One unique thing about this template is that the develop Scott Sylvia has included some tutorial videos when you first visit the page. These videos will demonstrate some advanced features that are unique to this template such as an advance mobile responsive layout and some cool text animation effects so we definitely recommend you check these out if you’re looking to take you customizations to the next level. Like with any page inside of Leadpages, you just click on something to edit it. So I’ll start by clicking on a text and updating that. Next, I’ll change the macro name by clicking on it and selecting one I’ve uploaded. Next, I’ll update the codes of the page by clicking on the styles tab and using the color pickers to select new colors. Now I’ll set up a free quote LeadBox. Just click on any of the buttons to open up the LeadBox settings. Let’s swap out this progress bar for an image of our own logo then I’ll switch out the default form image on the left for another one. Then I’ll click integration settings and choose, which email service provider I would like to integrate the page with and, which list they’d like to add them to. Whatever integration option you choose, you’re able to add multiple form fields such as name, email, phone and so on. Now let’s say my Leadpages consulting agency can help out with funnel creations, split testing and general advice, call it I’m not template creator. So I’ll modify one of the key features to be advanced split testing and will hide the template creation key service by clicking the gear icon and selecting hide. I’m also going to hide the statistics section. Next, I’ll update the benefit section with new copy. And since I’m only highlighting my three benefits, I’ll hide this second section here. Finally, I’ll customize the social media buttons at the bottom by just clicking on them, selecting edit and then typing in the URL to my social media pages. Now that we’re done customizing, we’ll name the page and then we’ll save the page. If you would like to see how this page looks in a smart phone, or a tablet, you can do that right inside of the builder. To do this just click on the tablet icon and you can scroll through the page on the tablet. And then if you click on the smart phone icon, you can see how it looks on a phone. Now we’ll click publish and Leadpages gives us a URL that we can go to to view the page and you can see it looks great. You can purchase the full version of this agency mini site from the Leadpages marketplace or you can download the HTML files of the page below. This template costs $24. I need to point out here that an active Leadpages subscription is necessary for continued access and use of this premium template. When you purchase this template, you’ll also get to try out the additional 80 plus landing page templates inside of Leadpages as well as our other tools like LeadBoxes. So to purchase this page from the Leadpages marketplace, simply click the button below this video and you’ll be taken to the template page. Click on the purchase button and if you have a Leadpages account, use your login information to log in and purchase the template. If you do not have a Leadpages account, you’ll be asked for your information to purchase. If you’re a Leadpages customer or a new user to the marketplace, once you’ve purchased the template, you’ll be immediately routed to the template editor to start customizing your page. If you choose not to purchase this template in the Leadpages marketplace, it’s quite a bit more difficult to customize and publish this page. Here’s what you’ll need to do if you haven’t purchased this template from the Leadpages marketplace. You’ll need to download the template file below, hire a coder to customize the page, add in the copy, update the images, slice up the page, make an HTML file, a CSS file and also a JavaScript file. Finally, you’ll need to work with a developer to upload it and publish this page to your website. So those are all the steps that you’ll need to take if you don’t purchase this page from the Leadpages marketplace. We’ve found that this can usually cost $300 or more and take up to three weeks for a coder to complete. If you don’t own this template and you would like to implement it in your own business, click on the button below and purchase it in the Leadpages marketplace. We look forward to seeing how you use this agency mini site template to advertise for your business. I’m Jeff Wenberg and I hope you enjoy this template.

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By The Leadpages Team
Are you a designer, developer, or consultant who wants to offer custom LeadPages services? Use this LeadPages Agency Minisite to start attracting customers.
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