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[Download] Create an Entire Mini-Course with This Video Lesson Page

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 28, 2014  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
Create a mini course with this video lesson page


Back in the day, we released a lesson page that allows you to drip out a lesson follow-up sequence to your list. Now this page has become one of our highest grossing pages. As LeadPages has evolved, so have our template designs. Our amazing graphic designer Sarah took this already profitable page and redesigned it to be more effective than the original. She upgraded the design to a beautiful web 3.0 look and I’m going to show you how you should use this page to engage with your mailing list, what makes the design of this page so profitable and what the content of your videos you use on this page should be like.

This is how the email autoresponder mini course works. The person opts into your list then every three days you send them an email that directs them to the next part of your course. These pages drip out over time and each page then leads to the sales page. You can set up this automated drip sequence in any email service provider such as AWeber, InfusionSoft, GetResponse, MailChimp and so on. The best part of this whole process is once you get it set up it runs on autopilot. It can create a steady revenue stream for you because now every person added to your list will automatically go through the course. We recommend that you use this new template to create an automated follow-up sequence that delivers the course with at least six parts that are dripped out over a number of days. these lessons can either be standalone videos or they can piggyback on top of each other as part of a series.

For example if I were launching a health foods course, each video could highlight healthy recipes or they could piggyback on top of each other to demonstrate how to cook one meal. So the first video which you would send out three days after someone signs up to your list would be about how to make the appetizer then three days later, the second video could be about making a side dish then three days later, the next video could be about making another side dish then three days after that, the fourth video will be about making an entrée and so on until the final video puts it all together. In the end you would drip out this series over 18 days.

So why is the design of this page so effective? There are a couple of reasons. First, when you come to this page, you see this box that shows you what position you’re in in the series. For example, this has part 6 of 7. This is very important as you’re emailing your list every three days. Without this, there’s no indication of if your email is every three will ever stop. This countdown box lets them know that at some point, this will be complete and you won’t be emailing them every three days indefinitely. The countdown box ties in with the next element that’s super important on this page, this progress bar. Progress bars are really effective when dripping out content because people have a desire to finish what they start. It’s human nature to see a progress bar like this and think oh, I’ve only got 20% left to go, I better just finish it. So this progress bar plays into that psychology. People like to finish things and having this progress bar gives them that satisfaction while also increasing the chances of people opening your emails, clicking the links in those emails and watching the next piece of the course.

On the side, you’ll see these social media buttons. These buttons are important for a couple of reasons. First, they add to the form of social proof. Seeing that this page has already been viewed and shared by others is validating to the viewer. They also act as a way for people to share the page. However instead of just sharing this page, which you’d usually want to distribute only through email, LeadPages will actually share the link to your original landing page allowing for new people to continue to be added to this automated follow-you sequence. Underneath the video is the buy button and this is a magic buy button which is a really powerful tool. With the magic buy button, the button is hidden for the first part of your video. Then at the exact moment that you give your pitch in the video, the buy button will fade on to the screen. We’ve found that using the magic buy button can double conversions if you don’t have the button appear until the pitch of your video because then people keep an open mind about your content and you don’t get a bunch of curious click to see how much your product costs. At the very bottom, there’s a comments section which will create more social proof but will also help create engagement by having people ask questions or post comments on this page.

Now that we’ve looked at why the layout of this page is effective, let’s look at what elements of your videos will make these pages successful. For most videos, we recommend they be around four minutes or shorter. In the first three minutes, you would talk about something that’s 100% valuable on its own. For example if we’re selling a super foods course you’d spend the first three minutes talking about your three favorite super foods. In minute 1 you could cover super food #1 and its major benefits. In minute 2, you could talk about super food #2 and its benefits and then in minute 3, you could talk about super food #3 and its benefits. Then in minute 4, you pitch your product.

In the super foods example, your pitch could be if you buy my health coaching program I’ll not only show you these three super foods but I’ll show you how to fully and easily incorporate these three super foods into your diet, how to use them to gain more energy and lose more fat without dieting. To review, we recommend that your videos are four minutes or short then the first three minutes of your video should be dedicated to things that are 100% valuable on their own then in the fourth minute you tell them about what else they’ll get if they buy your product or course. So let’s look at how to customize this page inside of LeadPages.

We’ll go to My.LeadPages.net and enter the username and password and once we’re in the member’s area, we’ll just find the video lesson page and select use this template. Select your market from the drop down. Like with all pages inside of LeadPages, you simply click on something to edit. So I’ll add my logo then I’ll edit my headline to the current course name then I’ll change this to six parts because I have six sections for this course and you’ll see that changing these numbers will automatically change the progress bar to the right length. Then I’ll change my description to say what this video covers. I’ll add a video embed code from a video service like YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia or any other service that gives you an embed code. Under the video we can add a longer description of the course. I’ll go in and change the text of my buy button and add in my URL to the sales page then I’ll change the magic buy button so it fades in at the time that I start my pitch in the video. Finally if you’d like to have Facebook comments on this page you would just go under dynamic controls and paste in your Facebook comments code.

Now we’re done editing the page so I’m going to name the page and then save the page. the page is now live on the internet and LeadPages gives me a URL that I can use to immediately view the page. So let’s go there and check out the page.

Here’s the page that we just created, it looks great, it’s mobile responsive so it will display correctly on any size screen. Back in the publishing window, we have a few more options. You can publish the page to WordPress, publish the page to Facebook as a Facebook tab or you can download the file and put it on your own server. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, you will need to be a coder or hire a coder to make the downloadable template below work.

For nonLeadPages customers, it’s a bit more difficult to set up. Here’s what you’ll need to do if you’re not a LeadPages customer. if you’re a developer, click on the link below and opt in to get the new video lesson page and our LeadMagnet delivery system will deliver it to you. Modify the HTML and CSS using your coding skills or the coder you’ve hired, integrate the page with your autoresponder, WordPress etc., get your landing page code that you’ve generated and finally publish the page. So these are all the steps that you’ll need to take if you’re not a LeadPages customer. We’ve found that if you’re not a LeadPages customer, typically it will cost around $300 for a coder to customize and publish the page for you. If you are a LeadPages customer, you can publish the page and have it live online within five minutes. In fact, you don’t need to download the template at all, it’s already in the member’s area where LeadPages handles everything for you including making the page mobile responsive, sending out a lead magnet, integrating the page with Facebook, WordPress and so on as well as integrating the pages with your autoresponder like AWeber, MailChimp, InfusionSoft, Office AutoPilot, etc. Plus if you use a page with LeadPages, you’ll get amazing analytics and if you’re a pro or enterprise member, you’ll get the ability to run split tests on different variations of the page.

Head to www.LeadPages.net right now. Click on the button below the video to get LeadPages. If you’re unsure which plan to go with, we recommend the pro annual plan as it comes with the majority of the features we have and it’s 40% cheaper than paying monthly. So join us at the pro level.

I’m Jeff Wenberg and today’s lesson is now over.

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By The Leadpages Team
Create a mini course with this video lesson page
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