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[Download] Create a Free Online Course with This SEO Landing Page

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Nov 26, 2014  |  Updated Dec 16, 2024
By The Leadpages Team
Give away a free online course with this free course seo squeeze page template

What you’re looking at is literally the highest converting landing page we’ve ever seen in the history of our company. This landing page was based on this blog post that our founder Clay posted a while back. He was surprised at how well it converted. It turns out this has an interesting psychological effect on people, encouraging them to download all the course materials. What happens is people arrive at this page and they see all the videos that are available here and how much value is delivered in the ten videos. They start playing one and see it’s actually quality content. However, there’s no way they can consume all the content in one sitting because there’s about five hours of content in all these videos. This page is what Clay refers to as a value bomb reverse squeeze page. Here’s why he calls it that. There’s such and overwhelming demonstration of value that cannot be immediately consumed that it drives people to want to get it and consume it so they opt in to consume it later. Then what we deliver to them is an email with links to download the entire course with mp3s, slides, transcripts, videos and so on. Not to mention a call to action right here where you click this link and tweet about the free course to your social network, facilitating social media sharing, which in turn drives more people to opt in to get the free course. Based on place success of what he describes as a pretty amateur blogpost, we decided to make available this gorgeous free lesson page. You can see it has all the same elements as Clay’s original page but we’ve completely updated the look of the page to look super professional and beautiful while you’re giving away amazing content. Again the latest work says the viewer comes to this page and sees such an overwhelming demonstration of value that they can’t watch in one sitting , which compels them to opt in to download all the material to their hard drive for later consumption. In other words, the combination of one, a whole lot of value that two they can’t consume in one sitting is the primary driver of this page’s high conversion rate.

We recently used this exact page to launch a free webinar funnel course our marketing educator Bob the teacher created. This course takes someone from beginning to end on how to create a webinar, what content to use, how to host it, how to do webinar replays to follow up with your registrants and so on. It’s a hefty course that most people would charge at least $297 for but if you go to LeadPages.net/webinarfunnel you can not only see the template in action, you can watch all the videos, download the course materials and learn about creating a webinar funnel. ThisSEO landing page currently has a fantastic conversion rate and not to mention it’s ranking in the first page for several great SEO keywords. So you can see firsthand that this page absolutely works on multiple levels and is great at driving opt-ins. Let’s look at how to get this page all customized for a free course. Go to My.LeadPages.net and log in. Once inside of LeadPages find the free course template and select use this customizable template. Like with all pages inside of LeadPages, you simply click on something to edit it. We can add or logo, let’s add our own headline by just clicking the text and typing it in. If you would like to change any codes on the page, just click the styles tab and adjust the colors accordingly. Now we’ll add some benefits and things people will find in this course. This section dynamically adjusts as checkmarks are subtracted or added. We’ll change this image to a visual representation of my product. Finally, here’s a first opportunity for someone to opt in on this page. Let’s add which email service provider you would like to integrate this page with and which lists you would like to add people to. Whatever integration option you choose, you’re able to collect multiple form fields like name, email, phone, dropdowns, or radio buttons. You can change out the images here or hide them altogether. So we’ll add our produce image in place with a red arrow and then we’ll add our logo at the top. Now we’ll add our thank you page URL and now that we’ve added an integration to the page and set up a thank you page URL, let’s name the page, and then save the page so we don’t lose any of our progress. Now just to show you how customizable this page is, let’s hide this entire section. And you can do this all throughout the page. Now we come to our first opt-in button for people to download this course. This comes pre-populated with great copy and when you click on the button, you’ll see the LeadBox is already customized. We just did that in the last step. Now we’ll update our video headline and what the video is about then we’ll paste in our video embed code from video services like YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia or any other service that gives you an embed code. And then you’ll just repeat this process for every video you would like to add. If you would like to hide videos, you’re not going to use, find them on the left and click the I icon and they’ll disappear. Since we’ve already named the page, let’s click on the LeadPage options. We need to enter in our SEO tags for this page. These are very important to add not only for search engine optimization but for when people share this page on social media. When people share this page on social media, the information is used to populate the post title and description. If they’re left blank, it just uses the page URL so it only makes sense that we want to populate this with text that markets this page correctly instead of just leaving it blank. Now we’ll add some hot keywords and phrases relating to this page and the we’ll save the page.

If we like to check to see if this page looks great on the tablet or a smart phone, I can do that right inside of LeadPages. I just click on this tablet button to scroll through a page on the tablet and then you can see that it looks absolutely amazing. Or if I click phone, I can scroll through the page on a smart phone and again you can see that this page looks stunning. When I click publish, LeadPages gives me a URL I can use to instantly view the page and here this page is looking fantastic again. Back in the publishing window, there are a few more options. You can publish this page to WordPress, publish the page to Facebook as a Facebook tab or you can download the file and put it on your own server. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, this can be a bit more difficult to set up. Here’s what you will need to do if you’re not a LeadPages customer. If you’re a developer, click on the link below and opt in to receive the template and our LeadMagnet delivery system will deliver it to you. Modify the HTML and CSS using your coding skills or the coder you’ve hired, integrate the page with your autoresponder integration, WordPress etc., get your landing page code that you’ve generated and finally publish the page. We’ve found that if you’re not a LeadPages customer, typically it will cost $300 for a coder to customize and publish the page for you. If you are a LeadPages customer, you can publish unlimited pages and do all the customizations within minutes without ever having to touch a line of code. Just head to www.LeadPages.net and click on the button below the video, to get LeadPages. If you’re unsure which plan to go with, we recommend the pro annual plan as it comes with the majority of the features we have, allows for split testing for LeadPages and LeadBoxes and is 40% cheaper than paying monthly. All of our plans come with a 30-day guarantee so join us at the pro level today. I’m Jeff Wenberg, and I can’t wait to check out your free courses.

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By The Leadpages Team
Give away a free online course with this free course seo squeeze page template
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