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Finally! A Mobile Responsive Launch Funnel Page [Download]

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 08, 2013  |  Updated Sep 05, 2024
By The Leadpages Team

Hi, this is Jeff Wenberg from LeadPages, and today, I wanted to talk to you about launch funnel pages, and these types of pages are used by all the top digital marketers, and that’s for one specific reason... Because they convert. Here’s one that Eben Pagan is using, here’s one Dan Kennedy is using, and here’s an example from Kajabi. And this is helpful if you already have a launch list of product as geared towards or if you’re building a launch list with this funnel. Now if you’re building a list, you would want to set up a typical opt-in page for them to become part of the process. The typical three video launch cycle for this type of funnel goes something like this. Video one goes out to your list on a Thursday, video two goes out the following Tuesday, and video three goes out the following Thursday, and then video four goes out along with the card opening where there’s finally something for sale on the next Tuesday. Then every time a new video is released, you’ll mail links to the page to people that are on your list helping you to nurture those contacts and create that buzzing excitement that’s needed for a really successful launch. Why did these funnels work so well? There are several reasons. These pages create massive momentum for your audience so there’s a series of videos at the top, possibly a free report and so on, and that momentum leads to point number two. They create excitement. There’s a sense that an event is happening and who doesn’t want to be part of that? The further they get through your funnel, the more excited they start to get, and that ties into my last point. The content on the page is super valuable and engaging to the audience. According to Harvard Business Review, one of the top reasons product launches fail is because of lack of consumer education about the product, and this funnel is a perfect way to not only educate your prospects about how your new product or service will greatly benefit them, create a sense of urgency for your launch, and qualify those most likely to buy, but also through your videos, you can align yourself with your prospect’s voice. So with that in mind, we took the standard launch funnel page and combined all of our conversion knowledge and best practices into our new launch funnel page template. We’re really excited about this template because it works so well. This template looks great and is mobile responsive. In fact, it’s the only mobile responsive page like this that I’ve ever seen. If you’re a coder, this template’s available for you to download below. Here’s how you use this page. It does require a little bit of coding, but if you’re an advance user, you just download the HTML and CSS below and then modify them using your coding skills. You will need to create three other funnel pages and link them all together. You’ll get your landing page code that you’d generated and integrate it with WordPress, and Facebook, etcetera, and then you just publish the page. Now if you’re a LeadPages user, simply go to the launch funnel page template, then click on use this template. Now a quick note about this specific template is you will need to create four separate pages for each of the videos in the funnel and then link them together for this to work correctly, and you can easily do this with the duplicate option that’s available on the publishing page. Also, if you don’t insert a link in any of the steps, the step will be disabled, or if you like, you could just click on the hidden button and it will be hidden. The rest you can customize by clicking on an element or by clicking on the main menu on the left. You can insert your logo, insert links to the other funnel pages, get your video embed code. If you wanted to change out the product picture, you can do that. If you wanted to change out the like button text or arrow image, you can do that to reflect your product. Insert thumbnails for the other videos on the other pages, and if you’d like to have them just be thumbnails without the play button, you can disable the play button icon as well, and when you’re done customizing, all you do is click on Save to My Pages. You’ll name the page, then with a few clicks, you can publish this page through our servers, publish it to WordPress, publish it to Facebook as a Facebook tab, or finally, you can download the file and put it on your own server. This template is immediately available for LeadPages customers. I’m Jeff Wenberg. Enjoy this template. Take care. [0:03:53] End of Audio

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