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[Download] 10 All-New Images Designed to Convert

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 01, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
10 all-new images designed to convert

[cta-box] Transcript: Split testing can be really powerful, especially split testing images. In fact, ExactTarget was able to increase conversion rates on their sites by 40.18% by carefully selecting and testing better images. The winning image likely won because it better shows that the conference is a live event, and it gives the impression of an exciting place where prospects want to be. If you take a look at our split testing blog, time and time again our customers see an increase in conversion rates by split testing new images on their Leadpages and Leadboxes®. Our Leadboxes are built ready to convert, but if you want to try other images it can be hard to find high quality ones that relate to your business or offer. So today we're giving away an incredible image pack created by art director Stella Lungu. She's the designer behind many of the graphics you see on our website and in our videos. The graphics in this free download have been specifically designed and formatted perfectly to populate your Leadbox and give it a great new look. These graphics can also help focus more attention towards your offer, as they represent many of the items you'd be giving away in exchange for your opt-in. When you split test a Leadbox you can test various changes against each other. For example, you could test this image against a new one to see which one boosts conversion more. You could test different headlines against each other to see which provided better results. You can test anything on the Leadbox to find the combination that gives your specific business the best conversion rates. If you're a Leadpages customer, you can split test your current Leadboxes with these new images to create the highest converting Leadboxes for your business. Let's take a look at how to set up a split test on a Leadbox using some of the new graphics available in this free download. 1. Just go to my.leadpages.net, find your current Leadbox, and select Edit. 2. Then click A/B Test, Add New Variation, and then click Original. 3. From there, click on the current image on the left and select Upload New Image. 4. Then, navigate to your downloads folder and select a new graphic from the download to use. 5. Finally, just save the page. Now your split test is up and running. It's that easy. Now if I go to the page that has the Leadbox on it and I click on it, I'll see the Leadbox. Let me refresh my browser, then click on it again and you'll see the different variations coming up with the first image and the second image. Again, to get the free images, just click the Download button below. If you'd like to start using them to customize the look and feel of your Leadboxes on your site, you can become a Leadpages member by clicking the Get Leadpages button at the top of the page. As a Leadpages customer you'll get access to some amazing tools you can use to add email subscribers to your list and drive sales without ever having to touch a line of code. If you're unsure which plan to go with, we recommend the Pro Annual Edition as it comes with a majority of the features our users need, allows for split testing your Leadpages and Leadboxes, and it's 40% less than paying monthly. Join us at the Pro level today.

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By The Leadpages Team
10 all-new images designed to convert
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