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Sneak Preview: What's Coming Next in Leadpages' Drag & Drop Builder (June 2016 Update)

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 04, 2016  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Transcript: Hey everybody, Jeff here with an update on our drag-and-drop builder. The new builder's in early-access release, so let's talk about what we're doing to make it even better. We have a few top priorities with the new builder. We're hoping to release around 30 drag-and-drop templates within the next month. Some of these are brand new, and a few are existing templates that we've moved over from the Version 2 builder. We've also just released an undo/redo feature. Right now, this only works with text, but we are looking to make it available for all stages of page development. (Note: To use text undo, simply hit command+Z; to redo, hit command+shift+Z.) Further out, we're looking to add integrations with ActiveCampaign, Ontraport, and WebinarJam. You'll also get better control over columns, so you can easily control spacing, margins, and vertical alignment. We're also adding a feature to allow for rounded corners and circular buttons or images. In the next several months, we're also going to launch A/B testing to give you the ability to test all the pages you've created in our drag-and-drop builder. We're also working on adding sticky sections to pages so that a portion of the page can remain static as the rest of it scrolls. We're always adding new widgets, and some you can expect are Google Maps and Twitter widgets in the future, along with more options for your countdown timers, and last but not least, we're working on an undo/redo functionality for overall changes to your page in the current session. This requires significant engineering, but we're working hard to get this and all these updates out to you as soon as possible. If you have specific feature requests, please go to ideas.leadpages.net to submit them there. Thank you so much for being a customer. Take care. [cta-box]

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By The Leadpages Team
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