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Drag & Drop Builder Update: Export Your Leads to a CSV File (and Try 3 Other New Features)

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Aug 04, 2016  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
Drag & Drop Builder Update: Export Your Leads to a CSV File (and Try 3 Other New Features)

I’m pretty impressed by the speed at which our product and engineering teams are adding new features to the drag-and-drop landing page builder these days. In fact, lately they’ve been releasing new features almost faster than I can tell you about them. So before they get too much further ahead of me, let’s take a look at what’s new right now, as of early August 2016. [cta-box]

1. Export Leads to CSV

Previously, you had two basic ways to manage your leads in Leadpages:

  1. Send them to another platform you’ve integrated with Leadpages, such as your email service, your CRM, or your webinar host
  2. Send them directly to your inbox via our Lead Notifications feature (and then manage them manually from there)

Now, there’s a third option, and it’s a powerful one: export your leads to a CSV file with the click of a button. Here’s where you’ll find this feature:

csv export

Just click on the three dots next to the “Update” button on any published drag-and-drop page, choose “Export Leads to CSV,” and you’ll get a file of all the information leads have submitted to your landing page. (This works for pages with multiple Leadboxes, too. You’ll have the opportunity to export leads from all the Leadboxes on the page or just one, allowing for simple segmenting.) This means you can … Back up your leads for safekeeping. You don’t have to worry if your email platform goes down—you can just download your leads into a spreadsheet to make sure you never miss an opportunity. Retarget your leads on Facebook or use them to build a lookalike audience. Say you’re running a special promotion that would be a great fit for everyone who’s downloaded a free course from a certain landing page. To make sure those people have every opportunity to get in on your promotion, you’d like to show them Facebook ads. Previously, if you wanted to do this, you’d first have to either compile your leads’ data manually or export it from your email service or CRM. The second option might not even be an option, if you’d linked all your Leadboxes to the same list in your integration. Now, you can just export your leads to a CSV file directly from the landing page and upload them to Facebook Ads, allowing you to precisely remarket to your existing subscribers. You can also use this option to advertise to people who don’t know about you yet, but who are a lot like your existing audience. Follow the same process to create a lookalike audience in Facebook Ads to expand your reach to anyone who resembles the people who opted into a specific landing page. (This is especially powerful if you have landing pages targeting people in different industries or demographics.) Import your leads from Leadpages into other tools. If you use any software we don’t integrate with yet, you now have an easy way to transfer leads to that platform. As long as you can upload a CSV file, you can send Leadpages data to any source. Follow up one on one. A number of Leadpages users don’t actually rely on digital marketing to handle 100% of their sales process. At some point, they take a look at their best leads and reach out directly, via individual emails or phone. If you have a highly hands-on sales process, now you don’t have to hunt through your email to find leads’ contact information. Just export the CSV file when you’re ready to reach out. [cta-box]

2. Revert to Last Published Version

One of the nice things about digital marketing is that almost nothing’s permanent. If you change your mind about a headline or an image, you can just update your page (and no one has to be the wiser, except for the folks who saw it already). This update makes it a little easier for you to experiment with the look or content of your page, without worrying about messing up what's working. If you’ve made a mistake on your drag-and-drop page—or you've just had second thoughts—you can now revert to the last published version. Click on the three dots next to the “Update” button on any published drag-and-drop page and select “Revert to Last Published” to jump back in time.

revert sequence

We continue to progress toward an undo function that'll let you undo changes one by one (and there’s already a text undo option). But for now, we hope this removes a few headaches from your day-to-day marketing routine.

3. New Font Families

A simple change in font can make your landing page much more distinctive or brand-appropriate. We’re planning to continue expanding font options to give you more creative freedom, and we’ve just added more of the most popular font families from Google Web Fonts to the drag-and-drop page builder.

new fonts

They include:

  • Archivo Narrow
  • BioRhyme
  • Cormorant Garamond
  • Eczar
  • Karla
  • Libre Franklin
  • Lora
  • Rubik
  • Space Mono

You can use these in any drag-and-drop widget that includes text.

4. Change Your Bullets to Icons

Now you can jazz up your lists by turning your plain bullets or checkmarks into icons inside the drag-and-drop page builder. That’s right: any icon in our 600-strong icon library can now become a bullet.

icon bullets

You can use one kind of icon for the whole list by selecting all the bulleted text, or mix it up by selecting single lines. (Plus, your icons will change size in response to the size of your text.) Bullets are one of the easiest ways to make your page more readable, and with this feature, they can make it much more visually interesting as well. [cta-box] I’ve already gotten word of several more new features coming down the line—but I’ll stop myself here for now. Stay tuned to see what we release next! What else would you like to see in our drag-and-drop page builder? Leave your suggestions in the comments, or make it official and submit a request to our Ideas Portal.

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By The Leadpages Team
Drag & Drop Builder Update: Export Your Leads to a CSV File (and Try 3 Other New Features)
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