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[Download] Free About Me Style Landing Page Template

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 28, 2013  |  Updated Aug 22, 2024
By The Leadpages Team

[cta-box] Hey, this is Jeff Wenberg from LeadPages. We’ve been really inspired by these beautiful About Me LeadPages from Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, Kevin Rose, Veronica Belmont and a lot of other people. Now the About Me Page is often overlooked as a powerful marketing tool. It offers potential and existing customers and opportunity to get to know the person behind the product or company. A lot of times, this will be one of the more popular pages on a site because after being intrigued by a product or service, people have a tendency to want to know more about the person or company selling the product or service before they actually buy, sort of putting a name to the face so it’s not like they’re buying from some unknown entity that’s going to rip them off. This page let’s them start building a connection with you which always increases things like engagement, sales, conversion, etcetera. An About Me Page should contain brief snippets of things like who you are, your story, your business history, what interest you, or what passions you have, and things like that. These are things people want to know in connecting with other people. It helps to add that human element to your product or service. We wanted to provide this ability for you to create this kind of beautiful About Me Pages that you can link to from things like your Twitter profile, Facebook, LinkedIn, or you know, your company’s website. This template is now available inside of LeadPages. It’s clean and beautifully designed and it’s also mobile responsive so it’ll resize depending on the screen size that you have. You can also disable or enable whatever sections or elements you want to show or hide. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, you will need to be a coder or hire a coder to make the downloadable template below work. You’ll need to download the HTML and CSS files, and modify them with your coding skills, integrate it with WordPress, Facebook and so on, and then get your landing page code you’ve generated and publish the page. If you’re a LeadPages customer, here’s how easy it is to customize this template. Inside LeadPages, find the About Me Page template and click on Use This Template. You can change the text, link and button colors here to match your brand. Change the font if you like as well. Of course, you want to change out the background image of Bigfoot to one of yourself, then you can change the name to your name, you can update your location and your employment or employment status. Here, you can link to your social media accounts and any other pages you’d like to, and if you don’t want to show the links or social icons, you can just hide them. To change any text, just click on it and enter the text you’d like. Also, here on the bottom, you can link this button to maybe a product you’re currently offering or the more information about your company. Once you’re done customizing, click on Save to My Pages, name the page, then with the click of a button, you can publish this page through our servers, publish it to WordPress, publish it to Facebook as a Facebook tab, or finally, you can download the file and put it on your own server. This template is immediately available for LeadPages customers inside of LeadPages. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, you can easily become one by checking out the link below. I’m Jeff Wenberg. Have a great day. [0:03:06] End of Audio

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By The Leadpages Team
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