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[Download] 16 Free Stock Photos and Graphics for Building Gorgeous Landing Pages

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Mar 05, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

[cta-box] Video Transcript: One of the many things we've learned from the millions of Lead Pages our users have created is this: high quality photographs can have a dramatic impact on your conversion rate. The problem? High quality stock images you can actually use are either A. expensive, or B. hard to find. You have to spend hours wading through image sites, just to find something that looks halfway decent. We wanted to make this easier for you, so we went out and found a bunch of beautiful high quality photographs and bundled them together, so you don't have to spend your time searching for them. These photos are available for you to use and modify any way you'd like. Also, our own talented designers created six beautiful product illustration images that you can use to represent things you're giving away in your landing pages, like free reports, e-books, or video lessons. So you can see how much of a difference these images can make, let's take a look at one of the Opt-in page templates that's consistently among the highest converting templates inside of Lead Pages, when you use our exclusive "sort by average conversion rate" feature. This is the Basic Squeeze Page template. We tested these photos specifically with this template, and as you can see, they all look stunning and fit the template perfectly. So let's customize this page using this new image pack. We've added these images to the template's image bank, so if you're already a Lead Pages customer, they're ready to use. Just make a new Lead Page, and select the Basic Squeeze Page template. If you're not a Lead Pages customer, you can download these images along with this top performing template, and use them on your website, blog, or in e-mails. Here's how easy it is to use these images in your Lead Page. To change out the background image, just click background, and select any of the available background images that are pre-populated in the image bank. If you'd like to use one of the product images, just click on the book, then select the pre-populated image that works best for your giveaway. To change any text on the page, just click and start typing. If you'd like to change colors to match your branding, simply click on the Styles tab, then drag the color picker to whatever colors you'd like to use. When you're done customizing the page, just name the page and then save the page. All pages created with Lead Pages are mobile responsive, and you can also quickly preview how this page will look on other devices from right inside the builder by clicking on the tablet and phone buttons. You can publish the page in a number of ways. As soon as we hit publish, Lead Pages gives us a link we can immediately use. This is hosted on Lead Pages' super fast servers. You can also publish to Word Press, to Facebook as a Facebook tab, or you can download the files and put them on your own server. If you're already a Lead Pages customer, this template and image pack are ready for you to use at my.leadpages.net. If you're not a Lead Pages customer and you'd like to use this template or images on your website, we're offering them for free. Just click below to download all of the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, fonts, and image files you'll need to implement the page. They're yours free, and there's no catch or obligation to buy, but I can tell you that you could save a lot of time and hundreds or even thousands of dollars in implementation and deployment costs by using Lead Pages to customize and publish these proven pages. As a Lead Pages customer, you'll be able to choose from a huge library of beautifully designed and proven effective templates that you can customize and publish within minutes, without ever having to touch a line of code. Just head to www.leadpages.com, and click on the button below the video, to get Lead Pages. If you're unsure which plan to go with, we recommend their Pro Annual plan, as it comes with the majority of the features we have, allows for split testing your Lead Pages and Lead Boxes, and is 40% cheaper than paying monthly. All of our plans come with a 30 day guarantee, so join us at the pro level today. I'm Jeff Wenberg, and take care.

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By The Leadpages Team
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