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100% New: Check Out This Free Video Sales Page Template (No Opt-In Required)

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jul 18, 2012  |  Updated Dec 16, 2024
By The Leadpages Team

Hello everyone, my name is Clay Collins, and in this episode of the Marketing Show, I’m going to give you a completely free uncopyrighted, no opt-in required, no shenanigans video sales page template that you can use to take, pop in your sales videos to increase your conversion rate on your sales video. It’s a proven page. We’ve designed it in-house internally from the ground up to get more sales. That’s what you have to look forward to in this episode of the Marketing Show. So as a company, what we’ve been doing recently is in addition to giving you information about doing marketing correctly, we’ve been giving you tools that embed into those tools best practices. So I don’t have to sit here and record an hour-long video on how to make video sales letters. Instead, I can merely give you a video sales letter template that has embedded into this template best practices. People say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well a tool is worth a million words in a lot of cases. So today, I’m going to be giving you a tool, a video sales letter template if you will that has embedded into it best practices for creating a video sales letter. That’s what you’re going to get in just a second. So here on the screen right now is what you’re going to get, and as you can see, at some point in the middle of the video, this call-to-action appears. So you can actually edit the settings in the page so that at the time of your video where you’re actually making your pitch in your sales video that’s when the call-to-action button appears. That’s when the Add-to-cart button appears. So you can actually edit every element of this page. You can edit psych name. You can edit this button. You know, you can swap out this video for your own video. Now, if you’re a LeadPlayer user, again, you don’t need this, but we wanted to provide a free tool for people who don’t have LeadPlayer. You’re going to have to customize this, upload it to your site, do a bunch of things. You know, you got to know a little HTML. If you don’t want to fool with that, LeadPlayer is right for you, but we do have this here provided for you again, free of charge. If you want to use this for your client, if you want to take this and turn it into a WordPress plug in and charge for it, we don’t mind. We just want to get this knowledge and these tools out into the world. So let me show you where in the code you can edit this page to determine how long the page is showing before the call-to-action button appears. So here we set it for 8 seconds, but saying your sales video, the call-to-action or the pitch part of the video appears after 5 minutes and 41 seconds. This is where you would edit it. You could also edit site name so that it refers to your site.com. Anyway, this is HTML 5 compliant code. As you can see, it’s very, very clean code. We’ve included this CSS, the HTML, and everything you’ll need in the download that you’re going to have access to in just a second. Again, no opt in required. So just one more time, I just want to show you this page and how it works. A certain point into the video, you can set it so that this call-to-action button appears. And what are the benefits of this? Why is this so valuable? Why it is this works? Well, let me show you what marketing expert Ryan Deiss said. Here’s what Ryan Deiss had to say. He said, “Magic Buy buttons double conversion rates,” and what you’re seeing right here in this template is a Magic Buy button. But he said, “Magic Buy buttons double conversion rates.” In fact, this doubling of the conversion rate is exactly what Ryan Deiss found in this testing. Here’s what Ryan Deiss had to say. Our testing showed that visitors stayed longer and were more likely to buy when viewing a video sales letter that did not have a buy button under it. Hiding your Buy Now button creates a more successful call-to-action and allows the visitor to be more receptive to the video’s message.” Like I’ve said before, it’s kind of like dating. If you just went up to someone at a bar and immediately ask them for their phone number, the chances of that working probably wouldn’t be very high, but if you establish rapport, you had a good conversation, maybe you talked for a little bit, and then at the key moment asked for a phone number, it would be much more likely to work because the timing of the call-to-action, if you will, is aligned with your relationship in the evolution of the conversation, and like I’ve, again, said before, with marketing and with dating, timing is everything. And for everyone who’s watching this who had LeadPlayer – I don’t want to leave LeadPlayer people out of this. If you have LeadPlayer, just go into LeadPlayer, click on call-to-action, click on Yes to include call-to-action, set it, you know, for the part of the video where your call-to-action actually appears, type in your call-to-action text, so download the free sales video template, put in your call-to-action button URL, and decide whether or not you want the video to automatically send people to this page when the video’s done and then just click Save Video, and you’ll see that happen in this video right now. So if you don’t have LeadPlayer, just go ahead and use the template that we’ve given you free of charge, totally uncopyrighted, no opt-in required. Just go ahead and use that template as our gift to you to make the Magic Buy buttons appear. If you have LeadPlayer, just follow the instructions that I’ve given you inside this video for doing this quickly and easily with LeadPLayer. So I hope you’ve learned a lot from this and benefited from this. A few things before we go. The first thing is that unfortunately, we cannot provide support for this. So you know, use this as you will. Please use it on as many sites as you want. Feel free to use it on your client site, but because we’re providing this utterly free, uncopyrighted, you know, free to the world, we cannot provide extensive support for this. So if you know how to hook this up and make this work, please do that. If you need to hire a consultant, do that, or also, consider using LeadPlayer if you don’t want to hire someone and you just want a quick solution, and you want our support. We provide our support with LeadPlayer. We can give you all kinds of tips for making this work for you. The second thing is that yes, you are free to redistribute this, to give this away, to turn it into something and then charge for it. The only thing that we ask, and we’re not requiring this, but we do ask that if you distribute this that you just put a link to this blog post somewhere on the page or on the post where you’re distributing it just to let people know where it came from. We invested a lot of hours into making this, into optimizing it for you, and into making it the very best page that it could be for you and we’d really appreciate that. And the final thing is that if you’ve benefited from this, if you’ve enjoyed the template, if you like this content and want to tell the world, we would be so thrilled and honored if you would share this or like this on Facebook and just spread this love and spread this content and spread this downloadable template frankly to as many people are need this content. Anyway, my name is Clay Collins. I love you. Our entire team loves you and we look forward to seeing more and more of your success. Take care. Goodbye.

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By The Leadpages Team
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