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[DOWNLOAD] Our Highest-Converting Webinar Registration Page Templates

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Nov 20, 2012  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

LeadPages™ launches tomorrow (Tuesday, November 20th) at 1PM PST/4PM EST.

To celebrate the launch -- and raise awareness for it -- we're giving away our most-requested landing page template

[leadplayer_vid id="50AACD9C2BF21"][cta-box] Hello everyone, my name is Clay Collins. And LeadPages™ launches tomorrow, November 20th and to celebrate and raise awareness for this launch, we are giving away the two most frequently requested landing page template that we’ve ever been asked about. It’s this one, which is our webinar landing page template. This is the highest converting webinar registration page that we’ve ever used in the history of our company. And we’re also going to be giving away this one as well, which also converts higher than any other webinar registration page we’ve used in the history of our company other than this one. So in this episode of the MarketingShow we’re going to be giving this away. We’re going to be talking about why these landing pages convert so well. We’re going to talk about why they’re proven, we’re going to talk about how we use them, we’re going to talk about the five reasons why these things absolutely crush it and we’re going to give them to you. That’s what you have to look forward to in this episode on the MarketingShow. So the typical go-to webinar registration page and actually most webinar registration pages are making a lot of mistakes. Here’s a typical page and as you can see, there’s lots of problems. The plain design is not very compelling. The fact that they ask for not only a name but the first name and a last name drives down the conversion rate. All these legal speak and mumbo-jumbo also drives down the conversation rate. So the typical page doesn’t do well and the pages that 99% of business owners and marketers are using for their webinar registration is completely wrong and we’re going to point out five reasons why most people are getting it wrong. We’re going to give you a template that helps you to do it right. I’ve created a template for you based on this webinar registration page. You can take this out and insert the name of your webinar. You can put in a sub-headline, you can fill this in with your time, your date, all your information, as you can see there’s a two step opt-in here. There’s a number of things that this template is doing right and that if you use this template you’ll be forced to do. And again, this is the most requested page to be templatized, so does our webinar registration page convert so well and why is this template going to help you out? Well, there’s five reasons, let’s walk through them. Reason number one is that the page contains video. Now, there’re a number of expectations to this rule, but all things being equal, a page with a well produced short compelling video on it will outperform a page without a video. Again, there’re lots of notable exceptions to this rule but I found that on webinar registration pages, videos really help. If someone’s going to spend an hour or an hour and a half of their time with you on a webinar, they need to see you. They need to know that they’re going to like you. They need to know that this is something where they’re going to enjoy themselves. So if you can have a video where you explain what’s going to be covered, this is a positive thing with webinar registration pages, especially if that video has some fancy LeadPlayer™ voodoo what not in it. Okay, so compare this page, the typical GoTo Webinar landing page and registration page with this page or the template page that I’m giving to you. You’re probably going to be much more likely to engage with this page than this page and you’re probably going to be more likely to register on this page than this page. Reason number two is that the webinar registration template that you’re getting has a two step opt-in process. Here’s what I mean. On this page, there is no opt-in box present. This disarms people and it keeps people engaged in this content. However, when they click on this button, they have the opportunity to opt in. there’s a number of reasons why this works. I won’t this point. If you want more information on why two step opt-ins work, just Google "Marketing Show Two Step Opt-in". But both this page and this page have a two step opt-in process and that’s been instrumental to the success of these pages. Reason number three why the webinar registration page template that we’re giving away works is that it doesn’t ask for first and last names. As you probably know, the more fields you ask for when you’re trying to get a registration, the less likely someone is to opt-in. So, when you have a first name in an email required, you have your registrations and if you just ask for the email. And if you ask for the first name and the last name, you’ll get even fewer registrations. Here on this template that we’re giving away and also on this template that we’re giving away, all that’s being asked for is the email address. Reason number four why this template that we’re giving away to again raise awareness for LeadPages™, but reason number four why this works is that what people are going to gain is so clearly delineated, right? One, two, three, four. Again, on pages like this, it’s hard to really highlight what’s going to be delivered on the webinar. And finally, reason number five why this landing page template that LeadPages™ is giving away works is that the two step opt-in box is available both above and below the fold. So someone can watch here and opt-in or when they’re done reading all these points, they can to the bottom and they can opt-in. A lot of people make the mistake of putting the opt-in only above the fold or only below the fold and we’re putting this in both locations. So in past a lot of people when we’ve given these templates away have had trouble with them. We’re really proud of the HTML. It’s HTML/5CSS3 compatible and compliant and you can take this out and insert the name of your webinar, you can take this out and insert your subhead, you can modify this, you can hook up this form to Aweber or MailChimp per SalesForce or whatever you’re doing, you can do that yourself. But, again in the spirit of raising awareness for LeadPages™, we’ve actually integrated this template into LeadPages. So when LeadPages™ is available to you, you’ll be able to just go here and click on use this template, you’ll be able to click on this, insert your video embed code, you’ll be able to click on this, put in the name of your webinar, let’s replace this with this and replace this with this, so this is actually for our current webinar and we’ll take this video and we’ll put in – we’ll make it a LeadPlayer™ video. It could also be a YouTube video, Vimeo video whatever. You can edit the time. As you can see, it’s super easy. You can also hook it up to Aweber, Infusionsoft, whatever accounts you have, let’s go do that right now. And we’re going to click Infusionsoft because I’ve hooked this up to Aweber and Infusionsoft because that’s what we use, but you can use a number of others and we’ll just click on LeadPlayer™ webinar. And because this is a webinar registration page, it’s automatically going to hook into our GoTo Webinar account and then we just click on save, save this as webinar demo, because this is a webinar demo for you and I can publish this to my Wordpress. It gives me a URL so I can just use this immediately if I wanted to. I can save this as a file and then upload this to my server if I want to. There’s a whole bunch of ways this can be done, but this is how easy it is to create a two step webinar template using LeadPages™. So if you don’t want to edit the HTML, integrate Aweber, etc, then that’s how to do all this in LeadPages™. So how do you get these webinar registration page templates? Well, just click on the link on this page, opt-in and we’ll immediately shoot you an email with the download link for these webinar registration page templates. When you opt-in, we’ll send you to webinar landing page templates, you’ll also get 75% off LeadPages after we launch tomorrow, November 20th and in order to get this discount, fill out this survey that you’ll get after opting in and we’ll also send you every single HTML template that we’ve created so far. Not the LeadPages version, but the raw HTML versions. Anyway, my name is Clay Collins. I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of the MarketingShow. Stay tuned tomorrow we’re launching LeadPages and we’re super excited about that here. And I hope you enjoy these templates and I hope you’ve learned a lot in this episode of the MarketingShow. Take care.

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By The Leadpages Team
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