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A One Time Opportunity to Get An All-In-One Landing Page Template

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Oct 24, 2013  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
[Free Download] Snag This All-In-One Landing Page Template For Running Google+ Hangouts, Hosting Webinar Replays, Creating Video Sales Pages, and Building Video Squeeze Pages

[cta-box] We’ve created what we think is our most versatile landing page yet. Yeah it’s awesome. It’s called the Google+ Hangout page but it’s actually four pages in one. It can be used around Google+ Hangouts, it can be used to host webinar replays, it can be used as a video sales page and it can be used as a video opt-in page. It’s a super versatile page that can be customized in a lot of different ways. Now is this page over responsive? Why yes, it is. So if you have somebody accessing this page from a smart phone, it’ll display 100% correct. This is a great page with a ton of different uses and we’re really excited to release it. Now this page takes no time at all to set up so let’s go ahead and customize this page inside of LeadPages. We’ll take a look at how you can this page to run Google+ Hangouts in a way that will increase your sales. Now, we can customize this page really quickly but because we’re customizing this for Google+ Hangouts, we’ll turn off the webinar replay box. This box says webinar replay, this replay will be removed on Friday at midnight. Now you’d use this if you were using this page to host a webinar replay but since this language sounds awkward in the context of the Google+ Hangout, we’re going to turn it off. Now with like all of our pages, you just click on something to edit it. So I’ll click on this and then select hidden to turn it off. Now here’s how to embed an on-air your video. Once you have your Hangout setup and you’re ready to broadcast, click embed right here at the top of the screen and then copy this on-air embed code. Now I will come back to my LeadPage and then I’ll click on the video and paste in my Google+ on-air embed code. Now the recommended size is 900 pixels x 506 pixels so I’ll adjust these numbers here to correspond to that. Okay. Now the video is done. See this call-to-action button? You may want to use this on a Google+ Hangout or a webinar when you’re selling something and you’re encouraging people to purchase or urging people to take a specific action. For example, I might want to do a Google+ Hangout on how to play guitar because I’m selling a course on how to play guitar so I’ll type in here, click here to get my course on how to play guitar. Now to link it to your shopping cart or wherever you want someone to be directed once they click on the button, enter in the link to your shopping cart here. If you’re not going to use a call-to-action button, simply turn it off here. Now in the chat box, you can put any kind of chat comments here. We have Chatroll but other suggested comment areas for Google+ Hangouts include Chatango, DiscussComments, or Facebook comments. Services like Chatroll and Chatango allow you to moderate the comments so you can control what’s being said by people that are chatting here. I’m going to use Chatroll. So if you have an account, create a Chatroll and then grab the HTML embed code. I’ll go back to my lead page and paste the code in this box right here. Okay. Now the comments are all set up. Finally, I’m going to turn off the opt-in bar here at the bottom. This opt-in bar allows you to collect email opt-ins. Now we wouldn’t want this on during a Hangout because usually the purpose of a Hangout isn’t to get people to opt-in to our list. It’s to get people that are already on our list to purchase our products or services. So since we’re not using this option, I’ll click on it and then I’ll turn it off. From there, I’ll name the page then click save. Now we have a few publishing options here. You can publish this page through our servers, publish it to WordPress, publish it to Facebook as a Facebook tab or finally you can download the file and put it on your own server. Now let’s quickly review how to set this page up to run Google+ Hangouts. First, turn off the webinar replay box, get your Google+ on-air video embed code and paste it in your LeadPage. Add a call-to-action button if you’re using one. Get your Chatroll or similar embed code and paste it into your LeadPage, turn off the opt-in bar and then you’re ready to publish the page. Now if you’re not a LeadPages customer, you will need to be a coder or hire a coder to make the downloadable template below work. For non-LeadPages customers, it’s a bit more difficult to set up. So here’s what you’ll need to do if you’re not a LeadPages customer. If you’re a developer, click on the link below and opt in to get this versatile template and our lead magnet delivery system will deliver it to you. You modify the HTML and CSS using your coding skills or the coder you’ve hired. You integrate it with your autoresponder and WordPress, etc., you get your landing page code that you’ve generated and publish the page. So these are all the steps you’ll need to take if you’re not a LeadPages customer. If you are a LeadPages customer, you don’t need to download the template because it’s already in the member’s area. If you’re not a LeadPages customer and you’d like to be, head to www.LeadPages.net to get LeadPages. I'm Jeff Wenberg. Take care. [0:04:31]

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By The Leadpages Team
[Free Download] Snag This All-In-One Landing Page Template For Running Google+ Hangouts, Hosting Webinar Replays, Creating Video Sales Pages, and Building Video Squeeze Pages
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