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7 Ways to Use Google Analytics to Level-Up Your Leadpages Marketing

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 04, 2019  |  Updated Nov 26, 2024
By The Leadpages Team
Use Google Analytics with Leadpages

What do you really know about the people who come to your pages? Or how well your content performs?

Google Analytics is the most widely used free web analytics tool, offering a treasure trove of data about your traffic and pages—that is, if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and learn how to use it.

Integrating your Leadpages account with Google Analytics takes less than 5 minutes, and with it you’ll see where traffic is coming from, how that traffic is engaging with your content, and what the visitor’s path to conversion looks like. Google Analytics gives you a peek behind the curtain to review how your pages are performing now and analyze how you can redesign them to perform even better.

Google analytics dashboard

Ready to learn more about integrating Google Analytics with Leadpages to take your marketing to the next level? Let’s discuss.

Leadpages Web Analytics: How does Google Analytics fit in?

Leadpages provides a simplified analytics dashboard with three key statistics about your page: visitors, opt-ins, and conversion rate. However, for a more robust view of your web analytics, Google Analytics is the most frequently used third-party integration. Why? Because it reveals key insights such as:

  • How many people visit the site (unique and repeat visitors)
  • Demographics of visitors (location, language, interests, etc.)
  • How many visitors are mobile
  • Where the traffic is coming from (social media, search results, webpages, content, advertising, etc.)
  • Which pages on your site are most popular
  • How well you’re grabbing leads and converting customers
  • Where people are spending the most time on your site
  • How your site is performing overall, especially with speed

To access your analytics, simply add your Google Analytics tracking code to your Leadpages site and landing pages, and take hold of your metrics.


What are some of the ways you can use Google Analytics to understand your audience and take your Leadpages site to the next level?

1. Bring all your pages and platforms together

Let’s say you use multiple platforms to host your online presence, like your website, landing pages, ecommerce store, and social media campaign. Typically, you’d have to log on to each platform individually to gather data and then manually track and analyze that information yourself.

But Google Analytics collects all of this data for you. You can link all of your online platforms to congregate big-picture data in one spot.

This helps you understand how people engage with your overall brand and what their journey to conversion looks like. For example, an Instagram user clicks on a blog post in your Story. They land on your website’s blog page. Then they click on your home page, where they’re directed to a landing page. On the landing page, they sign up for your email drip campaign.

Google Analytics can tell you exactly how that lead interacted with your brand, no matter how complicated their journey. Without collecting and pairing this data, you might assume each platform saw unique visitors. Or you might misattribute the conversion to your homepage, even though the lead originally came from Instagram.

Centralizing your data collection gives a more accurate, comprehensive look at your visitors’ engagement with your brand from start to finish.

2. Apply filters to each individual page

Google Analytics lets you segment each page individually based on filters and metrics. “Segmentation” is the process of isolating your data to figure out what’s really going on behind your site performance. Google Analytics lets you filter data based on metrics like: content, ad campaigns, ecommerce, audience, location, events, mobile, applications, social actions, and more. Learn about these filters here.

You can see what’s awesome on the pages that perform the best, and you can play around with those pages that don’t perform as well.

Isolating these metrics not only shows how your pages are performing, but it also gives you critical insights into your business. For example, Google Analytics shows you the countries in which your ecommerce transactions are taking place. This tells you where the majority of your customers currently reside as well as potential countries for future expansion.

3. Create audience segments

Segmenting your audience is the best way to understand who your visitors are and how they’re interacting with your site. Some of the visitor metrics you can pull out include: traffic sources, time of visit, device type, geography, unique or repeat visitor, organic or paid traffic, bounce rate, and even their IP address.


Google gives you in-depth info about your customer you can’t find elsewhere. You especially want to know:

  • Where is the majority of your traffic coming from? Particularly, where is the majority of your engaged, converting traffic coming from?
  • Who are the customers that are most likely to convert compared to the average visitor? What are their demographics, psychographics, and interests?

Once you know who your customer is, you can better tailor your content and marketing to them. For example, if you notice your highest-converting visitors come from Instagram, you should bump up your Insta campaigns. If your highest-converting visitors are interested in traveling, you could show how your products work great on planes.

Get tips on how to segment your customer data here, then check out Google’s customer data segmentation tips.

4. Use a thank you page to learn more about your leads

Want lead-specific data? Use a thank you page after an opt-in event.

On Leadpages, you can create custom thank you pages where visitors land after opting in, like signing up for a newsletter or registering for your webinar. This page thanks them and can direct them to more resources or social sites.


But it does more than just engage the customer. Everyone who lands on that thank you page has just opted-in or converted. So you know all the traffic on that page is a lead (and you have their email address).

Now you can look at the Google Analytics for that thank you page to learn specifically about the leads that converted. This helps you better understand your lead list, which helps you design a follow-up email sequence.

You’ll definitely want to read The Art of the Thank You Page: How To Make Any confirmation Page Boost Your Business for a deeper dive on this awesome landing page hack.

You should also check out Neil Patel’s 10 Ways To Increase The ROI Of Your Thank You Page. A simple thank you page goes far!

5. Discover why some people aren’t converting

Google Analytics gives you an idea of the traffic flow of your pages. Google will show you where visitors click, how they move through your site, and which pages and content are most popular.

More importantly, you can figure out where the flow stops for visitors that don’t convert. Where and why do people leave, and how can you get them to stay longer or engage more?

Take a look at the data from visitors that aren’t converting to see if there’s a pattern. For example, you notice that all of your conversions are female. You want more male purchasers, so you might choose to change the design or copy to attract a wider audience.

You need to figure out why traffic isn’t converting, so you can make tweaks and perform split testing to better engage and convert your visitors.

6. Attract only relevant traffic

Google Analytics provides data about the keywords that bring visitors to your site. First, this tells you which keywords visitors are searching to find you. Second, you can make sure those keywords are actually relevant to your site.

For example, your highest-converting visitors search the key phrase, “healthy coconut dog food.” A lot of visitors that don’t convert are searching, “healthy coconut food.” Maybe they’re looking for human coconut food. When they see you sell dog food, they quickly click away. This increases your bounce rate and lowers your conversion rate, which can hurt your standing on Google. So you can change your SEO strategy to emphasize the full phrase “healthy coconut dog food” and get rid of any phrases that don’t include the word “dog.”

This makes sure you’re constantly attracting relevant traffic that actually shows the potential to convert.

Learn more about how to use keywords on your site and in your content marketing here.

7. Test elements until it’s perfect

The numbers tell you where you are, compared to where you want to be. If you want to improve your metrics, you have to try out different lead magnets, offerings, designs, calls to action, and more. There’s no cut and dry answer, since every website and audience is different.

But you don’t want to just throw out different test pages and go with the one you like the most. You should test with intent. You want to change one variable at a time to understand exactly how each element impacts your metrics.

Leadpages offers a strong split testing tool so you can try out different variations of your page.

Leadpages offers a strong split testing tool so you can try out different variations of your page. When integrated with Google Analytics, your test will have comprehensive data about traffic flow and conversion.

Ready to use Leadpages and Google Analytics together?

As you know, data-driven decisions are the best way to get the greatest possible return from your marketing.

While, at first glance, Google Analytics can seem daunting—what’s truly frightening is the prospect of marketing without it. Every minute you invest in linking your accounts and learning how to use this robust platform offers massive returns over the lifetime of your business.

Still not sure where Google Analytics plays a role in your Leadpages campaign? Leave any questions or comments below to get more info from a Leadpages expert!

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By The Leadpages Team
Use Google Analytics with Leadpages
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