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Get Paid What You're Worth With Story Marketing & Story Selling

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Dec 01, 2011  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

[leadplayer_vid id="4FE0DAA9EE8B2"] Hello everyone, my name is Clay Collins, and welcome to this week’s episode of the Marketing Show. So like every week, we start out with this week’s marketing quiz. This one is a little on the controversial side, a little on the sketchy side. So Kim Kardashian, famous reality TV star recently got divorced. She had been married for about 70 days, and she sold rights to her wedding for around $19 million. So how much money did she make per hour that she was married? Is it $1,000 approximately, $5,000, or about $10,000 per hour that she was married? We’ll answer that at the end of the show. So today, I want to talk about what I call the Rituals of Receiving and how they apply to you. So most people who enter my life do not have a giving problem. They know how to give. They know how to give when they do coaching. They give free sessions. Their e-books are filled with so much value it’s absurd in a lot of cases. So most people who come to me and who are seeking marketing advice do not have a giving problem. They have a receiving problem. They have trouble receiving value that is proportional with the amount of value that they give in their products, and marketing, like I say, is the receiving arm of your business. So most people, when they are not receiving the amount of money that they deserve, it’s because they do not understand the rituals, the cultural rituals of receiving. In every single culture, there are standard rituals for receiving things into our life. For example, during Christmas, there is a very specific ritual for sitting around the Christmas tree during the holiday and receiving presents. When you get married like Kim Kardashian, you receive all kinds of things from your relatives and presents, and there’s wedding showers and things like that. If you’re a Muslim, there’s a holiday called Eid, which is a time when you receive things. There are lots of rituals of receiving in every single culture. Well, if you’re a business owner, there are rituals of receiving for businesses. One of those rituals is the product launch. Another one of those rituals is the interactive offer. So if you’re a coach, consultant, expert, leader, teacher, then one of the greatest rituals of receiving that you can take advantage of is something called the Hero’s Journey. There’s a man named Joseph Campbell who wrote a famous book called The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and in that book, he describes how every single mythological hero from every culture, the mythological heroes from fiction and movies, etcetera have all kind of gone through a very specific experience. The book again is called The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and he describes this hero as going through what’s called the Hero’s Journey, and the hero’s journey has a number of faces, but I’m here to tell you that the hero’s journey is one of the greatest rituals of receiving that exist for you again as a coach, consultant, teacher, expert, etcetera, and when you want to take advantage of this, here’s how you do it, right. You need to take your tribe, your audience, your followers to an experience where they follow you as you go through the hero’s journey. It starts out being in the ordinary world, right. They see you as you are now. Then you receive a call to adventure to fix a problem for them, to discover a cure for whatever fears they’re facing, for overcoming something that is plaguing them. That’s your call to adventure. You move through a threshold where you go from the ordinary world to a world where you’re faced with ordeals, right. You encounter things in phase 4 during this ordeal phase where you rustle with their issues, where you fight their dragons, where you rescue them from some external force or army metaphorically speaking that is attacking them, and the final step that every hero with a thousand faces faces is the reward, which is the receiving. Now I don’t have time to go into the specifics of how to implement all of this, but this is the backbone behind the training that we give to coaches, consultants, experts and teachers to show them how to receive in a way that is adequate and is proportional to the amount of value that they give to the world. Anyway, to answer this week’s marketing quiz, Kim Kardashian was paid $10,000 per hour that she was married approximately. That wraps up this week’s marketing show. My name is Clay Collins, and I’ll see you next week. Thanks for watching.

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