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[Huge Announcement] The Very First LeadPages Marketplace Template Is Now Available (Spoiler: It's An Affiliate Program Minisite)

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 25, 2014  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
Affiliate Portal Minisite Template Download

Affiliate Portal Template

Frequently Asked Questions About This New Marketplace Template

How Do I Purchase This Template? Click the “purchase” button above. This will take you to a screen where you’ll be asked if you’re a LeadPages customer or not.

  • If you are a LeadPages customer: You will be asked to login to your LeadPages account (if you’re not logged in already). Follow the directions to purchase this template for $15. Once you confirm your purchase, we will deliver this template to your LeadPages account where you can customize it and start using it immediately.
  • If you’re NOT already a LeadPages customer: You will be redirected to a different screen where you’ll be offered a free 30-day trial of LeadPages -- when you purchase this $15 template. This is necessary because you must have a LeadPages account to make this in-app purchase and use this new affiliate portal template.

Follow the directions to confirm that you would like to purchase this template for $15 and get a free 30-day trial to LeadPages. Once you confirm your purchase, we will deliver this template to your new LeadPages account where you can customize it and start using it immediately.

Where Does My Template Go Once I Purchase It? Once you confirm your purchase, we instantly deliver your new template to your LeadPages account. You will see it appear as a “premium page” at the top of your membership area. Is a LeadPages Membership Required to Use This Template? Yes, an active LeadPages subscription is necessary for continued access and use of this premium template. That’s why we are giving non-LeadPages customers 30 days to test out LeadPages free, when they purchase this premium template. Does this Mean that LeadPages is No Longer Creating New Templates for its Existing Customers? Absolutely not! At LeadPages, our in-house team will continue to develop cutting-edge landing page templates for you as long as you remain a subscriber. Look for these templates to be released regularly -- just as you have come to expect. I Think I’m a LeadPages Marketplace Early Adopter… How Can I Get Access to This Template as Part of My Membership? If you purchased a Pro Annual subscription to LeadPages prior to March 28th 2014 at midnight (and you still maintain this pro annual account), then you are an early adopter of the LeadPages Marketplace. This means you will receive this premium template as part of your membership. To access your premium template: Click the “purchase” button above, as if you were going to buy this template. After you click the button above, our system will ask you to login to your LeadPages account. Once you login, our system will recognize you as a “Marketplace early adopter” and you’ll be redirected to an “early adopter” screen to access this template. On this “early adopter” screen, click the button to confirm you want this new template. Once you do, we will deliver this premium template to your LeadPages account where you can customize it and start using it immediately. What if I’m a Developer and Want to Submit Templates to the Marketplace? We would love to have you! Right now, we’re compiling a group of A-list landing page developers who will be contributing designs to our Marketplace. If you’re interested in selling your templates in our Marketplace, click the link below and enter your email to get on our notification list, so you can be notified with more details about submitting templates to our Marketplace. Get 100% Commissions On All Templates You Sell In The LeadPages Marketplace! Click Here To Get On The Early Bird List.

Affiliate Portal Template

Just a few weeks ago, we announced that we’re planning the launch of the LeadPages marketplace within the next month or so and today is an exciting day. We’re making the first template from our LeadPages marketplace available for sale. We don’t yet have a main homepage for the marketplace so we’re releasing these templates one at a time on our blog. At first, we’ll be releasing these templates maybe one per week on our blog until the marketplace home page and ecosystem is ready. Going into the future, we have a wonderful cast of template designers who will be designing templates for the marketplace. The response was overwhelming to say the least. If you’re a designer interested in submitting templates to our marketplace, there’s a link below where you can sign up to be on our notification list to be notified when you’ll be able to sell your designs in the LeadPages marketplace. The first template that we’re selling is a LeadPages design template we’re making available for $15. It’s an affiliate portal mini site template. Before we go any further though I do need to point out that ask per usual, we’ll continue to steadily release templates to all LeadPages customers at no additional charge. However this affiliate portal mini site template that we’re selling today is one of the few templates that we’re making that will be available in the marketplace for a fee. Also, this is a beta version of the marketplace and we’ve done extensive testing on our end to make sure things work correctly and we’ll be cleaning things up and perfecting things further as time goes on so we just ask for your patience and kindness. If you have any problems, please contact our support team and we’ll be happy to help. Before we get into this affiliate mini site and why you should use it let’s talk just in general about why you should utilize an affiliate program in your business. There are several reasons. Number one, you’re just starting out and you don’t have time to generate, earn social media or SEO traffic and you can’t afford paid media then affiliates are a great low risk way to get fast traffic. Number two it’s the best converting traffic you can get since it’s endorsed by someone that has a close relationship with an existing audience. You can leverage that relationship to increase conversions. Number three affiliates allow you to increase the promotion of your product or service without you having to do it all yourself. And number four, affiliates are paid on performance so you only pay them when a conversion happens. This creates a win-win situation for you and your affiliates. Affiliates were instrumental in the fast paced growth of LeadPages and this strategy has worked incredibly well for our company not to mention countless other businesses. Now that we’ve covered why affiliates are important, let’s quickly talk about what an affiliate portal is. This page is responsible for recruiting affiliates to promote whatever offer you have. Having affiliates promote you is a great way to skyrocket profits but just like the people buying your products or services affiliates essentially need to be sold on why they should promote your company. This template allows you to create a homebase for your affiliates where they can get everything they need to (a) make an informed decision to join your company’s affiliate program, and (b) be a productive affiliate for your company. First let’s look at how this page takes the potential affiliates through what we’ll call a done-for-you affiliate portal. Right at the top, you have five sections that answer the basics any affiliates can ask about why and how they should promote your company. The page is designed to visually move people down the page. Each link directs into a section further down the page until ultimately they get to the getting started button. At the very top, just like many sales and opt-in pages there’s a headline and a video to get potential affiliates a quick glimpse into why they should be your affiliate. In this video, we recommend you show your face so people can get to know you and maybe demo your product in the video and give some insight into why people love it, talk about your promotional calendar so the dates are clear but most importantly, talk about what’s in it for someone promoting your company, what will they get out of the deal. Finally the video is followed by the button to apply now and this in itself is powerful because there’s a definite call to action. It encourages a decision one way or another. Do you want to become an affiliate or not? Next we go to the why section where you tell people what they get out of the deal like commissions, commissions per click, bonuses and so on. Next, we have the how to promote section which basically takes away the headache of the affiliates having to figure out the best ways to promote your company. We found that in our business that the more done for you things are, the better results you will achieve. So we’ve laid out all the best ways to promote our company here. Then we have the breakdown of our product and what commissions would be on each followed by a huge done-for-you section that has all of the banner ads, social media swipe copy and email swipe copy that you can just copy and paste into any place that you can paste HTML, email copy and so on. For example if I copy and paste this embed code for this ad, the ad will appear on my website wherever I paste this code or if this section here is for swipe email copy, so you can give people copy to email their list to promote your product as an affiliate. So if I copy it and head to get response as an example, I’d create an email that I want to send to my list. I’d paste what I just copied from the affiliate portal in here and now I can send this out to my list and I’ve got well written email copies specific to the offer I’m promoting all without having to do anything other than copy and paste. Now down here, there’s even a done-for-you social media post so I can copy this post for Facebook, go to my Facebook account, paste the code I just got from the affiliate portal into my Facebook account, add my affiliate link at the end and now when I post it, I’ll be promoting LeadPages as an affiliate. This is so huge because a lot of people aren’t graphic designers or copy writers so creating all this content for them not only ensures that they make money with good copy and design but that your copy ultimately makes money too. Now the final section has the info for your affiliate manager and the call to action to apply for the affiliate program. Again, encouraging them to make a decision, do they want to apply or don’t they. So these sections reflect a done-for-you affiliate portal. Providing pertinent information to affiliates promoting your business and making it easy for those affiliates to promote you is essential for your affiliates and your business to make money. This page takes care of it all. You can purchase the full version of this affiliate portal mini site from the LeadPages marketplace or you can download the PSD of this page below. If you’re a LeadPages marketplace early adopter, this template is free for you. When you go to check out, the template will appear as free. If you’re a LeadPages customer this template costs $15. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, this template also costs $15 but it comes with a free 30-day trial of LeadPages so that you can easily customize and deploy this page to your site. I need to point out here that an active LeadPages subscription is necessary for continued access and use of this premium template. That’s why we’re giving you 30 days to test out LeadPages for free. To purchase this page from the LeadPages marketplace, simply click the button below this video and you’ll be taken to the template page. Click on the purchase button and if you have a LeadPages account, you’ll use your login information to log in and purchase the template. If you do not have a LeadPages account you’ll be asked for your information to purchase. When you’re not a LeadPages customer, when you purchase the template it also comes with a free 30-day trial of LeadPages. After the free 30 days, you’ll be charged $37 per month for your LeadPages standard monthly subscription. If you’re an early adopter, a LeadPages pro or a LeadPages standard customer or a new user of the marketplace, once you purchase the template you’ll immediately be routed to the template editor to start customizing your template. If you’re not ready to customize the page right now, you can always access the page later by viewing the templates and then selecting the premium section here on the left. Let’s just in and customize this page. Like all templates inside of LeadPages, you just click on an element to edit it. For example, I’ll click the video box to insert my embed code. I’m going to change the logo out for a different one. Under the style settings, I want to update a couple of the color to something different. Just move the color selector to whatever color you’d like it to be and it will update. Here I’ll update my commissions to 40%. Now one cool thing about this template is all of the bullet sections are dynamic. So when you add or subtract bullet points to the sections, the template adjust accordingly. With the commissions, whatever is added in bold will be in the yellow part here and whatever text is underlined will be blue and whatever text is just plain will be the regular text that you see here. I can add additional checkmarks by adding a bullet and the template will adjust. If I want to subtract one or two, the template also adjusts for that. In this section, if you need to add more numbers, just simply add a bullet and the numbers adjust accordingly. It’s a really easy to use template and if you decide you don’t want to use this section, you can simply hide it. I’ll hide this inside the product section and the page adjusts accordingly. I’m going to now say that I’m satisfied with my customizations. I’ll name the page then I’ll save the page. Once I save the page and hit publish, the page is now live on the internet and LeadPages gives me a URL that I can use to immediately view the page. So we’ll go there and checkout the page. Here’s the page that we just created. It’s looking great and the page is mobile responsive so it will look fantastic on any size screen. Back in the publishing window, we have a few more options. You can publish the page to WordPress, publish the page to Facebook as a Facebook tab or find that you can download the file and put it on your own server. If you haven’t purchased this template in the LeadPages marketplace, it’s quite a bit more difficult to customize and publish. Here’s what you’ll need to do if you haven’t purchased this template from the LeadPages marketplace. You’ll need the download the PSD file below, hire a copywriter to create the copy on the page which there’s quite a bit of, hire a coder to customize the page, add in the copy, update the images, slice up the page, make an HTML file, a CSS file and also a JavaScript file. Finally, you’ll need to work with a developer to upload it and publish the page to your website. So these are all the steps that you’ll need to take if you don’t purchase this page from the LeadPages marketplace. If you don’t own this template and you’d like to have an affiliate portal for your business, we recommend you get it now. It’s a huge way to get new traffic and explode your revenue. Just click the button below this video then click here on this purchase button to purchase this template now. I’m Jeff Wenberg and I look forward to seeing what you do with this template and hearing about the rising success of your business due to your new affiliate portal.

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By The Leadpages Team
Affiliate Portal Minisite Template Download
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