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Getting To Know Our New CEO, Jeanette Dorazio

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Sep 09, 2020  |  Updated Mar 25, 2025
By The Leadpages Team
Leadpages Appoints Jeanette Dorazio as CEO

Last week we announced that Jeanette Dorazio has joined our team as CEO and today we're bringing you a brief conversation with Jeanette, after just one week on the job.

A born and raised Minnesotan, Jeanette brings more than two decades of experience in strategic global product management and leading high-impact teams. Most recently, she served as the vice president of operations for Solera Inc. and has also held executive roles at VeriFone, 8th Bridge and Oracle.

A conversation with Jeanette Dorazio

  1. What gets you most excited about joining the Leadpages team?

    "I am most excited about the opportunity to work with a fantastic team who are passionate about Leadpages and helping our customers in their journeys to digital transformation."

  2. We know it’s a big job. But, in your own words, what’s the role of the CEO in an organization?

    "The CEO is the link between the 'Inside,' which is the company or organization, and the 'Outside' which is customers, technology, markets, economy, etc. From deciding on a strategic direction to maintaining awareness of what competitors are doing, the CEO leads, manages, and operates at a high level to ensure the success of the business."

  3. As you know, female leaders in tech are too few and far between. What have you learned about leadership & influence that you wish you knew during your early career?

    "Mentors are key to a female leaders' success in STEM fields and having more than one is important to have a well balanced IQ/EQ."

  4. Having worked with small business owners before, what continues to draw you into the SMB space?

    "Small business owners are the backbone of the U.S. economy and their drive, ingenuity, and passion for their businesses is inspiring. The business problems that SMB owners face can often be resolved with access to technology that is both affordable and easy to use.

    As SMB’s are navigating the pandemic, it’s become critical for them to embark on a digital transformation faster than ever before and Leadpages is perfectly positioned to be their partner in that transformation."

    Now, more than ever, the products and services we offer at Leadpages will continue to be critical to the growth of small businesses that have had to pivot very quickly to the digital market."

  5. What’s the last book you recommended to a friend or colleague and why?

    "The last book I recommended was “Lincoln on Leadership” by Donald T. Phillips. The book is focused on President Lincoln’s diverse leadership abilities and provides real-world examples of how to leverage those lessons in today’s complex business environment."

And now, for the lightning round:

  • What was your first-ever job?
    Hostess at Old Country Buffet
  • What’s your favorite bottle of wine to gift to a friend?
    Red Wine - The Prisoner
    White Wine - Rombauer Chardonnay
  • What is your most-used, little-known app on your phone?
    The Real Real (TRR), which is a consignment shopping app
  • What’s the last podcast you listened to?
    Spectacular Failures - Toys R Us Goes Bust
  • What’s your first-up travel destination when the pandemic’s over? River cruise on the Rhine River - Belgium, Switzerland, Germany

When asked what she anticipates in the days ahead, Jeanette says, "I look forward to leading the talented Leadpages team to continue building on our product offerings and reaching the customers that need our support the most."

Want to know more about Jeanette?
Read the full press release for more information regarding the exciting news.

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By The Leadpages Team
Leadpages Appoints Jeanette Dorazio as CEO
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