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[Template Download] The Perfect Landing Page for Your E-Commerce Store

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 10, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
The Perfect Landing Page For Your E-commerce Store.

[cta-box] Transcript: The top 10 online retail sites in the US will have a combined 250 billion unique visitors this year. And with online sales expected to top 200 billion dollars, there has never been better time than the present to set up an e-commerce store of your own. One of the most requested templates at LeadPages has been an e-commerce page where our users can sell their products. We’re excited to announce that the beautiful E-Commerce Catalog and Product Pages are now available. Some customers are using online marketplaces to sell their products, and marketplaces can be great . . . if you can find a way to stand out from the crowd, capture buyers’ attention and control your branding. To help you stand out and give you full design control, our in-house graphic designer Taylor Wegner developed these e-commerce pages that you can use to sell your products online. You can download the E-Commerce Catalog and E-Commerce Product Page templates for free by clicking the download button below. These two templates can be easily used together or as standalone pages. The catalog page is used to display all of your products so you can easily create an online store. It has an option to purchase, or visitors can go to the detail page, which can be can be customized for individual products. Visitors are also given opportunities to share your products via Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus. This is an important feature, as it makes your product easy to share on any social media platform. And according to Shopify, in just the last year, e-commerce orders coming from social media grew over 200%. So giving visitors the option to share your products with their friends is very valuable to your business! LeadPages® comes with a suite of lead-capture tools, so you could also add LeadBoxes® to the page to display after a specified amount of time, or when someone is about to leave the site. The LeadBoxes® could contain special offers or coupons to make a visitor more likely to purchase. A staggering 67% of online shoppers will abandon their carts before completing a purchase, so it’s important to be able to retain that visitor data, and use it to bring them back to your site. With this template and all our templates, you can fully control your branding and messaging by changing headlines, text, and images. If you only have a few products, you can easily hide elements of the page by clicking the gear icon and selecting “hide.” To link this catalog page to the e-commerce product page for an individual product, just click on the “View Detail” button, select Link Options, and paste the URL of the page into the Target URL box. You can do the same thing to link the buy button to your shopping cart by clicking on the button and pasting your cart link into the Link Options box. If you’re ready to sell your products and you want to use this template to do this, go ahead and click the button below to get the templates. You’ll get all the files you need to get started. If you’re not a LeadPages customer, you’ll need to either be a coder or hire a coder to use these files. But when you become a LeadPages customer, you’ll have immediate access to these templates inside of LeadPages, and you can edit them without ever having to touch a line of code—so you’ll save a ton of time and money. We recommend the Pro Edition with an annual subscription, as it comes with the majority of the features our customers need and is 39% less than paying monthly. Join us at the Pro level today!

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By The Leadpages Team
The Perfect Landing Page For Your E-commerce Store.
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