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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages from April and May 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 16, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
Three of the best landing pages LeadPages saw this month

What kind of experience should your landing page provide?

Well, one that’s appropriate to the product you’re offering.

If that seems like a cop-out, check out our favorite landing pages from the past month before passing judgment. The following pages are short and long, minimalistic and lush, conversational and more formal. But they all have one thing in common: they’ve expertly tied together every element of the page to reinforce a strong, unified message about their business or product.

We’re featuring an especially diverse group of entrepreneurs this month. We hope that, with all these examples, you’ll find a couple of pages that inspire you to complete your own landing-page big picture in a way that makes sense for your company and your brand. (And if you do get inspired, we’re giving away some of the templates these creators have used!)

Ready to explore?

1. Heather Wildman with Golfboard - Real Estate Landing Page by Jeff Wenberg


What Stands Out: This Real Estate Landing Page was, of course, designed with real estate in mind, but it works wonders for any business where curb appeal is key. You might never have heard of the Golfboard, but once you see the gorgeous hero image on Heather’s landing page, you want to hop right onto one and roll away.

After the image and a call to action for golf-course and resort owners to learn more, we get other views of the product in different settings and with different users—and then we see it in action with an embedded video.

Once you’ve watched that, you might be interested in taking a ride even if you don’t run a golf resort. And, happily, you can, because Heather’s placed a LeadBox™ right below the video that lets you schedule a test ride by opting into her mailing list.

Let yourself be tempted by the Golfboard here.

2. Maze Accounting - Enterprise Lead Gen Page


What Stands Out: When you’re considering accounting services, on the other hand, you’re not looking for ravishing imagery. You want friendly dependability, and that’s what Maze Accounting projects with the Enterprise Lead Gen Page.

In just a few words, this page communicates both the necessity of the lead magnet it’s offering (it’s critical to do this!) and the peace of mind you’ll have once you get it (just check these boxes and you’ll know you’re in the clear). It’s a simple message targeting a wide audience of people trying to start a business, and it lands elegantly.

3. Put Me in a Book - "Elegant Tablet" Laptop/Tablet/App/Website Landing Page by Markeazy


What Stands Out: Using the “Elegant Tablet” Landing Page, this pre-launch page fully communicates the power of the finished product: Lost My Birthday, an immersive picture book that can be customized for each child who receives it.

Every frame of the page spotlights a different aspect of the project, from a top-level overview to a video trailer taking you inside the book’s world, to a close-up on the themes and illustrations, to character options, to information on the husband-and-wife creators.

Put Me in a Book isn’t the first company to offer customized children’s books, but this landing page convincingly makes the case that its authors are creating a richer story-time experience than any of their competitors. Appropriately, it does so not by making a sales pitch, but by telling a story.

4. Optimum Tennis - Limited Time Promotion Page


What Stands Out: Online tennis-instruction emporium Optimum Tennis puts a limited amount of information into the Limited Time Promotion Page template. The focus stays on a tantalizing glimpse of what you’ll get when you opt in for the lead magnet: 25 minutes of slow-motion practice footage of Serena Williams, Andy Murray, and other players.

An automatically playing video snippet stretches across the page, and it’s hard not to stop and watch these athletes at work in slow-mo. You don’t see a landing page like this every day, and it reinforces the notion that Optimum Tennis is going to offer you something you can’t find anywhere else.

Get mesmerized by Serena’s swing here.

5. Where Ya Eatin’ At? - Business Landing Page (Mini Site) by Jeff Wenberg


What Stands Out: New Orleans is known for its convivial spirit, its friendly people, and its spectacular food. Any local restaurant-marketing agency will need to evoke all these elements to thrive, and Where Ya Eatin’ At? packs them into its homepage, built with the Business Landing Page (Mini Site) template.

Warm colors and delicious photography frame information on WYEA’s services, philosophy, and portfolio. The tone and design are polished but easygoing, and if local restaurateurs want to come off the same way, they’ll have a great reason to hire this company for their marketing.


6. Durban South Toyota - Product Recommended Template


What Stands Out: Buying a car tends to be an intensive offline experience, and perhaps an overwhelming one. Using the Product Recommended Template, this South African dealership makes it seem almost easy.

The chipper copy—”Hey Friend!”—makes you eager to interact with their sales force. The page presents a manageable selection of auto bargains up top, with links to more inventory for those who want to explore in depth. A video, photos, and testimonials reinforce Durban South Toyota’s image as a genuine, trustworthy source for your next big four-wheeled purchase.

7. Women on the Edge of Evolution - Telesummit - Virtual Summit - Multi Speaker Event Page


What Stands Out: This beautiful page is what happens when you find a template that fits what you’re offering like a glove. The Telesummit - Virtual Summit - Multi Speaker Event Page makes perfect sense for Women on the Edge of Evolution. Their virtual conference is delivered as a series of video interviews with visionary women including Arianna Huffington and Barbara Marx Hubbard.

The organizers didn’t have to make drastic changes to this template, but the ones they did make reinforce the conference’s image. The purple and teal color scheme suggests inspiring feminine power, and a background photo of an ocean vista reinforces the sense of limitless possibility promised by the copy.

8. Bipper Media - Drag N’ Drop/Sortable Sales Template


What Stands Out: Bipper Media’s clients include law firms, dental practices, and insurance agencies—that is, a lot of people who probably aren’t digital-marketing experts. To reach clients like these, you want to communicate expertise without seeming intimidating, and that’s what this page does with the Drag N’ Drop/Sortable Sales Template.

Round-edged fonts create a welcoming vibe, and the page promises a valuable free website analysis when you opt in so you can start the process of improving your web presence before you’re even a client. Founder Bobby Holland puts a face to the company with a personal greeting, and glowing but realistic testimonials complete the picture of a company that’s easy to work with and knows its stuff.

Go here to see this flexible template in action.

9. Positive Performance Mental Training Zone - "Master Multipurpose" All-Purpose Template by Markeazy


What Stands Out: As the name suggests, you can do just about anything with the "Master Multipurpose" All-Purpose Template by Markeazy. The athletic coaches at Positive Performance use it to make one attention-grabbing promise: learn to compete at your best in just two weeks.

When you make a bold claim like that, you need to back it up—which Positive Performance does with tons of social proof. A testimonial from a world volleyball medalist, review and recommendation stats and a visual display of the schools that have worked with the company all convey trust in the company. And once you’re convinced, you can start to learn more about their training methods without leaving the page.

10. Greenhouse of the Future - Best-selling Book Template - Robert Coorey's Feed A Starving Crowd


What Stands Out: We’ve saved one of the most intriguing pages for last. Francis Gendron uses this Best-selling Book Template to promote not just a book but an accompanying film and an entire environmental movement: the Greenhouse of the Future. All presented with as much excitement and panache as a summer blockbuster.

Few people would undertake a project such as building your own solar-powered greenhouse from old tires lightly. But this page inspires you to commit with video, book excerpts, pricing information, and more. It’s a lot to digest, but the bold, spacious design keeps the page from feeling overloaded. (And, of course, if you want to save some of this research for later, a LeadBox offers to deliver you more resources by email.)

Get inspired by Gendron’s vision here.


Need Some More Inspiration?

No problem. We’d like to stimulate your creative juices by offering you four of these templates to use in your own marketing.

If you’re already a LeadPages® member, two of these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account. (The other two are premium templates we’re giving you in this post only!) If you’re not a LeadPages® member, you will need to code, or hire someone to code, these pages to work on your website.

What Have You Created Lately?

Thanks so much to all of the marketers, creators, and big thinkers featured in this month’s roundup. Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages—and how you’re using them to communicate your own message.

If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please either fill out this form or add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
Three of the best landing pages LeadPages saw this month
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