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Landing Page Roundup: Our 10 Favorite Pages from July-August

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Aug 18, 2014  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Constantly improving. That’s what we all strive towards as marketers. To constantly improve our offerings to give the people what they want. That’s also a theme you’ll see in this post, as a few of the newest Leadpages templates we've created in our constant effort to stay at the forefront of conversion-optimized landing page design are on display. With that in mind, sit back and enjoy our ten favorite Leadpages landing pages for the past month — you just might get a few ideas to improve your own marketing efforts.

1. Comic Book Lab: Web 3.0 Sales Letter

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Comic Book Lab

LeadPages user Ian Hannin created this sales page using the Web 3.0 Sales Letter template inside LeadPages.[/caption] When you combine a comic book artist with the possibilities of a LeadPages template, you know you’ll get a visually appealing site like this. What Stands Out Here: The sales letter flow of the Web 3.0 Sales Letter is phenomenal. First, you’ve got an intro video that covers the entire sales pitch in a cinematic format. At the bottom of the first fold, a buy button with a strong call to action peeks above the fold with a standout color to prompt a scrolling action. Once you scroll down, you’re at the beginning of his written sales flow. He has:

  • A personal intro letter to build up credibility through prior accomplishments
  • A sneak peek into the process behind great comic illustration and coloring
  • Testimonials from top artists to build more credibility
  • Benefits you’ll receive from the class to show real-life skill building
  • A 60-day money back guarantee to show confidence in the product

This is a powerful way to structure a sales pitch, and Ian pulls it off beautifully. Take a look for yourself right here.

2. Marketing Blueprint: Long Form Squeeze Page

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Marketing Bluepring

Leadpages user Jacob Hiller created this opt-in page using the Long Form Squeeze Page template inside LeadPages.[/caption] Social proof is a powerful thing, and Jacob Hiller uses it flawlessly in his landing page copy. What Stands Out Here: Magnetic, irresistible copy is the name of the game here. There aren’t many graphics on the page at all, which means the copy and layout really takes center stage in this Long Form Squeeze Page example. Look at some of these phrases: “...without spending a dime on advertising.” “Simple No Cost Strategies You Can Implement Right Now”“Join dozens of self-published authors who were able get more customers w/o breaking the bank” You’re seeing key trigger phrases that prompt opt-in habits. He conveys a sense of cost-aversion in the first phrase, ease of use in the second phrase and social proof with the last phrase. Take note, because this is the kind of writing that converts.

3. Survival Life: Web 3.0 Sales Letter

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Survival Life

Leadpages user Joe Marshall created this sales page using the Web 3.0 Sales Letter template inside LeadPages.[/caption] Scarcity. Limited availability. You don’t want to be left out, and Joe Marshall wants to make sure you aren’t with his Web 3.0 Sales Letter layout. What Stands Out Here: All throughout the landing page, Joe creates a sense of urgency with scarcity appeal. Phrases like “while supplies last,” “before they’re gone” and “supplies are limited” are there to help reinforce the perceived value of the lead magnet. From the first fold all the way down to his final call to action, there’s a feeling of urgency in every message. Urgency is a strong form of motivation and a great way to get a visitor to opt in or purchase your product. Add in the beautiful use of the template’s sales flow with the video/letter/testimonial/benefits technique and it’s not hard to see why this is a successful page. Take a look for yourself right here.

4. Crazy Wild Love: Mixergy’s “Welcome Gate” (from Andrew Warner)

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Crazy Wild Love

Crazy Wild Love created this "re-opening soon" opt-in page using the Mixergy "Welcome Gate" template inside Leadpages.[/caption] The velvet rope at a nightclub has a strange effect on people. When you see that line waiting out the door, you instantly think, “Wow. That place must be popular.” The same effect can be achieved with a great landing page. What Stands Out Here: Crazy Wild Love builds suspense and curiosity with the Mixergy Welcome Gate. The academy is currently closed, and there’s no date indicating when the next class is (nor do they say how many people are in the class). All you know is there’s a waiting list and you need to be on it to be notified when the academy opens. This creates that velvet rope effect, placing this class in higher regard. Additionally, they offer an incentive to sign up for this waiting list with a complimentary video. Instead of the interaction ending with the sign-up,, you now get something tangible to reward you for opting in. Creating this sense of mystery and still giving away a lead magnet is a brilliant idea, and one that’s paid off for Crazy Wild Love. Take a look for yourself right here.

5. Smartphone Video: Front Page for #1 Book System

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Smartphone Video

Leadpages user Howard Hale created this home page using the Front Page for #1 Book System template from our LeadPages Marketplace.[/caption] Sites with multiple products used to have trouble finding a way to display their works on a landing page. Not anymore. What Stands Out Here: The first fold call to action is strong in the Front Page for #1 Book System template. Not only are there links to the individual products in the top navigation bar (that link to additional landing page templates), but the large information section in the first fold is full of information and images to prompt a first-fold opt-in. The next fold offers up Howard’s additional ebooks as downloads, and he builds credibility with a testimonial and a photo/bio combo on the left side. This compact style offers so much flexibility, and Howard made great use of the multiple product sections with his plethora of ebooks.

6. TCK Publishing: Book Sales Page

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TK Publishing

TCK Publishing created this sales page using the Book Sales Page template inside Leadpages.[/caption] Wasted space in landing page design leads to a loss in conversions. That’s why this template makes use of every bit of space to create something special. What Stands Out Here: Everything you need is in the first fold with this Book Sales Page example. There’s a strong headline that promises some “life-changing books.” Contextual, supporting sales copy provides urgency appeals with specific expiration deadlines. Plus, the colors and imagery/layout make this a beautiful template to use. But a nice little touch that makes a world of difference is the sales content section that peeks above the first fold. The orange stands out against the blue, and you can slightly see the tops of buttons. Scroll down a bit more and you’ll see those buttons allow you to buy the product. That slight design addition is a subtle yet explicit enough cue to prompt a scrolling action from the content-heavy first fold. That’s what turns this page into a conversion powerhouse.

7. Poppy Sports: Long Form Squeeze Page (from Natalia and Frank Kern)

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Swim Workouts

The marketers at Poppy Sports created this opt-in page using the Long Form Squeeze Page template inside Leadpages.[/caption] The more you can put your visitor in the mindset of using your product, the greater the odds of them converting. That’s what this page from Poppy Sports is all about. What Stands Out Here: After reading this Long Form Squeeze Page template, you know exactly what you’re getting if you sign up. The specificity of this page is phenomenal. Everything from the images to the messaging is designed to put you in the shoes (or flippers) of a swimmer using this product. Even though the headline and call to action in the first section are stellar, I want you to focus on the sales letter area. You get a specific number of workouts, examples for where you can use this training AND a photo of a sample workout. Everything on this page is geared toward putting you in that swimmer’s mindset, which explains why this is a steady converting page. Take a look for yourself right here.

8. Entrepreneur On Fire: Thank You/Webinar Page

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Entrepreneur on Fire

John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire created this webinar registration/thank you page using the Thank You/Webinar Page template inside Leadpages.[/caption] Why be happy with a traditional thank you page when you can turn it into so much more? What Stands Out Here: John Lee Dumas uses imagery cues and sequential text to draw your eye to an opt-in with the Thank You/Webinar Page template. John hosts fantastic webinars, and this page appears after someone has signed up for his email list. On this page, your eyes are immediately drawn to the blue content section in the first fold. There’s a strong call to action in “Free Live Webinar,” followed by a large “Sign Up Now” button and pictures of the presenters flanking the content. With all these elements working together under the “Thank you” section of the email confirmation, John pulls focus to an area where signing up for a webinar becomes the goal of this page. Your eyes are led to the sign up button, and John now picks up webinar registrations on an underutilized page in most people’s sales funnel. Take a look for yourself right here.

9. The Discovery Code: Elegant Basic Opt-In Page

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The Discovery Code

The Discovery Code created this opt-in page using the Elegant Basic Opt-In Page template inside Leadpages.[/caption] Put your best foot forward and lead with exactly what your product offers. What Stands Out Here: From the very first sentence on this Elegant Basic Opt-In Page, you know exactly what you’re getting. Great pages convey their purpose right away, and this example from The Discovery Code does just that. The sales flow on this page is solid, going from attention-grabbing headline to social proof sub header and finishing up with the product’s big benefits. It follows the Attention Interest Desire Action (AIDA) methodology down to the (literal) letter, generating interest with a headline that mentions cost (none) and whom the training is for (tech founders and entrepreneurs). If, as legendary advertiser David Ogilvy said, you've spent $.60 of your dollar when you write your headline, then this page invested well. Take a look for yourself right here.

10. Mike Filsaime: Blog Home Page

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Mike Filsaime

Leadpages user Mike Filsaime created this welcome gate for his home page using the Blog Home Page template inside Leadpages.[/caption] “Oh look. A button.” You may see buttons all the time on websites, but not like this. What Stands Out Here: Designing for direction is something we covered in a previous post, and this Blog Home Page example from Mike Filsaime takes that concept and runs with it. Or, more specifically, points it out. His picture points at the opt-in box, which is another way to draw your eye directly to the most important aspect of the page. Plus, the red box against the dark blue background helps the button stand out even more. Sometimes imagery can step in the spotlight and control eye movement better than text placement. This is one of those times. Take a look for yourself right here.

Before You Go…

Congrats to all the marketers in this month’s roundup. I appreciate you sharing your ideas and innovations with us. That’s it for this month’s roundup. But before you go, I’d love to hear what you thought of these pages. Which one was your favorite, and why? Let us know in the comments below. Or just click “share” to let us know these are useful to you.

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By The Leadpages Team
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