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Landing Page Roundup: Our 10 Favorite Pages for the Past Month

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jun 07, 2014  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Need some new ideas for your landing pages?

Then you need to see what our LeadPages users have been working on.

In today’s roundup, I’m revealing 10 of the most powerful, compelling landing pages and LeadBoxes that our users have created over the last month.

Any one of these could easily spark an idea for your next marketing campaign.

Go check out these 10 favorites below...

1. Webinarli: Planning Meeting LeadBox

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Check out this LeadBox with multiple form fields from LeadPages users at Webinarli.[/caption] Love this LeadBox with multiple form fields from the innovative marketers at Webinarli. What to Notice Here: Rather than trying to sell their clients outright, the marketers at Webinarli are asking clients to click the button for “a complimentary campaign planning meeting.” That's a great technique for getting potential clients on the phone to sell them your services. By using a LeadBox as their call to action, these marketers can collect all the information they need to sell their potential clients on the phone. As you can see, these marketers are asking for their client's names, phone numbers, business information and some details on their client's target audience in this LeadBox's multiple form fields. In other words, they're asking for just enough to prepare for each planning meeting with potential clients. If you're currently selling a service like Webinarli is here, you may want to borrow this technique. Check out the page right now to get a closer look. Be sure to click on the call to action buttons to see this LeadBox in action.

2. Fuzed: Brian Moran Facebook Page

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Check out this innovative use of the Brian Moran Facebook page from LeadPages user and Fuzed Founder Jake Hower.

Check out this innovative use of the Brian Moran Facebook page from LeadPages user and Fuzed Founder Jake Hower.[/caption]

Who says a Facebook landing page is just for Facebook?

The founder of Fuzed, Jake Hower, transformed this Brian Moran Facebook Page from inside LeadPages into a bonus giveaway page for Ontraport’s latest launch.

What stands out here: Besides being an innovative use of a Facebook page, this bonus page is an ideal example of how to participate in a joint venture partner’s launch.

Jake Hower is offering three months’ free access to his Fuzed App to anyone who purchases Ontraport’s new platform.

This bonus offer is powerful on its own. Then, the video and bullets make a compelling case for why you could benefit from having both this Fuzed App bonus and Ontraport at the same time.

This is a textbook example of how to make your bonus offer seamlessly match a JV partner’s launch product. If you plan on participating in joint venture launches in the future.

3. Smart Marketer: Double LeadBoxes

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Check out this pair of LeadBoxes from LeadPages user Ezra Firestone of Smart Marketer.[/caption]

Like many LeadPages users, Ezra Firestone didn’t settle for using only a single LeadBox on his Smart Marketer course page. Instead, Ezra linked a pair of “get started” buttons to two unique LeadBoxes.

What stands out here: Ezra is using these two very different LeadBoxes to give away two different courses on his “free course” page.

Quick tip for you: If you currently have multiple lead magnets to give away, you might try creating a free course page with multiple LeadBoxes as Ezra did here.

You can take a closer look at this pair of LeadBoxes right here. Again, make sure to click on both “getting started” buttons to get the full effect.

4. Jason Swenk: Elegant Basic Opt-in Page

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 LeadPages user Jason Swenk created this stellar lead generation page from the Elegant Basic Opt-in Page inside LeadPages.

LeadPages user Jason Swenk created this stellar lead generation page from the Elegant Basic Opt-in Page inside LeadPages.[/caption]

Check out this deceptively simple, yet powerful lead generation page from “Digital Preneur” Jason Swenk.

What stands out here: Everything on this elegant basic opt-in page is designed to encourage you to click the call-to-action button. That includes Jason’s inspiring how-to headline, his powerful video graphic, and even the subtle colors he used on this page.

Also, notice that Jason mentioned his most famous clients -- “AT&T, Legal Zoom and Hitachi” in his copy. Jason even included their names in his video graphic.

Quick tip for you: Referencing your “marquee clients” is an easy way to convey social proof and build your subscribers’ trust. If you haven’t tried it yet, you may want to test adding your well-known clients’ names to your next landing page and see how your audience responds.

Also, I recommend you take a closer look at this incredibly well-designed page here.

5. Videofruit: Social Proof Giveaway Page

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Check out this hard-to-ignore Social Proof Giveaway Page from LeadPages user Bryan Harris of Videofruit.

Check out this hard-to-ignore Social Proof Giveaway Page from LeadPages user Bryan Harris of Videofruit.[/caption]

Looking at this powerful social proof giveaway page, it’s easy to see why this simple lead-gen page is currently converting at 71%.

Bryan Harris created this lead generation page to be part of a mini-funnel for his site, Videofruit. Currently, Bryan is linking his hello bar, which you can see below, to this page.

According to the most recent numbers, 775 potential subscribers have clicked on this hello bar and seen this lead-gen page. Of those 775, an impressive 556 subscribers have joined his list. (Again, that’s a conversion rate of 71%.)


What stands out here: Beyond the impressive copy and funnel, Bryan is offering his personal swipe file with 100+ landing pages to anyone who opts in on this page.

Any copywriter will tell you that a swipe file with high-performing copy examples is worth its weight in royalties checks. So this lead magnet had me clicking right here.

The logos at the top of this page also give Bryan’s business social proof and instant credibility. You can see for yourself when you take a closer look at this page.

6. Lynne Knowlton: Design the Life You Want LeadBox


This simple LeadBox is converting 99% of the traffic that clicks on the photo on Lynne Knowlton’s “design the life you want” subscribe page. You can see the proof below.

Leadbox numbers resized

What stands out here: Besides the impressive conversion rate, you can see that Lynne linked this particular LeadBox to a gorgeous image on her subscribe now page.

Lynne also included a call to action to join her list above this LeadBox image and on the image itself to inspire more sign-ups. That’s a powerful technique you may want to borrow.

To get the full effect, check out Lynne’s “subscribe now” page and click on the image to see this LeadBox in action.

7. Bob “The Teacher” Jenkins: About Me Page

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LeadPages user Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins created this tell-all page from the About Me page inside LeadPages.

LeadPages user Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins created this tell-all page from the About Me page inside LeadPages.[/caption]

Love this about me page from LeadPages instructor, Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins.

What stands out here: Just glancing at the tell-all page, you can immediately see that Bob “the teacher” Jenkins is an author, consultant, speaker, and coach.

The background photo just serves as further proof of Bob’s qualifications. Also, this photo gives Bob instant credibility and authority as an instructor in his space.

Quick tip for you: If you want to build up your credibility in your own industry, you can use an about me page like this one on your blog or site. This particular about me page comes with social share buttons, so you can encourage your audience to share your story.

As an example, you can check out Bob’s about page right here. For more from Bob, you can also check out his “LeadPages challenge” here.

8. Anne Samoilov: The Launch Essentials Toolkit LeadBox

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LeadPages user Anne Samoilov linked her compelling sidebar copy to this equally powerful LeadBox on her homepage.[/caption]

Check out this impressive sidebar + LeadBox combination from launch specialist Anne Samoilov of www.AnneSemoilov.com.

What stands out here: With its matching colors and copy, this “launch essentials toolkit” LeadBox looks like it came ready-made with Anne’s website theme. That’s exactly how you want your LeadBoxes to appear to your site’s visitors.

Also, if you check out Anne’s site, you’ll notice that this particular sidebar and LeadBox appears on almost every page.

Quick tip for you: You might consider borrowing Anne’s strategy and adding a sidebar with a LeadBox combination to each page on your website. That will give your site visitors the chance to join your list on every page they might visit.

For an example of this, check out Anne’s sidebar and LeadBox combination right here.

9. Kevin Rogers: Book Sales Page Inside LeadPages

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eadPages user and author Kevin Rogers created this fantastic sales page from the just-released Book Sales Page inside LeadPages.

LeadPages user and author Kevin Rogers created this fantastic sales page from the just-released Book Sales Page inside LeadPages.[/caption] Looking at the compelling copy on this page, you can tell that The 60-Second Sales Hook author Kevin Rogers is also a direct response copywriter. What stands out here: The 60-Second Sales Hook by author Kevin Rogers This sales page features a “says who” section with an arrow pointing to potential testimonials. As you can see, Kevin filled up this section with outstanding testimonials and social proof from well-known marketers like James Schramko and John Carlton.

10. Nathan Latka: Webinar 2.0 Page (Two Hosts with a High CTA)

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LeadPages user and Founder of Heyo Nathan Latka created this webinar page from the Webinar 2.0 Page (Two Hosts with a High CTA) inside LeadPages.

LeadPages user and Founder of Heyo Nathan Latka created this webinar page from the Webinar 2.0 Page (Two Hosts with a High CTA) inside LeadPages.[/caption]

The founder of Heyo, Nathan Latka, created this webinar page from the Webinar 2.0 Page (Two Hosts with a High CTA) inside LeadPages.

What to notice here: The headline alone on this webinar page makes it worthy of the top 10 this month. As I’ve mentioned in the past, a single powerful how-to headline like this can work in every single industry.

Like Nathan did here, you need to find a specific promise to make that will appeal to your target audience. In this case, it’s “how to capture 4,700 emails from Facebook with no ad spend.” (Something that marketers might say is nearly impossible to do.)

If you look closely, you’ll notice that all the specific copy on this page makes similar hard-to-ignore promises.

Before You Go, Tell Us…

Congratulations to all the marketers in this month’s roundup. Thanks for sharing your innovations with us.

That’s it for this month’s roundup. Before you go, I’d love to hear what you thought of these landing pages and LeadBoxes above.

Tell me: Did one of these landing pages spark an idea for your own marketing? Or were you inspired to try out some new ideas in your marketing after seeing this?

If so, drop a quick “yes” into the comments below. If you have another moment to spare, tell me which LeadBox or landing page above inspired you.

Or simply click “share” to let me know this was useful to you.

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By The Leadpages Team
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