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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages From March And April, 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 15, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

A landing page needs to grab visitors’ attention as soon as they arrive and keep them engaged until the very end. Remember, the longer a person stays on your landing page, the more likely they are to opt-in or make a purchase, so grabbing your visitors’ attention needs to be your top priority. All 10 of our favorite landing pages this month immediately grab your attention as soon as you arrive. See which pages grab your attention as you go through them. And look to see which of these attention grabbing tactics you can apply to your own landing pages. Read on to find out...


1. Dr. Demartini’s Depression Solution - Free Course 2.0 Page

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Dr. Demartini tells you what you're getting right away[/caption] What Stands Out: If you're marketing a course, it's important to show potential enrollees what they will get out of your course material. Dr. Demartini easily highlighted his course using the Free Course 2.0 Page, found in the LeadPages™ template library. Dr. Demartini grabs your attention upfront by telling you exactly what you’ll be getting in his course. But he doesn’t just stop at “Free Course and Video.” He also shows the benefit of what these can do for you by highlighting the words “Depression” and “into Gratitude.” Next, Dr. Demartini shows an image of his course book and a picture of himself. Author images help visitors to connect with the person who created the course. People are more likely to opt into or buy from someone they like, so showing an image of yourself (or your client) is a simple, yet powerful way to optimize your page. Take a look at this great page for yourself here.

2. Criminally Prolific - Adwords/PPC 2.0 Landing Page

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Dmitry of Criminally Prolific toots his own horn to grab your attention[/caption] What Stands Out: Sometimes you need to grab attention by tooting your own horn. Dmitry at Criminally Prolific does just that with this Adwords/PPC 2.0 Landing Page. Right at the top of the page, you can very clearly see one of Dmitrys’s many impressive accomplishments. As you move down the page, you can see more of what Dmitry has done through the scrolling testimonials from happy customers. Dmitry also makes it clear that anyone can learn and apply what he he does to their business, including you. The bright green “Get My 5 Top Growth Hacks” buttons tell you what you’re getting and show the lead magnet’s value. I mean, what business isn’t looking to grow, right? You can see Dmitry’s page in action for yourself here.

3. PCOS Diet Support - Jeff Walker Pre-Launch Content Page

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Engaging videos and social proof drive this page.[/caption] What Stands Out: If you have any sort of health issue, you will probably do everything you can to help bring it under control. So finding out what a doctor didn’t tell someone about a medical diet will certainly grab your attention. Taryn Pullton of PCOS Diet Support uses the Jeff Walker Pre-Launch Content Page very effectively here to share her 4-part video course. At the top, Taryn shows what each video will talk about. The frozen video image of Taryn in her kitchen reinforces the fact that she’s teaching you about food and diet. The bright, feminine colors draw in her target audience of women. The Facebook comments below give lots of social proof and show how effective her videos have been for those who have watched them. To see how this page highlights Taryn’s work, go here.

4. The “I Am” Initiative - Call To Action Page

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The I Am Initiative makes the target audience very clear.[/caption] What Stands Out: You can tell which target audience Lisa Vanahn of the “I Am” Initiative is serving as soon as you hit her Call To Action landing page. The top section of the page is covered in images of Girl Scouts laughing and having fun. Lisa’s headline makes it clear that she is targeting Girl Scout troop leaders who want to bring her training to their troops. The first line of the body copy makes it clear what she does and what she is offering, when she says “You can’t protect yourself until you love who you are.” As you scroll down, you can see the formula she has created for successful girls, the steps you need to take to bring Lisa in to train your troop, and the many associations who value what the “I Am” Initiative has to offer. To see how the “I Am” Initiative empowers girl scouts, go here.

5. USSettlers.com - Smart Product Sales Page

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USSettlers.com helps recent immigrants adjust to life in the U.S.[/caption] What Stands Out: Adetoye Oremosu of USSettlers.com uses the Smart Product Sales Page very effectivley to target his audience of new immigrants to the United States. He makes it immediately clear that once you’ve gotten through the immigration system, your journey is just beginning. As you scroll down, you see the key ideas the book covers as well as information about the book itself. Adetoye includes a photo of himself and a short author’s bio, which tells the story of why he wrote this book and why he wants you to have it. To ensure he captures new leads, Adetoye also gives his site visitors the chance to sign-up for his newsletter in addition to (or instead of) buying his book. To see Adetoye’s story for yourself, go here.

6. The Copy Hackers - Brian Moran Bonuses Page

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Copy Hackers uses great headlines.[/caption] What Stands Out: The Copy Hackers used Brian Moran’s Bonuses Page to grab your attention right away with a bold headline. Liberal use of the word “free” keeps you scrolling right down to the video. Once the video has played, you’re given the chance to purchase. If you’re not persuaded to buy, you can keep scrolling down to see the many benefits the course gives you, as well as the bonus offer at the end. This particular landing page template uses a standard sales page structure, but Copy Hackers made it their own with fantastic imagery, bullets and sub-headlines to keep you moving down the page. To see Copy Hackers’ fine work, go here.

7. Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) - Limited Time Promotion Page

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The buttons on ACEP's site are easy to find and have informative calls-to-action[/caption] What Stands Out: It's impossible not to notice the red button at the top of this Limited Time Promotion Page. It's the first thing you see, so you immediately understand you'll get a discount on your conference admission fee and a recording of the past keynote speech when you click this red button. Further down, the countdown timer shows you the time you have left to take advantage of this offer. The speaker photos and the frequently asked questions, interspersed with the red button give you a chance to sign up throughout the page. At the bottom, the ACEP allows visitors to leave Facebook comments. This not only offers social proof, but it can also boost your conversions when your customers leave positive feedback. To see how the ACEP used these conversion techniques, go here.

8. You Better Exactly Summit - Telesummit - Virtual Summit - Multi Speaker Event Page

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The colors and images on the You Better Exactly page grab your attention right away.[/caption] What Stands Out: If the very vibrant colors and headline on the puzzle piece graphic on this Marketplace Telesummit/Multi Speaker Event Page don’t grab your attention, nothing will. The offers and promises made to current and aspiring entrepreneurs are crafted to keep visitors engaged and excited all the way to the end of this page. The Summit’s host, Michele Petersen, uses the speaker section to highlight all of her fellow presenters. She also introduces herself toward the bottom of the page to create a bond so you’re more likely to attend the Summit. If you’d like to see Michele’s very attention grabbing page, go here.

9. Naturalthrifty.com - Web 3.0 Sales Letter Page

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The video at the top of Naturalthrifty.com's page piques your interest[/caption] What Stands Out: The still picture of Crystal Collins opening a box is the first thing you notice on this Web 3.0 Sales Letter Page. This is a good way to pique interest and encourage you to scan the rest of the page, as well as to push the video play button. Crystal tells you her story to build empathy and demonstrates how her essential oils therapies can help you too. The testimonials further down on the page give social proof of the validity of Crystal’s claims and encourage you to make the purchase, as does the bright orange “Click Here to Buy Now” button. To see Naturalthrifty.com’s well done page, go here.

10. Jason & Molly Tie The Knot - “The Wedding” Minisite - Markeasy

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You know you're in the right place when you land on Jason's wedding minisite.[/caption] What Stands Out: Here at LeadPages™, we have something we call the “dogfooding initiative,” meaning we are the biggest users of our own products. Our own Jason Martin created this great Marketplace Wedding Minisite Page, for his upcoming nuptials. Right at the top of this you clearly see who is getting married. The picture and the couple’s names at the top of the page let you know immediately that you’re in the right place. Whether you use the navigation at the top of the page to get to each section, or you scroll down, Jason does a great job of telling the story of his engagement and upcoming wedding to Molly. To congratulate Jason and Molly, and to see Jason’s excellent work, go here.

Need Some More Inspiration?

No problem. We’d like to stimulate your creative juices by giving you all of the templates we featured here that are part of the standard LeadPages™ library to use in your own marketing. (Marketplace templates are not included because we don't have permission from these authors to give them away.) If you’re already a LeadPages™ member, these templates are ready and waiting for you in your account. If you’re not a LeadPages™ member, you will need to code, or hire someone to code, these pages to work on your website.


What Have You Created Lately?

Thanks so much to all of the marketers (and happy couples) featured in this month’s roundup. Before you go, I’d love to hear about your landing pages, whether they’re works in progress, or have been released into the wild. If you’ve got a landing page you’d like to share, please click here to fill out our survey, or you can add the link and some information about the page and why you’re excited about it to the comments section below. Perhaps your landing page will end up in a future roundup.

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