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Landing Page Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Pages and LeadBoxes for January

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 31, 2014  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

By Kat Von Rohr, Writer and Editor for Leadpages In just the past 30 days, we have seen business owners in every industry pushing the envelope and testing the latest innovations in their marketing. In this month’s roundup, we have the pages to prove it. Read on to see our picks for the top 10 landing pages and LeadBoxes for January (in no particular order).

1. VideoFruit: The “Detroit Joey Bonuses” LeadBox

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Leadpages user, Bryan Harris from Videofruit.com creates a unique LeadBox for every blog post. Each LeadBox perfectly matches the copy in his blog post, so it's a natural progression for his readers to opt-in for his list.[/caption] “@Leadpages: Biggest day in my blog’s short history. Pulled a 14% optin rate thanks to LeadBoxes. :)” Bryan Harris of videofruit.com tweeted this out after grabbing stellar results with the LeadBox above. To put this in perspective: LeadBoxes have only been available at LeadPages since mid-December. In the past six weeks, Bryan has integrated LeadBoxes into his overall blog strategy -- and fine-tuned his strategy enough to snag the largest one-day opt-in rate in his blog’s history. (He’s not the only one either. We have heard dozens of LeadBox stories like this.)

You can see the LeadBox that pulled in this 14% opt-in rate above.

To take a closer look, check out the blog post in question right here. (Be sure to click on the call to action box to see this LeadBox in action.)

2. DIY Ford - “DIY Mustang Restoration”

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LeadPages customer, Zac Headrick, from DIY Ford created this gorgeous page from a Basic Centered Squeeze Page inside LeadPages.

Leadpages customer, Zac Headrick of DIY Ford created this gorgeous page from a Basic Centered Squeeze Page inside Leadpages.[/caption] From the image to the copy, everything is working on this Basic Centered Squeeze Page from Zac Headrick, of DIY Ford. What to notice here: The button copy on this page reads “send my first guide,” as opposed to “send your first guide” or “get your first guide.” Here on the blog, we have reported split tests results in the past that show using the first person like this on your button copy tends to increase your results. We found that people like to listen to their own internal dialogue when deciding whether to click or not. This page is once again putting those results to the test. (If you've never done it, this is a simple split test to run on your own button copy.) What else to notice: This gorgeous image of the 1969 Mustang with the blurred background also draws your attention right to the opt-in box.

3. Don Crowther - “How to Maximize Your Top of Funnel Results.”

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Leadpages customer, Don Crowther transformed this Gorgeous Long-Form Lead-Gen Page into a stunning webinar registration page.[/caption] When you’re building a sales funnel, you want to know the latest, cutting-edge tactics to increase your opt-ins and generate more sales. Just looking at this cutting-edge Web 3.0 page, you get the impression that whoever is running this webinar knows and understands those tactics. Perhaps that’s what social media expert, Don Crowther intended, when he selected the LeadPages Gorgeous Long-Form Lead-Gen Page for his webinar registration page. But whatever his original intentions, this stunning webinar page proves that you can use this lead-gen page for more than just opt-ins. This page is even more impressive live right here. Go check it out.

4. Content Champion - “The Superhero LeadBox”

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This is another brilliant use of a LeadBox from our Leadpages customer, Loz James at Content Champion. Notice how the cartoon sidebar links right to their LeadBox.[/caption] This LeadBox and sidebar combo is the brainchild of copywriter, Loz James at ContentChampion.com. When I first spoke to Loz in early January, he had only been running this sidebar and LeadBox for a single week. Already, it was converting at 17%. As of today, these results are holding strong, but Loz is waiting for the data to mature before declaring it a winner. What to notice here: The copy on this sidebar is outstanding. These content experts rebranded 16 free podcasts as the “Content Marketing Toolbox,” which transforms these individual content pieces into a compelling-sounding course. They also used a testimonial in the sidebar -- something to test for your own pages. Get a closer look at this page right here. (Be sure to click on the “get instant access” button to see this LeadBox.)

5. Smart Marketer: “Get My PDF Transcript!”

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Check out this incredible use of a Giveaway (2-Step) Squeeze Page, from Leadpages customer, Ezra Firestone[/caption]

This looks like a simple download page, doesn’t it? At first glance, you might think this is the page that you send subscribers to after they opt-in -- to give them their free PDF.

But actually, it’s a lead generation page from inside LeadPages. When you click on this Giveaway (2-Step) Squeeze Page, eCommerce expert, Ezra Firestone asks you to join his list before you can download this PDF.

This extremely effective page revolves around a two-step opt-in process. A “two-step opt-in” simply means subscribers must take two actions to join a list. We have written extensively here on the blog about why two-step opt-ins outperform one-step opt-ins. So I won’t dig into it here.

Instead, I recommend you check out the real-life version of this two-step page from Ezra Firestone of www.smartmarketer.com. Be sure to click on the PDF button so you can see the opt-in box for this page.

6: Amy Jo Berman - “Free Webinar: Pilot Season Domination”

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If you’re struggling to write compelling copy for your pages, then you should take a closer look at this page from “former Vice President of Casting at HBO,” Amy Jo Berman. She has some incredible copy on this Webinar 2.0 Registration page.

Here are just a few of the intriguing things happening here:

Personal Branding: By glancing at her picture, you can instantly see that Amy is Casting Director, Audition Expert and the former VP of Casting at HBO. With just a few words, you instantly see her as an authority in her field.

Deepening the Benefit: In her headline, she doesn’t give one “how-to” benefit, but two very specific benefits. Copywriters sometimes call this “deepening the benefit,” because it makes the first benefit more valuable when you instantly add a second benefit.

Identifying the Target Audience: She announces her webinar is for “serious actors only.” This not only identifies her target audience, but it also creates scarcity because she implies this webinar is not for just anyone.

Giving Incentive to Register Now: She’s only offering the webinar replay to attendees to register. That gives her audience incentive to instantly sign-up.

Addressing Her Audience’s Pain: Notice she says: “If you are an actor who has to watch other actors on TV shows that you should be on…” By saying that, Amy is proving she understands her target audience’s pains on a deep emotional level, and she can help them.

7. Bicycle Lab - “Want to Be More Comfortable and Efficient on Your Bike?”

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Sometimes it only takes a single photo to convey what your business does for your customers. In this case, I would say Victor Jimenez -- of BicycleLabs.com -- managed to do that with this one powerful photo of the female cyclist.

This one photo perfectly frames this Basic Squeeze Page (Aligned to the Right).

From a marketing perspective, this cyclist is also looking directly at the opt-in box, so your eye is naturally drawn to the headline copy (and the opt-in form). This is a simple strategy that you can test on your own pages.

8 - Tiffany Alvord - “I Have 1.7 Million YouTube Followers."

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Check out this gorgeous example of the Basic Video Squeeze Page from our Leadpages customer, Tiffany Alvord.[/caption]

There are many elements working together to create this phenomenal page. Here are a few of the highlights below.

1. Thrilling background: This page was built from the “Basic Video Squeeze Page” inside LeadPages, but there’s nothing “basic” about it. The electric green background gives the page a rockstar backdrop for this video.

2. Impressive Video: LeadPages user, Tiffany Alvord is a singer and a YouTube artist, so you would expect her videos to be professional (and this video is).

But this particular video is impressive in a different way -- you don’t have to opt-in to get it. This free music video plays on the page, encouraging you to opt-in to hear more. This is a great strategy to test on your own video pages.

3. Powerful Copy: In just two sentences you know a lot about this singer. She has 1.7 million YouTube fans, 350 million page views, and she also somehow attracted this following. She’s also giving something away of value to get you to opt-in. (She’s also pre-populating the forms to make it easier to opt-in.)

Finally, this entire page tells a compelling story about this singer. Between the video, the background and the short copy, you have a significant glimpse into this singer’s life. You might even be a fan of hers by the time you’re done consuming the content on this page.

That’s how you can tell this is a well-designed page.

9: The Joy of Marketing: “January Cash Injection Toolkit”

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Our Leadpages customers at the Joy of Marketing created this lead generation page from the Ebook Landing Page (from Pat Flynn). [/caption]

As I’ve mentioned, the Ebook Landing Page (from Pat Flynn) is one of my favorite pages inside of LeadPages. But nine times out of 10, this Ebook page is used to either sell or give away a book.

This is one of the rare occasions I’ve seen this page used for anything else. It’s something to consider for your pages. In this case, the marketers from The Joy of Marketing are using this mini-site to promote a 14-day free trial of their new coaching program.

Even more impressive, they’re using a LeadBox to generate leads from this page. Check out the entire page (including the LeadBox) here.

10: WebReception “The Exact Steps to Triple Your Sales” Thank You Page

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Our Leadpages customers from WebReception used the new Webinar Thank You Page from inside Leadpages to build this page.[/caption]

This is the only thank you page is this month’s roundup. I had to give this page a place of honor for its brilliant execution.

First of all, the marketers at WebReception used the new Webinar Thank You Page inside LeadPages to create this page.

If you’re not familiar with this Webinar Thank You Page, it’s engineered to encourage your attendees to show up for your webinar. You would generally send this thank you page to your attendees immediately after they register for your webinar to improve show-up rates.

But WebReception improved this page even further by adding…

A warning that space is limited for this webinar.

A powerful headline to entice attendees to show up: “The Exact Steps to Triple Your Sales Using Live Chat Will Be Removed During This Event.”

A video with a valuable tip, that gives attendees a taste of what’s coming in the webinar.

A “sharing bribe:” At the very bottom of this page, WebReception offered a free two day trial of their 24/7 hosted live chat sales team -- for anyone who shared this event with your friends. (Pretty powerful, right?)

These are all quick strategies you may want to try on your webinar thank you pages.

You really need to scroll down on this thank you page to get the full effect. Before You Go: Do You Have Results to Share?

Congratulations to all the business owners in this post. Thank you for sharing your results and your innovations on these pages.

Before you go: Do you have any success stories with your pages (or LeadBoxes) that you’d like us to share here in a future landing page roundup? If so, drop your quick results into the comments below.

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