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LeadBoxes® Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes® from August 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Aug 31, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

Communicating value is at the core of any marketer’s job description. Depending on the product at hand, you can do that in flashing neon letters or whisper-subtle branding—or any medium or style in between. When you’re building a LeadBox™, you have only a few square inches of screen to communicate the value of what you’re offering. (Of course, the page that triggers it can assist.) A simple message and attention-grabbing call-to-action button will often do the trick on their own, but creative LeadPages® users are constantly finding ways to do even more within that relatively small space. That’s what we’re looking at today. The 10 best customer-built LeadBoxes we found this month aren’t just highly clickable—they’re also very memorable in what they add to the total picture of their creators’ offers. While some of these LeadBoxes® simply offer the chance to sign up for an email list, you’ll notice that many others promise something extra: guides, video classes, cheat sheets. Offering a lead magnet like this—also known as a content upgrade when it complements the content already offered on the page—is such an effective lead-generation strategy that we wanted to make it as easy as possible for you, too. Click below to download a guide to 8 easy tools you can use to create content upgrades like these quickly, no specialized tech or design tools needed:


Without further ado, here are the 10 most impressive LeadBoxes® that popped onto our radar this month:

1. Culinary Hill: Timed Thank-You LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Food blogger Meggan Hill thanks new blog visitors with a special page full of her top posts. It’s a thoughtful way to orient people to her site. And then, she gives them something extra beyond that: a timed LeadBox™ offering a collection of 20 top recipes. Meggan’s LeadBox™ is simple, but entirely of a piece with the rest of her site. The fruit slices of her logo are rearranged to fill the LeadBox™ space better, and the teal button is a delicious addition to their color scheme. She’s also explored her formatting options in the headline, using underlining to add urgency to the offer. The entire experience creates the impression that Culinary Hill is a blog packed with valuable resources, and subscribers will want to explore every corner to find them all.

2. Pillai Center: Master Class Replay LeadBox™


What Stands Out: To offer a replay of a class on meditation, the Pillai Center has designed a landing page and LeadBox™ that paint a picture of cosmic tranquility. First, there’s the harmony of the color scheme, with the blues and whites of the background image turning up in the button and LeadBox™. Then, there’s the imagery. With any class, the instructor is a big part of the appeal, and this page presents Dr. Pillai with an artful image that’s nothing like a standard headshot. Rather than repeat the same photo, the LeadBox™ uses a different shot, showing Dr. Pillai as he might appear while leading a class. The LeadBox™ tosses one more thing into this package: a meditation-guide download, adding value to the offer with a highly relevant bonus.

3. The Parenting Skill: Free Download LeadBox™


What Stands Out: It’s hard to make a photo of a smartphone compelling, but The Parenting Skill has done that and more with the gorgeous background image on this page about kids and social media. It communicates the same blend of intrigue and potential danger communicated in the copy. The call-to-action button invites parents to say “Yes, I Need This!”, emotionally investing them in the opt-in process. Inside the LeadBox™, the image and copy strike a supportive, accessible tone. The photo, of two kids plugged into a smartphone, couldn’t be more appropriate, and it goes well with the text overlay’s friendly fonts. Together, these elements add up to a reminder that you don’t need to plaster your logo everywhere to create a cohesive feel for an online experience.

4. JobMob: Content Upgrade LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Israeli job-search blog JobMob starts off demonstrating massive value with a blog post suggesting 500 different verbs to improve your resume. At the bottom, creator Jacob Share offers another massive bundle of content for those who opt in and brands it snappily as “The One Resume Resource You’ll Ever Need.” A custom download button previews the resource and implies that you’ll get this content bundle immediately. Fresh colors and straightforward messaging complete the LeadBox™ itself, and text below the button adds a pinch of extra value by suggesting exactly how to use this resource: “Easily save it as a PDF or print for daily use.”

5. Sam Ashdown: Early-Interest List LeadBox™


What Stands Out: As the air grows cooler, Sam Ashdown suggests that new things are on the way with a “coming soon” landing page backed by a lovely autumn scene. She offers the chance to find out when her new Bootcamp launches with a little casual copy that explains what will happen when visitors click the call-to-action button: “Pop your name and email in to get first dibs on a spot.” (I’d be surprised if this didn’t improve the LeadBox™’s conversion rate.) Inside, the headline confirms that you’re in the right place: “I'll add you to my VIP list and make sure you get the invite as soon as registration opens!” The message feels personal, because Sam’s also added an inviting photo of herself, marked with her signature.

6. Teelie’s Health and Fitness: Timed Subscription LeadBox™


What Stands Out: E-commerce homepages rarely make for good landing pages—with dozens of offerings and links, there’s just too much potential for distraction. Affiliate marketer Teelie Turner has sidestepped that problem with a LeadBox™ set to appear soon after someone lands on her homepage. This LeadBox™ is so full of content, it’s essentially a miniature landing page. Most striking, of course, is the header image, a high-quality and very relevant photo overlaid with text. Teelie invites visitors to sign up for updates on her curated collection of health and fitness products by asking, “Do you enjoy discovering the latest in health trends?” Having put so much thought into the design, Teelie is free to keep the copy below nice and simple, minimizing any friction on the way to subscribing.

7. Nikki Elledge Brown: “Cheat Sheet” LeadBox™


What Stands Out: After grabbing attention with an off-kilter photo, refreshing color scheme, and brisk, appealing copy (which reinforces the idea that she’ll have lots to tell you about writing copy), Nikki Elledge Brown collects opt-ins with one of the cleverest LeadBoxes® I’ve seen. In place of the usual progress bar, she’s added an image of half a yellow pencil, conveying that visitors are halfway done in a way that humorously reflects the subject matter. The rest of the LeadBox™ does just as neat a job of matching the landing page and topic. The orange and aqua color scheme complements the page perfectly, and the copy manages to add a bit of cheek within a couple of lines with instructions to “Enter your info below to make it official.”

8. Seattle Real Estate Investing: Timed Buyers List LeadBox™


What Stands Out: We looked at Seattle Real Estate Investing’s smart marketing strategies in more depth recently, but I wanted to call special attention to this LeadBox™. It pops up on a page that explains the benefits of joining the company’s buyers list via video and text, and it grabs attention with a large, attractive logo and clean copy and design. This isn’t the only opportunity visitors have to join this list: there are more links to trigger the LeadBox™ further down the page. But a timed LeadBox™ like this can serve two purposes. For people who have already decided they want to opt-in, it’s a way to complete the process immediately without having to hunt for the in-post link. For people who aren’t ready yet, it’s a preview of the signup process and a reminder that, even if they dismiss the pop-up now, they’ll have a quick and easy way to join after they finish reading.

9. Ian Brodie: “Subscription Plus” LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Here marketing blogger Ian Brodie uses an effective tactic for building a list of subscribers: enhancing the value of an email subscription by tying it to a bonus resource. In addition to getting his “regular client winning tips,” people who opt into Ian’s LeadBox™ get a useful guide, "The 21 Word Email That Can Get You More Clients." The title alone captures attention, and so do Ian’s design choices. He’s illustrated the guide as a polished but fun-looking paperback book and used the burgundy type on the cover in part of his headline. Bright colors and an animated progress bar lend a sense of forward motion, further urging visitors to opt-in.

10. Compose Create: Free Game LeadBox™


What Stands Out: Music-education blogger Wendy Stevens doesn’t just add a lead magnet to the end of this post—she spends most of the post explaining why she created the lead magnet and how music teachers can use it. That alone does a lot to increase the perceived value of the game she’s offering, but she also adds urgency to the offer by noting that it’ll be sold for $7.99 once the month is out. Wendy has designed the LeadBox™ itself with just as much care. She’s designed a fun visual representation of the game that previews the content with a few sample questions, and it also happens to fill the space available perfectly. To create a value-packed lead magnet like Wendy’s, click below for our guide to 8 easy tools that make for great content upgrades and other kinds of opt-in bonuses:


Share Your LeadBoxes® with Us!

Before you go, we’d love to see any LeadBoxes® you’ve recently implemented. Leave a comment below and let us know where we can find them! Or, if you don’t have a LeadBox™ to share, tell us which of the 10 examples above was your favorite. Thanks to all the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup!

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