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LeadBoxes Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes from January 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Feb 03, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
LeadBoxes Roundup

The month of January represented yet another step forward in the evolution of LeadBoxes, our tool for creating high-converting two-step opt-in forms. After testing an animated progress bar on our own LeadBoxes, we published the positive results on our blog and released five animated progress bars for users to test out as well. In this roundup, you’ll see a few examples of those new animated progress bars, along with several other unique LeadBox examples that are sure to give you ideas for your own marketing campaigns. Let’s take a look.

1. Wise Choice Market: LeadBox with Blue Animated Progress Bar

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LeadBoxes Roundup

Wise Choice Market uses this LeadBox to give away their free Bone Broth recipe guide in exchange for an email address.[/caption] What Stands Out: Wise Choice Market uploaded the blue “barber’s pole” style animated progress bar to the LeadBox built into the Giveaway Squeeze Page #2 landing page template. It was great to see users take action and start testing out these new animated progress bars so quickly. If you haven’t already done so, download the free animated progress bars here so you can test them in your business. To get a closer look at this example, visit the landing page here.

2. Wire Cutters Short Film: “Coming Soon” LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

This LeadBox is fit for framing.[/caption] What Stands Out: If you read last month's landing page roundup post, you already saw the stunning page Jack Anderson created to promote his short animated film, Wire Cutters. What we didn’t get a chance to show off in that roundup, however, is the equally impressive LeadBox Jack customized on the page. He swapped out the default progress bar image for an image featuring the setting of the short film, along with text letting visitors know they’ll be the first to hear when the film is released online. The image fades nicely into the LeadBox’s background color, which Jack switched to black. To see this example in action, check it out here.

3. Training Authors: Header Bar LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

Shelley Hitz added a LeadBox™ into her header bar to increase its effectiveness.[/caption] What Stands Out: Inserting an eye-catching bar above your website’s header has become a common way to automatically drive your existing traffic to a particular page or offer on your website. Here, rather than driving traffic to another page, Shelley Hitz of Training Authors linked the text in her bar to a LeadBox where visitors can opt-in to receive a free book marketing plan. This makes for a much more cohesive experience than forcing them to visit a separate page to opt-in for the download. You can check out this example here.

4. Brian Moran: Unique Home Page LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

Brian Moran uses effective long-form copy to warm visitors up before presenting them with a LeadBox at the bottom of his home page.[/caption] What Stands Out: This example from Brian Moran of Get10000Fans.com is one of the most unique home page LeadBoxes we’ve seen. Rather than following typical structure, Brian has essentially turned his home page into a compelling long form sales letter. When visitors reach the end, they’re greeted with a “Click Here to Continue” button that triggers a LeadBox. To get to Page #2, they must first enter an email address. Visit the Get10000Fans.com home page to see this unique example for yourself.

5. Marketing Artfully: Bold Exit LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

Marketing Artfully grabs your attention with the bold design of this exit popup LeadBox.[/caption] What Stands Out: Tara Jacobsen of MarketingArtfully.com customized an exit LeadBox that would be difficult for visitors to ignore — which is precisely the point. But it's not just the large size that makes this exit intent LeadBox effective. The inspirational quote and photography featured in the header also go a long way in both grabbing visitors' attention and inspiring them to action. To see how this exit LeadBox works, just visit Marketing Artfully and move your cursor toward your browser “X” button.

6. Rachel Foster: LinkedIn Post LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

Rachel Foster shows that sometimes just linking to a LeadBox can be an effective strategy as well.[/caption] What Stands Out: Did you know you can still utilize LeadBoxes in places where you don’t have access to post HTML code? In this example, Rachel Foster does exactly that. She published her “How to Plan Your 2015 Content Calendar” post on LinkedIn’s publishing platform, and included a link to her LeadBox’s unique URL (rather than the entire snippet of HTML code). As you can see, instead of appearing on the same page, the LeadBox™ opens in a new tab, functioning similarly to a landing page. According to Rachel, this LeadBox converted at 60% and brought her over 200 new subscribers (and counting). Check out her post on LinkedIn to see this example in action.

7. Melanie Duncan: Home Page LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

As this example shows, you can easily add elements like checkboxes to LeadBoxes.[/caption] What Stands Out: Want to make sure the folks opting in for your free download also want to receive regular emails from you? This example from Melanie Duncan illustrates one way to do just that — adding a simple box visitors can check if they want to receive weekly emails. Adding a checkbox like this to your LeadBoxes is as simple as adding a checkbox field to the form inside your email service provider. Go to Melanie’s home page for a closer look at this example.

8. Bloop Animation: Timed Popup LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

Use a timed popup LeadBox to take advantage of high-traffic pages.[/caption] What Stands Out: Want to ensure your traffic has the opportunity to opt-in for your lead magnet? Use a timed LeadBox like this example from Bloop Animation. After a predetermined number of seconds, the LeadBox automatically appears, offering visitors a free resource guide in exchange for an email address. If you have pages generating organic traffic, a timed popup LeadBox is a good way to automatically convert a percentage of that traffic into leads. Check out this example here.

9. Jenna Drew: Home Page LeadBox

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LeadBoxes Roundup

High-quality images take this LeadBox to the next level.[/caption] What Stands Out: Sometimes, perceived value can go a long way toward increasing your conversion rate. One way to increase perceived value? Try experimenting with different images on your LeadBoxes. In this example, Jenna Drew includes an image of her lead magnet displayed on a tablet, elevating its appearance. Try split testing an image like this one against what you’re currently displaying, and see if it impacts your conversion rate. To this example in action, click here.

10. Leadpages: Split Test Animated Progress Bar

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LeadBoxes Roundup

Visitors are greeted with an opt-in opportunity after putting their conversion knowledge to the test on the split test blog posts we’ve been publishing recently.[/caption] What Stands Out: We’ve been getting quite a few comments about this LeadBox we use on our split test blog posts lately, so I thought I’d spotlight it here for those who may not have seen it yet. We use a custom-built widget to display two page versions from customer-run split tests. Visitors can then vote on which version they think increased conversions. After voting, the winner is revealed, along with the opportunity to opt-in for our Encyclopedia of Split Test Results. This is similar to the functionality on the Advanced Lead Survey Page from the Leadpages Marketplace. The LeadBox capitalizes on the momentum visitors have built up by already taking an action on the page. In this example, we also used one of the five animated progress bars mentioned earlier (which you can download free here). To get the full effect, check out this split test post here.

Have a LeadBo™ You'd Like Us to Feature?

If you have a LeadBox that you would like us to consider for next month's roundup, drop us a link in the comments section below and we'll check it out. Or, if you're feeling inspired, tell us which of these examples was your favorite. Until next time, thanks to all the marketers featured in this month's roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
LeadBoxes Roundup
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