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LeadBoxes® Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes® from April 2015

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published May 01, 2015  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

We’re always impressed with the many ways our customers use LeadBoxes® to grow their businesses. This month, our selected favorites have a couple of elements in common. All of these LeadBoxes® have engaging images and calls to action. In other words, each of these LeadBoxes® tells site visitors exactly what they should do when they arrive on this LeadBox™. So get ready to take notes, because you’ll want to apply some of these techniques to your own list-building efforts.

1. Start a Side Hustle: Free Ebook LeadBox™

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The button text adds urgency to this LeadBox™.[/caption] What Stands Out: Most people use LeadBoxes® to build their email lists, which is exactly what Ebong Eka is doing here. He gives very clear instructions on what to do at the top of his LeadBox™, but he also gives the extra push by using the word “powerful.” His button text builds more urgency with the words “I Want To Start Now!” This gives the impression that if you download this ebook, you can start your freelance side-business right away. It’s a good impression to give, and Ebong has done a fine job here.

2. Little Pines Multimedia: Free Lesson LeadBox™

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The image on the LeadBox™ shows part of the sailing lesson available for download.[/caption] What Stands Out: You can give away many things with LeadBoxes®, not just ebooks or PDFs. Little Pines Multimedia is giving away a free sailing lesson with their LeadBox™. The LeadBox™ displays a diagram of how to tack, which gives a taste of what you'll be learning once you give your email in trade for this download. A nice demonstration and further impetus to enter your information and click “Download Now.”

3. Collegeaidformiddleclass.com: Free Resource Guide LeadBox™

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The headline in this LeadBox™ builds a relationship.[/caption] What Stands Out: Part of the art of getting site visitors to opt into your email list is creating a relationship with them, however brief. Collegeaidformiddleclass.com does this by asking, “Where Can I Send You My Free College Savings Resource Guide?” Doing this makes the exchange feel a little more personal and may increase opt-ins. Nicely done, and in a very friendly way.

4. Bang Bang Burgers & Beer: Coupon LeadBox™

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This LeadBox offers a 5 € coupon in exchange for a visitor's contact information[/caption] What Stands Out: Well, the first thing that stands out is that this page is in German, as is the LeadBox™. (The LeadPages™ app is in English, but you can make your landing pages and LeadBoxes® in any language!) For those of you who don’t read German, this page is a placeholder page for the Bang Bang Burgers & Beer restaurant in Gelsenkirchen. They say their website is under construction but you can call their restaurant to make a reservation, and you can download a 5 € coupon if you sign up for their newsletter. The picture on the side—a gilt frame around a very tasty looking meal—promises a nice evening out when you redeem your coupon, and provides incentive to opt-in.

5. Digital Access Pass: Free Report LeadBox™

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The headline in this LeadBox™ spells out the benefits of this report.[/caption] What Stands Out: People want to know what they’re getting when they give you their email address in exchange for a download. Digital Access Pass does a fine job of telling you what you’ll get from their free report. The words “Everything You Need To Know About How To Create Content, Package That Content And Make Money With It” spell out the benefits of their free report, Member Models & Content Strategies, and those words are compelling enough to get site visitors to click on the “Free Instant Access” button below.

6. Rillera Design: Free Report LeadBox™

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The headline and image in this LeadBox™ are both very compelling.[/caption] What Stands Out: As soon as you click on the download button on Antonio Rillera’s website, you are immediately drawn to the picture of the business funnel on the left. Your eyes then move to the right, where the headline “Want to 2x-3x Your Leads WITHOUT More Traffic or Shenanigans?” grabs your attention. This promise of getting more leads while putting in less work on driving traffic to your landing page is a great incentive for site visitors to opt in. All in all, I expect this LeadBox™ does a nice job of converting, which is also what its downloadable report promises to teach you.

7. Simple Roots Wellness: Video LeadBox™

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The logo in this LeadBox™ says it all.[/caption] What Stands Out: Sometimes a good graphic can do a lot of the work for you. The Simple Roots Wellness LeadBox® is a nice illustration of this. Even though you see it on the matching landing page, the graphic is the first thing to catch your eye. The words on the graphic—“The Simple Cleanse” and, in smaller type, “a Simple Roots Wellness program”—tell you what you’re getting, all via a polished logo-style graphic that suggests this is an established product from an established brand. The “Get Access” button takes you to the three videos promised on the landing page. The entire LeadBox™ is clear and simple, and it also looks terrific.

8. The Shark Chat: Video LeadBox™

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Daymond John uses his image to enhance his brand.[/caption] What Stands Out: Daymond John, of Shark Chat and the TV show Shark Tank, uses his picture very effectively on this LeadBox™. Because he’s a well-known venture capitalist and TV personality, having his face on his landing page and on his LeadBox™ evokes his personal brand while immediately sparking a relationship with site visitors. The promise of instant access to a Shark Chat video about how to build your brand is a strong incentive to get you to enter your name and email address. Nice to see this Shark using our tools to further his work.

9. 8 Ways Blog: Free EBook LeadBoxes®

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Mandy McEwan uses her LeadBox™ in three different places on her blog.[/caption] What Stands Out: As you watch the GIF above, you’ll see that Mandy McEwen uses the same LeadBox™ three different times on her blog pages. There’s a link at the top of the page, a link in the middle and a link toward the bottom. Each one of these links has a different image, which makes each stand out. If the first one or two don’t catch your eye, the third one probably will. (By the way, we do the same thing on our blog. We’re even doing it in this post.) Mandy also makes great use of one of our animated progress bars. I mention this because we’re giving away a pack of five of these progress bars as part of this post. You can download them hereor use the button at the end of this post.

10. Natalie Marie Collins: NAMS Notebook LeadBox™

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The bright colors and great button copy reflect Natalie's bubbly personality.[/caption] What Stands Out: You can make a lead magnet out of just about anything. Natalie Marie Collins took detailed—and illustrated—notes when she attended the Novice to Advanced Marketing System (NAMS) conference last month. So she decided to make those into her lead magnet. Natalie's personal brand is bubbly and enthusiastic, and her LeadBox™ captures that appeal. The image gives a peek at her note-taking style, the bright pink button matches the fun colors of her illustration, and the upbeat tone inspires visitors to agree that, as the button says, "Yes, I Want the Goods!"

Share Your LeadBoxes® With Us!

Now that you’ve got lots of great ideas for new LeadBoxes®, and before you head off to create a new one, please share any LeadBoxes® you’re currently using by clicking on the "We Want To Feature You" box in the sidebar or leaving a comment below. Feel free to leave a comment below with any insights you’ve gained here, any ideas you’re looking forward to trying in your next marketing campaign or even which LeadBox™ was your favorite. Thanks so much to the marketers featured in this month’s roundup. Keep those creative ideas coming! And don't forget to download your animated progress bar bundle by clicking on the button below.

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By The Leadpages Team
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