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Leadboxes® Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite Leadboxes from March 2016

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Apr 01, 2016  |  Updated Mar 31, 2023
By The Leadpages Team

There’s a bit of a paradox at the heart of most great marketing. Generally, a marketing asset that really works—whether it’s as big as a halftime commercial or as small as the message on a pop-up form—has two key qualities: a) It fits perfectly into its context. and b) It’s a little unexpected. You see it, something about it surprises you a bit at first, and then it all clicks. It’s a little like a good joke. The pieces come together in a totally satisfying way, but they didn’t necessarily come to you all at once. That’s a lofty standard for a humble pop-up form, for sure. But regardless of the challenge, most of the 10 best Leadboxes we saw this month all contain a pinch of the unexpected while also fitting right into the context of the pages they appear on. To pull it off, they make clever use of copy, color, and, especially, images. Those can be tough to come by when you need something quick and high-quality for a Leadbox, so we put together something special for readers of this post. When you click below, you’ll get a free pack of 65+ icons and mini-illustrations to use royalty-free. From consulting to law to real estate, you’ll find solid and multicolor images ready to be added to your Leadboxes, landing pages, or any other asset you have (some of which we’ve never released on the blog before). Grab the pack here: [cta-box] Below, join me in analyzing 10 great Leadboxes:

1. Shoe Envy: Discount Code Leadbox


What Stands Out: I’ve included four pages in the GIF above because this sequence is just so elegant. Which makes sense for a boutique shoe company. When landing on a category page, shoppers are enticed by a sidebar banner offering two pairs of flats at a steep discount. Inside the Leadbox, we see a pair of beautifully photographed flats and clear instructions that present the discount as a special offer for subscribed members. “Yes, sign me up, I want this!” the call-to-action button exclaims, ramping up the excitement. What’s really cool here, though, is what happens next. Instead of waiting for the discount code to arrive via email, new subscribers get it immediately as they’re redirected to a special landing page (made with Leadpages’ Coupon Page template). Then, once they’ve viewed the code, they can simply click a button to keep shopping, discount in hand. Any e-commerce company would do well to give this strategy a try.

2. Dog Sense Online: Squeeze Page Leadbox


What Stands Out: Leadpages designer Kayla encountered this page by chance: it was recommended to her when she was adopting a new puppy. It might be the single cutest squeeze page I’ve seen yet, and the Leadbox is just as irresistible. The image inside—a pup waving his paw in welcome—gets visitors excited about socializing with their dog immediately. The copy’s simple but packed with personality: “Doggone right, I want tips I'll use every day with my pup!” the headline proclaims, while the button answers: “Woof … Here It Comes.” It’s proof that a page doesn’t have to be busy to be a lot of fun.

3. Quentin Hafner: Workshop Launch Leadbox


What Stands Out: This entire page is a stunner, and the Leadbox fits into it perfectly. It pops up against a lush photo background, which, having set the right emotional tone, gives way to the crisp design of the opt-in form. Quentin carries the main colors of his landing page into the Leadbox, which is strongly branded by the sharp logo used as a header at the top. The copy is fittingly clear and professional, with one nice creative touch. Rather than “Click Here” or “Submit,” the button reads “Let’s Connect!” While calling back to the topic of the workshop, it also gives the impression that members will be getting to know Quentin one on one.

4. Theatrefolk: Video Series Leadbox


What Stands Out: This simple, appealing opt-in page makes its Leadbox unmissable. You can click the button to trigger it, but also an in-text link and the large hero image—a smart choice on a page that has just one goal. In case you clicked before scrolling all the way down to see the free workbook that’s included with the course, Theatrefolk places another image of it—this time cracked open as if to suggest you’re getting closer and closer to diving in—in the Leadbox. The copy’s as impeccable as you’d hope a schoolteacher would write, and the orange-and-blue button sports one of the nicest CTA button color schemes I’ve seen.

5. Suzanne Morgan Yoga: Course Preview Leadbox


What Stands Out: This is a neat way to gauge interest in a course you’re planning: let people opt in for an in-depth guide to the course. Yoga teacher Suzanne Morgan has embedded Leadpages-created green call-to-action buttons in her announcement blog post to trigger her opt-in form. The Leadbox is spare and simple, with a beautiful white lotus flower hanging in midair to inspire visitors. The text contains just the right amount of detail to get visitors to act, telling them exactly what to do and reminding them of the (well chosen) full name of the course.

6. The Team Training Institute: E-Book Leadbox


What Stands Out: This Leadbox is an excellent example of using a landing page, Leadbox, and image to support each other rather than repeat each other. The landing page encourages frustrated dentists to opt in for a free e-book and three bonuses, while inside the Leadbox the image shows what those bonuses are (evidently, three DVDs on related topics). The Team Training Institute also uses this Leadbox to begin segmenting its email list. A drop-down menu asks visitors to indicate their position at their dental practice. Knowing this, the company can more easily identify decision-makers and send better content to everyone who subscribes.

7. Devesh Design: Bonus Pack Leadbox


What Stands Out: Devesh Khanal has shared this tactic in a guest post for Leadpages: whenever you write a guest post, create a “greatest hits” landing page offering your most relevant content for that publication’s readers. In that post, he focused on the strategy, but on this “greatest hits” page, I want to focus on the Leadbox. To-the-point copy and a lovely illustration of the checklist templates Devesh is giving away serve this Leadbox well. But I’m especially taken with what he does beneath the opt-in button, typically used to promise leads that their email address won’t be sold to spammers. Devesh takes this idea to a fanciful extreme, writing: “I'll send the bonuses by email and guard your email in a locked safe with Siberian tigers keeping watch. Unsubscribe anytime. :)” It’s all the more enjoyable since the rest of the Leadbox is so straightforward.

8. Mary Czarnecki: Wholesale Signup Leadbox


What Stands Out: Good stuff at wholesale prices: that’s what this landing page for wholesale essential oils promises. It asks visitors to open a wholesale account, which may set visions of application forms dancing in your head—until you click the button and realize it’s as simple as filling in a short Leadbox. That’s a nice surprise in itself, and the Leadbox adds an extra bit of delight with an image that you can practically scratch and sniff. Lavender and lemon pictured with an essential oil bottle put visitors in the right frame of mind to make their lives more fragrant.

9. Unstuffed: Challenge Leadbox


What Stands Out: In the age of KonMari, a little extra push to declutter is often welcome—especially if it’s free. On this appropriately minimalistic page, visitors are invited to join a 10-day challenge to “unstuff” their own lives. Unstuffed’s creator, Ruth Soukup, would surely agree that there’s a right place for everything, and she realizes that the right place to show off the challenge components is inside the Leadbox. Images of a workbook and video series screen prime visitors to dig into the content. Ultra-clear copy and a red and gray color scheme make this Leadbox a seamless part of the landing page and the product.

10. Tai Goodwin: Prelaunch Leadbox


What Stands Out: Before Tai Goodwin was the Technical Support Training Manager at Leadpages, she was an author, speaker, and blogger (among other things). She still is, actually, and this spectacular crimson landing page gets people excited for her next venture, the Smart, Black, and Brilliant blog. Adding a Leadbox to an announcement page like this is indeed a brilliant way to generate a built-in audience for a brand new blog. Tai outdoes herself with a custom header image (similar but not identical to the one on the landing page) and on-point copy. In particular, the button’s message of “Keep me posted, Tai!” hits exactly the right note for a pre-launch list. Inspired? Before you go, don’t forget to download our mega-pack of 100+ icons and mini-images so you can add a touch of the unexpected to your next Leadbox or landing page: [cta-box]

Share Your Leadboxes with Us!

We’d love to see any Leadboxes you’ve recently implemented. Leave a comment below and let us know where we can find them! Or, if you don’t have a Leadbox to share, tell us which of the 10 examples above was your favorite. Thanks to all the marketers and entrepreneurs featured in this month’s roundup!

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