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LeadBoxes® Roundup: Our Top 10 Favorite LeadBoxes® from December

By The Leadpages Team  |  Published Jan 05, 2015  |  Updated Oct 06, 2023
By The Leadpages Team
LeadBoxes Roundup December

2014 was a heck of a year for LeadBoxes®. We added the ability to split test them, refreshed their default look and feel, gave them the ability to automatically pre-populate form fields, and even tripled their functionality with the addition of timed popup and exit popup publishing options. So it feels fitting to get 2015 started with a look at 10 of our favorite recent examples of LeadBoxes® in action. Be sure to take notes — there’s no doubt you’ll want to incorporate some of the ideas from this post into your own marketing efforts.

1 and 2. Shopify: Sidebar LeadBox™ + Content Upgrade LeadBox™

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Shopify LeadBoxes

It didn’t take us long to notice the addition of LeadBoxes® to Shopify’s excellent eCommerce University blog.[/caption] What Stands Out: In the example above, you can see two powerful usages:

  1. Shopify is using a LeadBox™ in their sidebar to allow visitors to opt-in to receive email updates from their blog.
  2. They’re also using a LeadBox™ to deliver a bonus resource specifically related to their blog post, “The Ultimate DIY Guide to Beautiful Product Photography.” This is known as a “content upgrade,” and it’s one of the most powerful ways to build your email list.

Both examples have been customized to be consistent with the clean look and feel of Shopify’s blog. To see these two examples from Shopify in action, click here.

3. Social Triggers: Home Page LeadBox™

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Social Triggers Derek Halpern LeadBox

Derek Halpern of Social Triggers is using this LeadBox™ to capture more email opt-ins on his home page.[/caption] What Stands Out: One of the biggest mistakes we see people make is not making their email signup obvious. That mistake was definitely not made in this example from Derek Halpern at Social Triggers. The bright green “Get Free Updates” button instantly grabs your attention when you land on the Social Triggers home page. This example shows how simple it can be to quickly boost your email signup conversion rate. To get an up-close look, just head over to Social Triggers.

4. Paleo Magazine: Exit Popup LeadBox™

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Paleo Magazine LeadBox

The folks at Paleo Magazine are turning potential bounces into conversions with this exit popup LeadBox™.[/caption] What Stands Out: As you can see, this LeadBox™ automatically appears when the cursor is dragged toward the top of the browser window. In this case, Paleo Magazine took things to the next level by offering a Christmas-specific recipe guide, which was highly relevant to their visitors during December. Visit their blog post to try this exit LeadBox™ out for yourself.

5. Beauty and the Vlog: Timed Popup LeadBox™

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Beauty and the Vlog LeadBox

Rather than popping up when a visitor is about to leave their site, Beauty and the Vlog’s popup LeadBox™ appears automatically after a predetermined number of seconds.[/caption] What Stands Out: In addition to customizing the LeadBox™ to match her site’s branding, Erika Vieira also added an additional form field that asks her visitors if they have a YouTube channel. This information will allow her to further segment her list so she can send subscribers the content that’s most relevant to them. To see this example in action, click here.

6. Riteway Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing: Contest Entry LeadBox™

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Riteway LeadBox

Riteway Heating, Cooling, & Plumbing uses this LeadBox™ to collect entries into their heating system giveaway.[/caption] What Stands Out: Need to collect a lot of information from your prospects? No problem. In this example, Riteway Heating, Cooling & Plumbing customized a LeadBox™ to collect entries for their heating system giveaway. Since the prize has such a high value ($6,000) most visitors will be more willing to fill out a long form than they usually would, making this a great opportunity for Riteway to collect detailed info about their prospects.

7. OnlineChessLessons.net: Facebook Registration LeadBox™

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OnlineChessLessons.net LeadBox

OnlineChessLessons.net made some clever customizations to the LeadBox™ built into the “Not Found 404 Page” LeadPages™ template.[/caption] What Stands Out: Are your visitors active on Facebook? If so, you may want to take a cue from OnlineChessLessons.net and try enabling one-click Facebook registration on your next LeadBox™. This feature lets visitors who are currently logged into Facebook opt-in for your list with just one click. OnlineChessLessons.net also added a “Skill Level” drop-down menu, allowing them to further segment their subscribers by their chess skills.

8. Soul Nourish Institute: Home Page LeadBox™

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Soul Nourish LeadBox

Soul Nourish Institute is putting their lead magnet front and center with an eye-catching banner they’ve connected to a LeadBox™.[/caption] What Stands Out: Soul Nourish's LeadBox™ includes a beautiful custom image, but what really stands out is the type of lead magnet they’re offering — a list of their favorite tools for having a great retreat. We’ve consistently seen “resource guide” lead magnets like this one outperform virtually every other format, including video, free coaching sessions, free ebooks, and more. If you’re planning on creating a new lead magnet, this is a format you should definitely consider. To see this LeadBox™ in action, visit Soul Nourish Institute here.

9. Book More Brides: Blog Post LeadBox™

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Book More Brides LeadBox

Do you have customers in multiple businesses? If so, you may want to consider segmenting your subscribers right from the start with a drop-down menu field like this example from BookMoreBrides.com.[/caption] What Stands Out: As you can see, the drop-downn menu allows subscribers to indicate exactly what type of wedding business they have. This gives Stephanie and Jeff invaluable insight into their audience and the type of content and products they should be creating. You’ll find this example at the bottom of every blog post on BookMoreBrides.com.

10. LeadPages™: Animated Progress Bar LeadBox™

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LeadPages LeadBox

At LeadPages™, we’re always experimenting with ways to raise conversion rates on our LeadBoxes®. The above example shows one of our latest tests — an animated progress bar.[/caption] What Stands Out: Not only is this LeadBox™ visually interesting, it actually increased our conversion rate when tested against the same LeadBox™ featuring the non-animated default progress bar. If you’re interested in trying a similar split test on your own LeadBoxes®, remember that you can easily set the test up in under a minute inside LeadPages™.

Before You Go, I’d Love to Know…

That wraps up our 10 favorite LeadBoxes® from the month of December, but before you go, I’m curious — did any of these examples spark an idea for your own business? If so, leave a quick comment below and let me know which example is your favorite. Or, if you’re in a rush, simply share this post with your friends to let us know you enjoyed it. Thanks to all the marketers featured in this month’s roundup!

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By The Leadpages Team
LeadBoxes Roundup December
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